Урок по английскому языку «Bashkir and Russian national costume»

Автор: Файзуллина Альбина Миннуровна

Организация: ГБОУ БРГИ №1 имени Р.Гарипова

Населенный пункт: г. Уфа



- актуализировать знания учащихся по теме “Clothes”;

- освоить и закрепить изученную лексику по теме “Bashkir and Russian national outwear”.

- расширить кругозор по теме;

- реализовать межпредметные связи (мхк, музыка, история, бащкирский язык, русский язык ).


- развивать навыки монологической речи;

- развивать навыки чтения и аудирования с полным пониманием информации;

-совершенствовать навыки языковой догадки, памяти, внимания, мышления.


-воспитывать умение внимательно слушать и слышать

-формировать потребности и способности к сотрудничеству

-воспитать любовь к языку, патриотизм

-воспитать чистоплотность и аккуратность



  1. Организационный момент. Просмотр слайдов.
  2. Фронтальный опрос.
  3. Проверка д/з. Региональный компонент.
  4. Новая тема. Актуализация лексики. Работа в группах, парах.
  5. Физкультминутка.
  6. Описание костюмов.
  7. Выводы. Д/з. Оценивание. Рефлексия


  1. Организационный момент. Teacher: Good morning! I am glad to see you! Take your seats, please. Look at the screen and answer the question. What are we going to talk about? Учащиеся смотрят на слайд, пытаются отгадать тему урока.

Students: we are talking about national clothes

Teacher: Excellent. You are right. Look at the next slide. What national clothes is it? Ученики слушают народную музыку и смотрят на слайд, угадывают какой это национальный костюм.


As you see, Bashkortostan is a multinational republic. What day is it today? What holiday do you have today? Our lesson is devoted to Bashkir and Russian national clothes. First of all, I want you to revise the words on the topic “Clothes”.


  1. Фронтальный опрос. Teacher: Answer the questions. What are you wearing now? What are your favourite clothes? What do you wear on a hot day? What do you wear on a cold day? What kind of material do you like to wear?what kinds of colours do you like to wear?What do you prefer to wear? What can you wear on your head / feet / hands? Are you fashionable?

Try to wear beautiful and comfortable clothes. Don’t forget that good clothes open all doors. Translate this proverb.

  1. Проверка д/з. Ученики читают пословицы о одежде на трех языках: башкирский, русский и английский.

Teacher: You were to find English Bashkir, Russian proverbs about clothes at home. What English proverbs have you found ? Read Bashkir proverbs, Russian proverbs.

Students: Good clothes open all doors. Встречают по одежке, провожают по уму.

Teacher: Well done. Thank you . You know many interesting proverbs.

4. Новая тема. Работа в парах. Ученик распределяют слова в две группы: башкирские и русские национальные костюмы. Клеят названия костюмов на манекены.

Teacher: Let’s talk about Russian and Bashkir national clothes. Look at the dummies. Every country has its national clothes. They reflect history, traditions, customs, and the whole spirit of the nation . So do Russian and Bashkir clothes. The main material for making these clothes are home made cloths, leather, sheepskin, and fur. Why did people use sheepskin, fur?

Students: Our ancestors used sheepskin, fur for making clothes because Bashkir and Russian people liked hunting, led a nomadic lifestyle.


Teacher: You have some words on your desks. Be very attentive, we cannot translate them in the English language .Work in pairs. Divide the words into two groups: Russian or Bashkir clothes. Read only Russian national clothes

Students: kakoshnik, sarafan, kushak,rubaha

Teacher: What are the Bashkir ones?

Students: tushelderek, sitek, burek, ushtan, kuldak, kashmau, elan


Teacher: Stick these words with pins on the dummies. I see that you know the names of national clothes well.


  1. Физкультминутка.

Teacher: I think that you are tired. Stand up. I’ll show you some Russian or Bashkir movements. Repeat after me. Учитель показывает движения башкирского и русского танца под музыку, ученики повторяю.

  1. Описание костюмов. Работа в группах, описание костюмов и презентация своих текстов.

Teacher: Imagine that your are designers, you should describe national clothes. It’s time to work in groups. You are the 1st group. You a re the second one. Write a short text about national clothes .Choose any national costume.

Don’t forget to say:

  • what clothes it consists of
  • what material it is made of
  • what colour it is
  • what it looks like.


I’ll give you 5 minutes. Then you will present national clothes to your classmates.


Students 1: I’d like to present female Bashkir national clothes. It consists of kashmau, tushelderek, sitek, kuldak. Kashmau was worn only by married women. Our ancestors believed that it would protect them from enemies, evil. Kuldak is yellow ribbons. Kuldak looks like a dress with long sleeves. Bashkir women wore kumzul. It looks like a sleevelss jacket. It is black. Tushelderek or seltar is a headgear. It is made of silver coins.


Students 2. I want to tell you about male Bashkir clothes. It consists of

burek, ushtan, kuldak, elan,sitek. Men wear a shirt called kuldak with trousers ( ushtan). On special occasions they wear silk or velvet robes (elan).Sitek is usually made of sheepskin. Bashkir wear close-fitting vest- kamzul. Burek is a national men’ headdress . It is made of fur.


Student 3. It is a male Russian clothes. It consists of kushak, rubaha. Rubaha is a long shirt, trousers (porty), a belt (poyas-kushak). Rubaha is usually white. Shirts are made of cotton, silk or wool.




7.Выводы. Д/з. Составить описание шотландского костюма по образцу. Оценивание. Teacher: Let’s make the conclusion. What have you learnt today? Open your record books. Write down your homework. You are to surf the Net and find information about Scotish national clothes.

Use this table as an example.

Don’t forget to say:

  • what clothes it consists of
  • what material it is made of
  • what colour it is
  • what it looks like.


Teacher: Nowadays national clothes are getting more and more popular , some elements of the national costumes are widely used in the clothes of people .

Look at the screen . Where do Bashkir people wear burek?

Where do Russian people wear kakoshnik?

Why is it important to know about national clothes?

Students: They reflect the lifestyle and character of the people. National costumes show our history, traditions, customs and the whole spirit of the nation.

Teacher: By analysing the national costume we can learn more about the lifestyle, religion. At the same time the costume tells us a lot about every person, his or her age and social position, character and taste. Don’t forget that Bashkir and Russian clothes are unique. They show us dedication and love to our country and nationality. Thank you for your active participation.



  1. Башкортостан- жемчужина России//Вестник Комиссии Российской Федерации по делам ЮНЕСКО №17 (2013 г.)
  2. Башкирский костюм//Башкортостан укытыусыhы.№6, 2011



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Опубликовано: 21.09.2020