Внеклассное мероприятие «Сказка 12 месяцев»

Автор: Яковлева Ирина Александровна

Организация: МБОУ СШ №30 им. С.А. Железнова

Населенный пункт: г. Смоленск

12 months

Автор: Hello, everyone! Today you will see a fairy –tale ’12 Months’. This wonderful story was many years ago. How many seasons? How many months? Do you know? Let’s see. Once upon a time there lived angry mother and her two children. She loved only her son, but not her daughter.

Мачеха: Hey, Mashka! Give me water! Yak! It’s cold! You are bad! Mashka, give me carrots, onions and potatoes! It’s awful! Mashka, you are a very stupid girl!

Брат: Mashka! Give me tea and a cake, please! (роняет на пол и смеется) Oops, sorry!

Автор: It was winter. It was very cold. It was a lot of snow.

Мачеха: Mashka, your brother has a birthday tomorrow! Go to the forest and pick the flowers!

Маша: But mother! I’m afraid. And there are no flowers in winter. Where shall I take them?

Брат: Go and bring the flowers! Don’t be afraid! (смеется)

Автор: It’s dark. The clouds are black. It’s windy and snowy! (девочка идет сквозь сугробы)

Маша: Oh, what is it? What a big fire! Who are you?

Январь: Hello, girl! Where are you from? What do you need?

Маша: I need flowers. My mother wants flowers.

Январь: In winter? (удивленно)

Маша: Yes. (плачет)

Январь: What will be if you don’t have flowers?

Маша: I’ll stay in the forest.

Весна: I, I can help. Give me some time, brother! I’ll help her! Why are you staying? Take the flowers! (Девочка удивленно собирает цветы)

Маша: Thank you!!!!! (оглянулась, а никого нет уже)

Брат: Hooray! Where are the flowers?

Маша: Here they are!

Мачеха: Where did you take them?

Маша: In the forest. I saw the seasons! They helped me.

Мачеха: What did they give you else?

Маша: Nothing.

Брат: Why? Why?

Мачеха сыну: Go to the forest and ask for strawberries. Take your coat and mittens!

Брат: Hello!

Времена года вместе: Hello! Who are you?

Брат: You saw my sister. I want strawberries! Give me! (Строго)

Осень: We know your sister. She is a good girl!

Брат: Summer, autumn! Give me strawberries!

Осень и весна вместе: How?

Осень: It’s winter now. It’s January!

Весна: It’s cold and snowy.

Брат: Give me strawberries! Right now! (Стукнул ногой и сказал сердито)

Январь: (Сердито и грозно) It’s snowy! It’s windy! It’s cloudy!!!!

Брат: Stop! Stop! (кричит) (Засыпало снегом мальчика, он шел и потерялся. Мачеха пошла его искать.)

Мачеха: Son! Son! Where are you? (снег и вьюга замели мачеху, она потерялась)

Автор: Вот так всегда, добро побеждает зло! Будьте искренними и добрыми друг к другу! (играет песня “Jingle bells” – все вместе поют)

Слова песни: (1 куплет)

Dashing through the snow

In a one-horse open sleigh,

Over the fields we go,

Laughing all the way;

Bells on bob-tail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight, O

Припев: (2 раза)

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way! O what fun it is to ride In a one-horse open sleigh

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Русская народная сказка «12 месяцев»,
  2. Песня “Jingle Bells”.


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Опубликовано: 23.10.2019