Our Favourite Pastimes

Автор: Федулкина Анастасия Геннадьевна

Организация: МБОУ «Лицей №1»

Населенный пункт: Республика Мордовия, р.п. Комсомольский

T: Good morning, boys and girls! I am happy to see you .I hope you are all right.

1.Речевая зарядка

First I want you to warm up, are you ready? Please, repeat the actions and the words after me :

It’s time to think

It’s time to speak

It’s time to show

Ready, steady, go

Now we try to do it a bit faster! It’s time to think

It’s time to speak

It’s time to show

Ready, steady, go

And now let’s do it as fast as we can : It’s time to think

It’s time to speak

It’s time to show

Ready, steady, go

Are you ready to begin our lesson?......(Yes, we are) ….Perfect.

Sit down, please!

2. Определение темы и целей урока

T: I don’t know anything about you, just your names, and you don’t know anything about me.I wonder what you like to do in your free time. As for me I enjoy reading books.

And what about you, Lena, what do you like to do?

P1: I like to dance

P2: I like to read books

P3: I like to speak English

P4: I like to play games


T: And now children, guess what the theme of our lesson is going to be.

Pupil: I think the theme of our lesson is Our Favourite Pastimes.

T: Yes, that’s right. The theme of our lesson is Our Favourite Pastimes.

Today we have an unusual lesson. It’s a trip to the World of Hobbies and Interests. We are going to speak about the things you are interested in.

We will make a trip. We will make it by train. Look at the blackboard: this is our train, it has five carriages. They are our carriage-stations. Over our carriages there are signs. Look at them and guess what the aims of our lesson are. What skills shall we develop?

P1: We shall develop speaking skills.

P2: We shall develop reading skills.

P3: We shall develop listening skills.

T: That’s right. We shall develop speaking skills, reading skills and listening skills.

Let’s begin our trip! ( гудок паровоза + объявление станции на слайде)

When people have free time, they can do what they like. They have hobbies. Hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time. Different people have different hobbies, what are they? (слайд 2- картинки, дети перечисляют названия хобби)

And now children tell me what you are fond of? (слайд 3- вопрос:

-What are you fond of?

-I am fond of...)

(игра с мячом)

3. Формирование навыков чтения

Attention! Station Cinema! (включить запись на слайде)

Look at the screen, please! A girl from England has sent you a letter. Read it, please. I will give you 2-3 min. (слайд 4-письмо в виде e-mail про кино)

Dear friends in Russia,

Hi! My name is Monica Barton and I am 12 years old. My hobby is cinema. I can’t imagine my life without it. Cinema brings culture to my home. When I have free time I always go to see some new films. There are different film-genres, but as for me I enjoy watching adventure films. My favourite adventure film is Pirates of the Caribbean. It was shot by Gore Verbinski. This film is often shown on TV. Have you ever seen this film? What kind of films do you prefer?I’ll be glad if you answer my e-mail. I would like to discuss new films with you and share feelings.

Answer the questions, please!

  1. What is Monica’s hobby?
  2. What film-genres does she like?
  3. What’s her favourite film?
  4. Why does she want to find a new friend from Russia? (Слайд 5)


Fill in the gap!

1) Monica’s hobby is...

2)... can’t imagine her life without it.

3) When Monica has free time, she always goes to see some ... ...

4) Monica likes to watch... ...

5) Her favourite film is...

6) Monica thinks that cinema brings ... to her home.



4. Формирование навыков аудирования

Attention! Station Sports and Games!(включить запись на cлайде)

(Слайд 6 – 10 загадки от учеников в виде ауд-я + 11 слайд – проверка ответов учащихся!)

Pupils of our lyceum have prepared riddles for you, guess them! You will listen to each riddle twice! There are answer sheets on your desks. Write your answers on them!

  • It is a game played between two teams of 11 players. Players kick a ball around a field trying to score a goal. The winner is the team that has more points. This game is very popular in our country and all over the world (football).
  • This is winter sport. There are two teams. Each player wears a helmet and skates and has a stick. This game is played by strong, brave men. This sport is dangerous. (hockey)
  • Men and women can play this game, but men play with men only and women play with women. They use a racquet and a yellow ball. This game can be played indoors and outdoors. There are world-known championships of this game such as Wimbledon, US Open and the Australian Open. (tennis)
  • This game is played on a court with a large orange ball. There are 5 players in each team. Two teams try to score goals by throwing a ball into a basket with the net. The players bounce the ball while running and pass it to each other. The team which has more points wins. (Basketball)
  • It is a game of 2 players. Each of players starts with 16 different playing figures to move on a board. The aim is to move your figures so that the opponent’s king will be taken (chess)

Exchange your answer sheets and check each other, please. Have you got any mistakes? Look at the screen! Raise your hand, if you haven’t mistakes.

Well done!

Let’s find out if you know famous sportsmen.

Complete the sentences with the words given in the centre of the slide. (12 слайд)

1). Igor Akinfeev is a world-known__________football-player

2). Alina Zagitova is the star of_____________ figure-skating

3). Maria Sharapova is a famous____________ tennis- player

4). Anton Shipulin is a famous_____________ biathlete

5). Alexander Ovechkin is a famous__________ hockey-player


Well done, children! Thank you for your great work!


5. Динамическая пауза

Attention please! Station Break!

Let’s have a break! (13 видео слайд)

6. Формирование навыков говорения

Attention please! Station books!

Books help us to understand the world better. They teach us to be kind, clever, polite, hardworking and friendly. Books are our advisors and friends.

Now form a circle! Stand facing each other! Ask questions about books to each other!

  • Do you like reading books?
  • Who is your favourite writer?
  • What is your favourite book?

Thank you! Sit down please! Let’s act out your own dialogue!

Come to the blackboard, please!



Attention please! Station Creativity!

Nowadays there is a very popular hobby that many people are fond of. This is a lap book. A lap book is like a project. This is a way how you can present your hobby colourfully. While making a lap book you should use your creativity and imagination. Have a look at the screen. There are some examples of lap books.(17-20 cлайды ).And now try to make your own lap books on 2 topics: lets unite into 2 groups. Those of you who likes sport, please, have a seat at the first table, those of you who likes books have a seat at the second table!

Now let’s see what you have done. Present your lap books , please!

Thank you, children. I enjoyed your lap books!


Our trip is over! I would like to know if you enjoyed it.

If you liked our trip, show me a green stick

If you didn’t like our trip, show me a red stick


Everyone was smart, active and creative! And I will give you excellent marks! Your home task is to tell about your hobby.

(21 слайд Thank you for your good work!)



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Опубликовано: 19.02.2020