Дидактические материалы для изучения истории родного края на уроках английского языка

Автор: Мешкова Евгения Павловна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ №95 им.Н.Щукина» п. Архара

Населенный пункт: п. Архара

A RUSSIAN LAND. How it started…

«We have not done it in vain: the Amur River became a true treasure of Russia. Let the regained state domain flourish anew».

Those words reflecting the history and civic pathos were uttered in Blagoveshchensk on May 16 1858 by Count N. Muravyov. Here on a bright May afternoon a meeting was convened for almost all the small town inhabitants. The Decree of Emperor Aleksandr ll was issued on founding Blagoveshchensk on the Amur. The people who gathered there were sincerely happy that from China Muravyov brought good news, on signing the Aigun Treaty that assigned the left bank of the Amur to Russia for ever.

First Russians came to Priamurye in the middle of XVII century. Poyarkov and Khabarov’s expeditions started the exploration of the place. The domains of the two great states, Russia and China became closer and the need emerged to regulate bilateral relations.

On August 29 1689 the Russian-Chinese Treaty was signed in Nerchinsk according to which the border between the two states was delineated along the river Gorbitsa flowing into the Shilka river from the north. The Albazino fortified settlement after that treaty was beyond the boundaries of the Russian Empire, had to be destroyed and its inhabitants were to leave the place.

The intense exploration of Priamurye and Primorye by Russians that started at the end of the first half of XIX century continued in the the following period. On May 10 1858 N.N. Muravyoy who led another Amur River sailining expedition, also headed the Russian delegation.

In April 1920 the buffer state was formed incorporating the Amurskaya, the Zabaikalskaya, the Kamchatskaya, the Sakhalinskaya and the Primorskaya oblasts. The state with the center in Chita was named the DVR in Russian (= the Far Eastern Republic). In 1922 the Far Eastern Republic adjoined RSFSR and on November 8 was renamed the Amurskaya gubernia having existed in that 1926. In January 1926 it went under the Dalnevostochny krai.

On October 20 1932 the Amurskaya oblast was formed that went under the Khabarovsky krai. On August 1948 the Amurskaya oblast got an independent status again.




Do you know the history of your native land?


Vocabulary Fortified settlement-укрепленное поселение Treaty-договор

Delineated-очерченный issued-выдан domain flourish anew-вновь процветать

Tasks-(-Find as much information as you can about history of your region /-Make a project in the form of chronological feed and photo collage /-Present the project to your classmates./- Be ready to speak on the topic fluently)



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Опубликовано: 10.10.2020