Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе (Unit 8 “The World of Professions”)

Автор: Знамцева Вера Владимировна

Организация: МБОУ СШ № 41

Населенный пункт: Город Ульяновск

Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 8 классе

(Unit 8 “The World of Professions”)
1. Put every profession in the right column:




intellectual work

physical work

creative work





2. Match these jobs with places.

1. teacher a) theatre

2. therapist b) shopping centre

3. banker c) night club

4. priest d) gym

5. fireman e) hospital

6. DJ f) school

7. actor g) courthouse

8. fitness instructor h) bank

9. salesperson i) church

10. judge j) fire station


3. Match the occupations to the descriptions. One title is extra.

1. Singer

2. Sportsman

3. Journalist

4. Businessman

5. President


  1. He gets up at seven o’clock in the morning and goes jogging. Then he takes a cold shower and has a healthy breakfast. After that he goes to the gym to play basketball. Then, he lifts weights and runs. He is very strong. At half past twelve he has lunch with his family. And at four o’clock he trains again. In the evening he has dinner and watches TV. He goes to bed early, at ten o’clock.
  2. He starts his day with morning exercises at half past six. Then, he reads several newspapers and has breakfast. After breakfast, he starts his work. His day is usually packed with meetings, speeches and public ceremonies. The activities may include: making phone calls to other heads of state, meeting with members of Congress, discussing policy with advisors and staff, speaking with the media. He may work as late as ten o’clock some evenings. He goes to bed at about one o’clock at night.
  3. From Monday to Friday she wakes up early, at seven o’clock, because at seven o’clock they start recording “Olympic”. At two o’clock she has lunch in a restaurant and in the afternoon she goes to the café and meets her friends. Then, she works with the composer or her former teacher. If she is free she goes shopping or to the cinema. In the evening, at eight o’clock, she starts studying the text. She never goes to bed late, before twelve o’clock.
  4. The alarm clock goes off at five o’clock in the morning. He jumps in the shower. His office is five minutes away. And he has to be at his desk, at his office, with the first cup of coffee and write the first word at half past five, five days a week. His goal is to write a page every day. Sometimes it takes ten minutes, sometimes an hour. Then, he goes to court to collect and later report information. During the daytime he takes some interviews.


4. Read the text and decide if the sentences are TRUE, FALSE or NOT STATED.

Work at the Foreign Trade Company


Decency- порядочность

To prevent- предотвращать

To refuse- отказать

Exclusion- исключения


Hosts’ headquarters- штаб-квартира хозяев

To represent- представлять

To increase- увеличивать

His name is Maxim. He works as a manager at the "Star tour" company. It is a Russian company which works in the business travel market. Two weeks ago he was sent by the administration of his company to London where he studied the English travel companies, their traditions, their marketing and management. Now his business trip is coming to an end and he wants to share his impressions of English business world.

First of all English businessmen are well known all over the world for their honesty and decency. If an Englishman gives you his word he will keep it in any case. Besides that, nothing can prevent him from refusing the once taken decision. Of course, there are some exclusions, but they are so rare that nobody should put attention on them.

During the last two weeks his working day was approximately the same. Early in the morning he took a taxi to his hosts' headquarters, which is situated in the City - the business heart of London. First of all he usually asked Mrs. Lapital -his secretary if there were any letters or cables for him. Then she gave him his correspondence and fresh newspapers and he followed to his office-room. There he studied all documents that had come for his name and wrote a short report about previous business day and then faxed it to his native company in.

After that he went to Mr. Forsberg's office-room to get tasks for the new day and ask some questions about their company, its history, traditions, clients, and so on. After that he usually did what Mr. Forsberg told. His usual job was meeting with potential clients, discussing their rest plans and offering the services of Mr. Forsberg's company. He usually met 10 or 12 people a day. They were representatives of different social groups and communicating with them increased his knowledge of England, Englishmen and their psychology greatly.

This business trip was a great chance for him and he hopes he used this chance fully.

  1. The “Star tour” company is an English company.

1)True 2) False 3) Not Stated


  1. Maxim was sent to Scotland for his business trip.

1)True 2) False 3) Not Stated


  1. English businessmen are respectable and honorable.

1)True 2) False 3) Not Stated


  1. He has been working for this company for ten years.

1)True 2) False 3) Not Stated


  1. Maxim’s usual job was meeting with clients and discussing their plans.

1)True 2) False 3) Not Stated




Список литературы.

  1. М. В. Вербицкая. Английский язык. Рабочие программы. Предметная линия учебников «Forward» 5-9 классы. Москва. «Вентана-Граф» 2019.
  2. М. В. Вербицкая. Английский язык. 8 класс. Москва. «Вентана-Граф» 2016.
  3. Ю.Е. Ваулина, О.Е. Подоляко. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для общеобразовательных организцийю Тренировочные упражнения в формате ОГЭ (ГИА) 8 класс. Москва «Просвещение» 2018.

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Опубликовано: 19.02.2020