Шекспир не умрёт, ибо его имя высечено на камне под названием вечность

Автор: Карлова Людмила Владимировна

Организация: МОУ «Общеобразовательная школа №38 г. Енакиево»

Населенный пункт: Донецкая область, г. Енакиево

Интегрированное внеклассное мероприятие по теме: «Шекспир не умрёт, ибо его имя высечено на камне под названием вечность. ДЖ. Байрон» было проведено среди учащихся 8-11 классов в рамках Декады предметов гуманитарного цикла. За основу материала мероприятия взят учебный материал, который изучается в 9 классе: Spotlight 9, Culture Corner 5. William Shakespeare и в 8 классе по литературе. Выпускники сами проявили инициативу и самостоятельность в подготовке: оформили стенды, подобрали крылатые цитаты Шекспира, изготовили костюмы, выучили свои роли и талантливо их исполнили, декламировали сонеты.

Считаю, что такие мероприятия имеют большую познавательную ценность. Они повышают мотивацию к изучению английского языка и литературы.


Мероприятие начинается под звуки музыки ХVII столетия. На сцену выходит ученик (Шекспир) и двое ведущих.

Ведущий:Dear friends! We are glad to introduce the greatest playwright and poet W. Shakespeare to you. Our party is dedicated to his life and work. You`ll be able to show your knowledge of his plays and sonnets, your dramatizing and artistic abilities, your fantasy in creating your costume

Ведущая: The name of W. Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16-th and the beginning of the 17 centuries are known as the Golden Age of the English literature. This time is often called “The Age of Shakespeare”

Ведущий: Шекспир обладал гигантским словарным запасом - от 20 до 25 тысяч слов, современный же англичанин с высшим образованием употребляет не более 4 тысяч слов.
Шекспир ввел в английский язык около 3200 новых слов - больше, чем его литературные современники вместе взятые.
Не сохранилось ни одной рукописи Шекспира. Сохранились лишь шесть подписей на официальных документах сделанные его рукой.
У Вильяма Шекспира нет никаких наград, его творчество не было отмечено никакими дипломами.
Ведущая: Уильям Шекспир обладал идеальной памятью: он превосходно знал не только английскую историю, но и важнейшие процессы в европейских странах, имел осведомленность в античной философии, юриспруденции, разбирался в навигации, тонкостях международной дипломатии, медицины, владел несколькими иностранными языками, среди которых латынь, греческий, французский, итальянский и испанский. Кроме того, драматург хорошо разбирался в политике, музыке и ботанике (исследователи насчитали 63 названия растений в его произведениях).
Ведущий:The first facts of Shakespeare’s biography are that he was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Шекспир: And now it`s my turn to speak. Stratford-upon-Avon is a marvelous place. I was born there and I went there to die. At that time, Stratford had only eight or nine streets and fewer than 1,500 inhabitants. It was a market town, where the local farmers could bring their crops, animals, and other goods to sell. The town stands on the Avon, a pretty river with grass and trees on both banks.

Ведущая: So, your childhood was rather happy, wasn`t it?

Шекспир: Yes, it was. And it was due to my parents. Let me introduce my father

На сцену выходит ученик в костюме купца ХVI столетия- Джон Шекспир

Джон Шекспир: My name is John Shakespeare. I am a dealer in corn, meat, wool and leather. I am a man of some importance, next to the Mayor. I am married. Meet my wife Mary Arden. На сцену выходит мать В. Шекспира. Marry is the youngest daughter of a rich farmer. She is a woman of lovely character

Мери: Thank you, for your kind words, but we are here not to speak about ourselves. I`m going to talk about William. I am proud to have such a clever son. He was always good at learning. He attended grammar school at Stratford, It was free to the citizens of the town It was considered to be the best school in the shire. The grammar school was founded by King Edward VI not long before William Shakespeare was born. Here William studied Latin, Grammar. He could have stayed there until the age of 16. He learned to read and write there, and it was not an easy task at that time, because reading was taught as learning by heart. Besides, he had private lessons at home. An Italian who lived in our house taught him Latin, Italian and poetry of many foreign authors

Ведущая: (обращаясь к Шекспиру) So, you were learning all the time at school and at home. Wasn`t your childhood dull and boring?

Шекспир: Not at all. My childhood was full of fishing and hunting. Besides, I was still a boy when I began to write plays and poems. I devoted my first verses to my beloved Anne Hathaway. At the age of 19 I got married to Anne, a farmer's daughter, some years older than myself, and we had 3 daughters. I lived in Stratford until I was 21. Let me introduce my wife to you.

Анна: I grew up in Shottery, a small village just to the west of Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire, England. I grew up in the farmhouse that was the Hathaway family home, which is located at Shottery, and is now a major tourist attraction for the village. My father, Richard Hathaway, was a yeoman farmer. I can`t say that my marriage was a happy one and how could it be when Willie left me, our two daughters and a son, and went to London?

Шекспир: I had to go there because there was no work for me in Stratford. That`s why I decided to go to London and try myself first as an actor and later as a playwright. I wrote most of my plays for the Globe Theatre. I liked to watch actors and actresses who visited my native town. I was fond of actor's profession and decided to become an actor. I lived in London for 25 years.

Ведущий: And you were right that you went to London because you created a lot of literary works there. By the way, do you know how many sonnets and plays Shakespeare created?

Друг Шекспира: Аs I`m Willie`s friend I can say that he wrote 2 poems, 154 sonnets and 37 plays.

Ведущий: Yes, you are right. Shakespeare created 2 poems, 154 sonnets and 37 plays.

Друг Шекспира: I am glad you know a lot of his works. Now I want to suggest you a kind of competition. I`ll tell you the titles of his works. Among them are comedies, tragedies and historical dramas. Your task is to tell their literary genre.


“The Comedy Of Errors”

“The Taming Of The Shrew”

“The Two Gentleman OF Verona”

“All’s Well That Ends Well”

“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

“Much Ado About Nothing”

“Twelfth Night’s


“Hamlet, Prince Of Denmark”

Romeo And Juliet”



“Julies Caesar”

King Lear”

“Antony And Cleopatra”


“King Richard III”

“King Henry IV”

“King John”

Шекспир:I appreciate your knowledge of the titles of my works. But do you know their content?

Answer my questions.

1. What main hero lost his father, who was killed by his uncle? (Hamlet)

2. What was the name of the girl who fell in love with a man in mask? (Juliet)

3. What king had 3 daughters? (King Lear)

4. Who said; “To be or not to be – that is a question”? (Hamlet)

5. Whose last words were; “Thus with a kiss I die”? (Romeo`s)

6. Who said: “I kissed you before I killed”? (Othello)

Шекспир: And now I want to invite the students to dramatize some dialogues with the help of which you’ll be able to identify the heroes with my literary works


"King Lear"
Once upon a time King Lear ruled Britain. He was a proud and despotic King. The King had three daughters.
The eldest, Goneril, was the wife of the Duke of Albany. The second daughter Regan was married to the Duke of Cornwall.
The youngest daughter Cordelia hadn't a husband. She was Lear's pet.
One day the old king decided to divide the Kingdom in the three among his daughters.
The King ordered to invite all his noblemen and the daughters he should ask Goneril, Regan and Cordelia about their love towards the father and the King.
King. Do you Love me, my daughters? Do you love your father and King?
Goneril. My love is more than simply words you are dearer to me than health, life and beauty. I love you as much as child ever loved. My love makes breath poor and speech unable.
Regan. I love you as my sister. And my life is to love you, sir.
King. Good, my daughters. What about you, Cordelia?
Cordelia. I love you according to my bond, neither more nor less.
King. What do you mean? Explain your words.
Cordelia. You have begot me, bred me, loved me. I love you too. But when I marry, I'll give half my love to my husband.
King. So young and so untended! You are a bad daughter! I won’t give you my land. I want to see you never.
The King of France.
The King, Cordelia's words were true.
But I am going to marry with her and
I needn't your land at all, because I love her.
King Lear.
Well. Let your truth be with you.
Take her and go out, because I'll divide
My Land only in two parts - for Goneril and Regan.
King of France. See better, Lear. You think of evil.тУходит вместе с Гонерильей.
Author. King Lear did so. The Kingdom was divided into two parts. The eldest daughters with their husbands retained to their castles. The King of France married with Cordelia and they went to France.


D: Who's there? Othello?
О: Yes, Desdemona.
D: Will you come to bed, my lord?
O: Have you prayed tonight, Desdemona?
D: Yes, my lord. Alack, my lord, what may you mean by that?
O: Think of your sins.
D: They are loves I bear to you. But what's the matter?
O: That handkerchief which I so loved and gave you, You gave to Casio.
D: No, by my love and soul. Send for the man and ask him.
O: Therefore confess you freely of your sin,
I wouldn't kill you unprepared spirit. I say, amen.
D: I never did offend you in my life; Never loved Casio, I never gave him token.
O: By heaven, I saw my handkerchief in his hand. О perjured woman! You broke my heart.
D: He found it then. I never gave it him. Send for him here. Let him confess a truth.
O: He had confessed. And he is dead.
D: Alas, he is betrayed and I undone.
O: Down, strumpet, being done, there is no pause.
D: But banish me, my lord, but kill me not! Kill me tomorrow: let me live tonight!
O: It is too late...
D: But while I say one prayer!
O: Lord, Lord, Lord!

“Romeo and Juliet’


Can I go away when my heart is here? Turn back and find her.
(На «балконе» появляется Джульетта.)
It is my lady! Oh, it is my love!
Oh, if only she knew she were!
She speaks, yet she says nothing. What of that?
Her eye speaks for her; I will answer it.
I am too bold; 'tis not to me she speaks.
See how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!
Ah me!
She speaks. Oh, speak again bright angel.
Oh Romeo, Romeo! Why are you called Romeo? Deny your
father and refuse your name; or if you will not, swear to be my love
and I'll no longer be a Capulet.
Shall I wait to hear more, or shall I speak?
It is only your name that is my enemy. You are yourself, even if
you were not a Montague. What's a Montague? It is not a hand, nor
foot, nor arm, nor face. Oh, have some other name. What's in a name?
Ромео (обращаясь к Джульетте):
I take you at your word. Only call me love and I'll be baptized again.

From now on, I'll never be Romeo.


Monologue “Hamlet”

To be, or not to be, that is the question:

Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune:

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing, end them?

To die; to sleep,

No more; and, by a sleep, to say we end

The heart ache, and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh in heir to ‘tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish‘d. To die; to sleep; To sleep!

Быть или не быть – таков вопрос;

Что благородней духом – покоряться

Пращам и стрелам яростной судьбы

Иль, ополчасъ на море смут, сразить их

Противоборством? Умереть, уснуть –

И только; и сказать, что сном кончаешь

Тоску и тысячу природных мук,

Наследье плоти, – как такой развязки

Не жаждать? Умереть, уснуть, – Уснуть!

Ведущая: We know that Shakespeare is also a famous poet. His sonnets are popular and loved by many people.

Ведущий: His sonnets have been translated into many languages.

Ведущая: The last few years W. Shakespeare spent at Stratford. He died on the 23d of April 1616 on his 52nd birthday. His tomb is in the Stratford Church. Four lines are inscribed on it:


“Good friend, for Jesus’ sake, forbear

To dig the dust enclosed here:

Blessed be he that spares these stones,

And cursed be he that moved my bones.”

О, добрый друг, во имя бога,

ты прах под камнем сим не трогай.

Сна не тревожь костей моих,

будь проклят тот, кто тронет их.

It is believed that these lines have prevented the removal of his remains from his native place to Westminster Abbey.

Ведущий: That’s why Shakespeare’s body was left at Stratford and was not taken to Westminster Abbey where many famous English writers and poets are buried.

Ведущая: But life goes on…On April 23d, the annual festival in commemoration of

W. Shakespeare’s birthday is held at Stratford. All the world remembers Shakespeare.


Приснился мне чудесный сон,

Из памяти не стерся он…

В том сне явился мне Шекспир -

В нем целый, необъятный мир.

Спросил меня великий гений,

Знакомы ли его творенья

Живущим в веке двадцать первом,

Тревожат ль сердце, душу, нервы?

Ответу был безмерно рад,

Сказал, что выше всех наград,

Дороже всех сокровищ света

Известие, что зимой и летом

Спешит в театр и стар, и млад -

С Шекспиром встрече каждый рад!

Над чем-то поразмыслив, вдруг

Спросил великий драматург:


«Что ценно в жизни современной -

Любовь, здоровье ли отменное,

Надежда, вера, сила, дружба -

Каким быть в этой жизни нужно?»

Пока я думал что сказать

И как с волнением совладать,

Вдруг чудо новое случилось:

Джульетта юная явилась.


Я точно знаю, что любовь

Сегодня вновь волнует кровь.

Как много-много лет назад

В Вероне был Ромео рад

Спеть под балконом серенаду, -

А я-то как была ей рада!


Джульетта, милая, ты здесь?

Все ж, чудеса на свете есть!

О встрече этой я мечтал,

В нее я верил, точно знал,

Что будем мы, моя невеста,

С тобою непременно вместе!


А я все тот же - в искренность не верю,

Кругом - измена, злоба и порок.

И местью жизнь, пожалуй, не измерю,

Я главный получил уж свой урок.


Как я хотел бы в прошлое вернуться,

Где Дездемона милая жива.

По-доброму и нежно улыбнуться

В ответ на робкие ее слова.

Ведь не было измены - так совпало,

Она верна и предо мной чиста.

Все помню - как она упала

И как сомкнулись нежные уста.

Я много б отдал, чтоб ее вернуть,

Но жаль, не повторить мне этот путь!

Король Лир:

Покоя не найду я в мире этом,

Два воплощенья совести моей:

Корделия - любимей нет на свете

И Шут - чудак, но нет его мудрей!


Так что ж, мои герои живы?

Им место в современности нашлось?

Мои творенья люди не забыли?

Не скрою, что растроган я до слез.

И вижу я, что в мире современном

Те вечные понятия нетленны,

Что были поводом дуэлей и измен,

Убийств и в жизни резких перемен.

Все также люди любят и страдают,

Тоскуют, ждут, надеются, теряют…

Пусть главным в жизни вашей стал прогресс,

А с ним проблемы новые и стресс -

Слова такие модные у вас,

Вы их несете даже в школьный класс!

Я счастлив, что мечта моя сбылась:

Меня потомки вовсе не забыли.

И, значит, жизнь, ребята, удалась,

Коль мои книги вы так полюбили!

Друг Шекспира: Shakespeare told us: love mustn’t be killed. It is forever. Only love makes people be kind and strong, it makes people overcome all difficulties.

Laugh reading his comedies, cry reading his tragedies, dream reading his poetry!
Shakespeare’s works have helped millions of people all over the world to make some sense of their lives. They will help you to find your way in this life. So, read and enjoy Shakespeare’s works!




Использованная литература:

1.Ваулина Ю.Е., Эванс В., Дули Дж., Подоляко О.Е. УМК «Английский в фокусе» для 9 класса. – М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2010.

2.Shakespeare W. Romeo and Juliet. М. 1972.

3. Shakespeare W. Sonnets. 1965.

4.У. Шекспир. Трагедии. Комедии. Сонеты. Ростов-на-Дону. ЗАО «Книга». 2005

5.Шекспир В. Трагедии. М. Детская литература, 1964.

6.Сонеты У. Шекспира-Википедия

7.Литература. 8 класс. Коровина В.Я. и др.

Опубликовано: 29.10.2020