Дидактические материалы для изучения истории родного края на уроках английского языка

Автор: Мешкова Евгения Павловна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ №95 им.Н.Щукина» п. Архара

Населенный пункт: п. Архара

The animal world of the Amur Region.

The animal world of the Amur Region is rich and varied. From times immemorial in the region live 64 species of mammals, over 320 species of birds, and over 70 species of fish, including sturgeon, grass carp, taimen, lenok, lookup, Elopichthys bambusa, Chinese perch, grayling, carp, etc.
There is unique in the variety of the fauna: elk, sable, wolverene, black-billed capercaillie, black woodpecker, nutcracker, musk deer, spruce grouse, wild boar, Asiatic black bear, Manchurian and roe deer, Siberian polecat, azure-winged magpie, sheld duck, bustard, white-naped crane, mountain sheep, black-capped marmot, rock ptarmigan.
The population of these animals is rather high - elk: 20,000, Manchurian deer: 14,000, roe deer: 90,000, wild reindeer: 4,000, wild boar: 3,000, bear: 3,000, sable: 30, 000. The population of the deer in the Amur Region is the greatest in the country. In fall, before snow-falls roe deer migrate along their traditional routes to the southern, less snowy, fodder-rich areas. In spring, they return to the northern areas. During their migration, roe deer pass over 200 kilometers of woodlands, ford rivers, including big ones, such as Nora, Orlovka, Selemdzha, and Zeya.

They carry out programs of regeneration of the populations of animals by creating most favorable conditions for their multiplication.. The organization is also responsible for anti-poaching campaigns.

Of great importance for conservation of wild animals are 24 strict nature reserves available in the Amur Region with their total area of 17,132 square kilometers. Besides, there are three wildlife sanctuaries in the region. All in all, about six percent of the Amur Region's territory is under this or that form of protection. Populations of wild animals in the reserves and sanctuaries are by 4 to 5 times greater as compared with unprotected areas.
The reserves and sanctuaries are specializing in protection of certain species, for example, at the Lopchinsky and Gerbikansky preserves special care is taken of sables and wild reindeer; to specially protect migrating deer there have been set up the Orlovsky, Voskresenovsky, and Upper Zavitinsk reserves; at the Tashinsky and Ulminsky reserves are protected swans, cranes, and storks that are entered into the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. All in all, there are 19 endangered species in the Amur Region.



The wealth of our country sometimes amazes us.

Tasks-(-Find as much information as you can about animal world of your region /-Make a project in the form of a diagram connecting information about quantity of animals /-Present the project to your classmates./- Be ready to comment on the diagram)

Vocabulary- mammals-млекопитающие, sturgeon-осетр, grass carp-сазан, taimen-таймень, lenok-ленок, Chinese perch-китайский окунь, grayling-хариус, carp-карп, Elk-лось, sable-соболь, wolverine-росомаха, black-billed capercaillie-глухарь, spruce grouse-рябчик, wild boar-кабан, Manchurian and roe deer-косуля, Siberian polecat-хорек, bustard-дрофа, mountain sheep-баран, black-capped marmot-сурок, rock ptarmigan-куропатка.


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Опубликовано: 10.10.2020