Nothing foggoten, nobody foggoten

Автор: Блинова Елена Владимировна

Организация: МОУ ООШ №5

Населенный пункт: Челябинская область, г. Южноуральск

Цель урока: развитие коммуникативных компетенцй учащихся.


  1. сформировать уважение к старшему поколению, привить чувство патриотизма.
  2. Совершенствовать навыки изучающего чтения.
  3. Развивать навыки устной речи.

Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная.

Оборудование: компьютер, картинки, раздаточный материал,

Ход урока

  1. Разминка/ Вступление.

Dear boys and girls! I’m glad to see you today at the lesson. Do you want to know what we are going to speak about today? (Yes…)

OK. To know our subject let’s play. It’s domino. Do you know how to play domino? I will give you these cards. They have two sides. On the one side you have some holidays, on the other side there are their dates. You should match them with their dates.

Please, work in pairs. (Хожу по рядам, помогаю с заданием)


Saint Valentine’s Day

May, 9th


Victory Day

January, 1st


New Year’s Day


April, 1st


April Fools’ Day


February, 14th



  1. Презентация темы и цели урока.

But what holiday are we speaking today? Please, look at some pictures and guess our holiday (смотрим 3 слайда (картинки о войне)). What is this holiday? (Victory Day.) You are absolutely right.

Цели урока (на слайде) ()дети должны самостоятельно поставить цели урока опираясь на начало фразы)

I’d like to know …. (some interesting facts about this Great Day)

I’d like to learn …. ( some new words of this holiday)

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the victory in World War II. Victory Day is a wonderful holiday different from all other holidays. It is a national holiday and at the same time it is a very personal one.
Young generations know about the Great Patriotic War only from books and films. But we should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland.

  1. Речевая разминка. Беседа–разминка по теме «Великая Отечественная война».

Now please try to answer my questions.

1. When is Victory Day?
2. When did the Great Patriotic War start?
3. Who was the leader of Nazi Germany?
4. How do Russian people celebrate Victory Day?


1. 9 May
2. The Great Patriotic War started on 22 June 1941.
3. Adolf Hitler
4. On this day, TV networks broadcast World War II-inspired films, younger generations honor veterans, and the festivities culminate in a military parade at Moscow’s Red Square.

4. Словарная работа

Which words are associated with this holiday?
Дети называют слова, на доске и в тетрадях заполняется схема (список слов примерный).

Victory day

Nouns Adjectives Verbs


World War II

Great Patriotic War


















5.Введение новой лексики.

Проработка правильного произношения слов.
- Pupils, you see new words on the blackboard. Let’s read and translate them.



machine gun


resistance group





6. Выполнение упражнения. What do you know about victory Day?


На листочках (выполняют самостоятельно)


Fill in the words: war, peace, Patriotic, memory, heroes, honour.


The Great … War began in 1941. It was over in 1945. 2. People all over the world were happy when the … was over. 3. The people of the whole world are against war, they want … 4. A lot of Soviet people became real … during the Great Patriotic War. 5. We shall never forget the names of the war heroes, they will live in our … for ever. 6. As a tradition Russian people go to the memorials and monuments to … the memory of the war heroes on Victory Day.


7. Ролевая игра.

Работа в парах. Карточки распечатать, разрезать и раздать учащимся

Now work in pairs. Read your role card attentively, don’t forget to use the material of today’s lesson.

Student 1

You have come to Russia from England. Today is Victory Day. You have learned about World War II at school, but you know nothing about the Great Patriotic War. You are surprised to see that Victory Day is a really great holiday here. You want to learn about this day as much as possible.

Student 2

You live in Russia. Today is Victory day. Your friend from England doesn’t know anything about the history and traditions of celebrating this holiday. Answer his/her questions; tell him/her about the Great Patriotic War.



8. Развитие навыков чтения

– Now, boys and girls, you are going to read texts about Great Patronic War heroes. Read them by yourself. And the task is to find whom these texts are about. I’ll give you 5 minutes

A. Yury Levitan
B. Zoya_Kosmodemyanskaya
C. Musa Jalil
D. Gazinur Gafiyatullin

1. In August 1943, fascist spies managed to track down the resistance group. He and most of his militant comrades were seized. There followed nightmare days and nights of interrogations, torture, and more torture. The Gestapo broke his left arm and injured his kidneys. His body was covered with welts from the beatings. His crushed fingers were swollen and would not bend. But the poet did not give up. Behind bars he continued his fight against fascism. He had only his poetry for a weapon, which speaks of a truth that has been paid for by the highest price imaginable-the price of one's own life.

2. The Germans caught her as she started to torch another house. She was tortured and interrogated throughout the night but refused to give up any information. The following morning she was marched to the center of the town with a board around her neck bearing the inscription 'Houseburner' and hanged. Her final words were purported to be "Comrades! Why are you so gloomy? I am not afraid to die! I am happy to die for my people!" and to the Germans, "You'll hang me now, but I am not alone. There are two hundred million of us. You can't hang us all."

3. When there were no more than 25 meters to the earth-and-timber emplacement, he rose in all growth and threw in turn three grenades. The machine gun became silent only for an instant, but then again started watering with a lead rain. Then hero threw himself onto a German pill-box, blocking the machine-gun with his own chest. The machine gun choked, and all battalion rushed to attack. For his self-sacrifice in battle, he was posthumously awarded the distinction Hero of the Soviet Union

4. In June 1941 he read the Soviet Information Bureau message about the start of the war with Germany and voiced information bulletins from the fronts during all four years of fighting. Soviet marshals said his voice had the power of a military division. During the war, he also voiced documentaries that were edited in the same basement and shown to the soldiers on the front and the people of the fighting Soviet Union. His famous message that started with the words ‘From the Soviet Information Bureau…’ was recorded only years after the war’s ended – in the times of fighting no-one even thought of saving it for history’s sake.

T: -Now let's check your answers. Are you ready?
P: They are (тексты и называют героя)
4 2 1 3

T: Very good! We must know and remember our heroes. (слайд ) You see them on the board.

Now, pupils stand up, please. A moment of silence as a gesture of respect for those who have died at this terrible historical event, gave their lives for our Motherland
(слайд 6) (Минута молчания)
Т: Thank you very much! Take your seats, please.

9. Работа по тексту.
Развитие лексических навыков. (найти эквиваленты русских слов в тексте.)
Т: Find the equivalents to the Russian expressions
группа сопротивления
военные товарищи
дни кошмара и ночи допросов
борьба против фашизма
перехватить бомбардировщик
партизанское движение
свинцовый дождь
закрыл амбразуру своей грудью
самопожертвование в сражении
посмертно награжденный

T: Now let’s check your answers. (слайд )
группа сопротивления resistance group
военные товарищи militant comrades
дни кошмара и ночи допросов nightmare days and nights of interrogations
борьба против фашизма fight against fascism
перехватить бомбардировщик intercept the bomber
партизанское движение partisan movement
дзот earth-and-timber emplacement
свинцовый дождь a lead rain
закрыл амбразуру своей грудью blocking the machine-gun with his own chest
самопожертвование в сражении self-sacrifice in battle
посмертно награжденный posthumously awarded
10. Заключительное слово учителя.

Every year War veterans in large cities and small villages come together to celebrate Victory Day. They traditionally go to the War memorials to honour the memory of war heroes. But the numbers of veterans become fewer from year to year. Time takes that historic day farther away from us, but we always must remember it because it is closely related with our grandparents or great grandparents who did all to bring this victory closer. Our country lost more than 40 mln. of people in that war and saved the world from fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland.

11. Чтение учащимся стихотворения “Victory Day”


The ninth of May,

The heart of spring…

Of peace on Earth,

Of joyous Spring

All people sing

And voices ring.

And everyone is gay

On such a glorious day!


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Опубликовано: 12.10.2019