Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку ''Рождество в разных странах''

Автор: Скуридина Елена Валерьевна

Организация: ГОУ ЛНР Брянковская специализированная школа №1

Населенный пункт: ЛНР, г. Брянка

Topic: “Merry Christmas party

Данное открытое внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку рассчитано на учащихся 5-11 классов. Оно является подведением итогов проделанной работы по теме: «Праздники и празднование».

Оно позволяет определить уровень достижения поставленных целей; выявить уровень владения учащимися английским языком, их лингвострановедческую компетенцию.

Особенность такого мероприятия - интерактивность.


  • систематизировать изученный лексический материал по теме «Праздники и празднование» ;
  • развивать социокультурную компетенцию через освоение традиций национальных праздников;
  • стимулировать желание общаться на иностранном языке с использованием ИКТ.


  • активизировать употребление лексики по теме;
  • расширить объём продуктивного словарного запаса;
  • научить преобразовывать практическую задачу в познавательную в сотрудничестве с учителем

Тип: интегрированный.

Оборудование: ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, экран, видео и звукозаписи, украшения в форме звезд с пожеланиями

Ход мероприятия:

Frank Sinatra “Christmas Candles”, учащиеся 11 класса танцуют под этот вальс.

Участники танца останавливаются и читают по одному куплету(6 человек) “Christmas Bells” (приложение№1)

Good afternoon, dear children, ladies and gentlemen, guests.

Today we are going to show you the Christmas Party. We prepeared many poems, songs and dances, and today we want to show our work. So good afternoon , dear children and grown-ups, good afternoon, everybody! Welcome to our Merry Christmas Party. Today we are going to speak about Christmas and New Year, recite poems, and sing songs about winter holidays. And I’ve got a lot of games and activities in store for you. Now look at me , listen to the riddle and guess who I am?

I come with cold and snow

But you like me and know

Who I am? (Children answer together “Winter”)


Winter: Right you are, dear friends!

Музыкальная композиция «Маленькая звёздочка» -выход на сцену (Приложение№2)

Little star”Twinkle, twinkle little star” song

Winter : but who are you, little creature? What are you doing here?

Little star: I am a little star. I am here as a symbol of the coming Christmas. I symbolize light and hope. Do you know where and when people start celebrate Christmas? What do you know about this magic holiday?

Дети рассказывают о Рождестве.

Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25. It is the day when the Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. The world “Christmas” means “Christ’s Mass”- derived from the English term”Christesmasse”. There are many different customs and traditions around the world.

American customs come from many places. Santa Claus has a Dutch origin. He was developed from St.Nicolas who was a real person. St.Nicolas was the patron saints of schoolboys and sailors, and poor people. He brought gifts to children. The idea that Santa Claus comes down the chimney originated in Norway, where children hang Christmas stockings on the fireplace mantel.

Christmas trees have pagan origins. When pagans became Christians, they used evergreens(sacred trees) for the holiday by decorating them with nuts and candles. They sang Christmas carols as they danced around the Christmas tree.

Song :” Silent night, Holly night” (Приложение№3)

Christmas colours are red and green. Today, traditional Christmas activities include caroling, making and giving gifts, sending cards to family and friends, and enjoying festive dinners and parties.

Christmas stockings

There is a legend associated with the origin of Christmas stoking. St.Nickolas, who wanted to remain anonymous and help a poor family, threw gold coins down their chimney. They fell into a stocking that was hanging there to dry.


People decorate their houses for Christmas with candles of all shapes, colours, sizes, and scents. They create a warm, inviting feeling. On the Advent wreath,a candle is lit each week to remind us of the coming of Christ. Candles represent Jesus who is the light of the world.

Christmas carols

When St. Francis of Assisi created the first”crèche” or Nativity(manger) scene, he and others sang the first carols. Most carols were handed down by word of mouth for hundreds of years. Most of the early carols were about Mary, the shepherds, the Magi and the birth of Jesus. Later carols were sung by groups of people who would go to homes and sing in harmony.

Christmas cards

For many years, private notes of good tidings were sent at Christmastine. In 1843, Sir Henry Cole had 1,000 special designed cards printed. The custom of sending Christmas cards began.

Christmas wreaths

Christmas wreaths combine two symbols of everlasting life. The evergreen bough that stays green all winter and a continuous unbroken circular shape.


Holly trees can be found around the world . They remain green during the winter and can be used for decorating the winter and can be used for decorating. The holly wreth resembles the crown of thorns placed upon Christ’s head. The berries represent his blood.


A legend in Mexico tells of a small boy had nothing to offer the Christ Child on his birthday. As the prayed at the altar of a church, his prayers were answered and the”Flower of the Holy Night” sprang up before him. The bright red petals of the poinsettia are actually leaves. It originates in Mexico. It was brought to the United States in the 1800s by a man named Dr.Poinsett and was named after him.


The custom of a spring of an evergreen plant hung at Christmastime is that people can kiss each other standing under it.

Advent wreath

Four candles placed on a wreath. One candle is lit each Sunday before Christmas in anticipation of Christ’s birthday.


Church bells rang to announce the birth of Jesus. They still ring today.

Yule Logh

In early days fire was a symbol of the home , safety and warmth. The English took on the custom of burning the Yule log on Christmas EVE. It was considered good luck to sit on it before it was burned and it was bad luck if the fire went out quickly. After the holidays had ended (twelve days of Christmas) a piece of the log was saved to rekindle the next year’s log.


The lights represent Christ as being the “Light of the World”. Lights also represent stars. Candles were first used as lights on the Christmas tree.

Сompere 1: Today we’ll speak about one of the most popular English traditions-celebrating Christmas. Christmas Day is celebrated on December25. Many people look on the Christmas as the time to celebrate the earliest times.

Compere2: In those days the sun meant so much to primitive people that when it began to lower each day till December 23, people thought the sun was going to die and they were worried. They ate less keeping the food for the next year.

Compere 1: On December 23 the sun stayed in the sky longer and after that nights were becoming shorter and shorter. When this happened the primitive man was very happy. He wanted to celebrate it.

Compere 2 : Nowadays the 25th of December has become the the day of birth of Jesus Christ.

No one knows the exact day of Christ’s birth, but most Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25.

Oh, at last our guests have arrived. They are from different countries and want to tell you how they celebrate Christmas. You are welcome!

(Music is becoming louder) Last Christmas George Michel


Hello! I am from England. You see , Christmas Day , December 25th , is the most exciting day of the year for the most English children . They know that they will get presents.

Traditionally ,English children hang stockings at the end of their beds on Christmas EVE. In the morning they check whether their stockings have been filled with small toys, fruit and sweets.

Christmas lunch usually comes with the turkey or goose as the main dish. Afterwards , there is Christmas pudding to be eaten. Usually a coin or two are hidden in it, and part of the fun is to see who finds it.


Nice to see you! I am from Australia. Christmas in Australiaa is often very hot. It is not unusual to have Christmas Day well into the mid 30 degrees Celsius.

Some Australians and particularly tourists often have their Christmas dinner at midday on a local beach..Bondi Beach attracts thousands of people on Christmas Day.

Other families enjoy their day by having a picnic, swimming in a pool , playing cricket in the backyard, or doing other outdoor activities.

Australians surround themselves with Christmas Bush, a native plant which has little red flowered leaves.


Hi! I am American. The majority of Americans celebrate Christmas with the exchange of gifts and greetings and with family visits. For many, the states , the day begins on Christmas Eve with the Midnight Mass.

At Christmas it snows in many states , so dinner is usually eaten indoors. The traditional Christmas dinner is roast turkey with vegetables , goose, duck or ham served with cranberry sauce, then plum pudding or pumpking pie followed by nuts and fruit.

American homes are decorated with holly, mistletoe and branches of trees, most have a Christmas tree hung with electric lights , tinsel, baubles, and strings of popcorn and candy canes.


Good day! I ‘m from Brazil. Brazilians are a mix of different ethnic people. They have many Сhristmas customs which originate from this heritage.

In Brazil there is folk dancing and singing and the festivities go on until January 6th.

Papai Noel or Father Noel is the gift-bringer in Brazil. According to the legend , he lives in Greenland. When he arrives in Brazil, he usually wears silk clothing due to the summer heat.

A huge Christmas dinner includes : turkey, ham, coloured rice, and wonderful vegetables and fruit dishes.

Decorations include fresh flowers picked from the garden. Fireworks go off in the skies over the cites and huge Christmas “trees” of electric lights can be seen against the night skies in major cities such as Brasilia, San Paolo and Rio de Janeiro.


Good afternoon! I’ m a Frenchman. On Christmas Eve ,French children leave their shoes by the fireplace to be filled with gifts. In the morning they also find that sweets,fruit, nuts and small toys have been hung on the tree.

A Christmas tree was never been particularly popular in France. The French make a traditional Yule log-shaped cake.

The traditional Christmas is a chocolate log. In France families once had a Three sings Cake with a bean hidden in it. Whoever found the bean in their slice was made King, or Queen, for the day. seaskin

It is a time for the whole family to come together at Christmas to holiday and worship . In the eve of Christmas beautifully lit churches had cathedrals ring out carols with church bells.

When dinner is over and the family has renred to bed, they leave a fire burning and food and drink on the table.


Hi! I’m from Greenland. In Greenland there is a lot of visiting of families , drinking coffee and eating cakes, as well as giving of brightly wrapped presents which might consist of a model sledge, a pair of tusks, or even a sealskin mitt.

  1. in the village gets a gift and children go from hut to hut , singing songs.

Christmas trees are imported and decorated with candles as well as bright ornaments.

There is dancing most of the night . After the coffee, cakes and carols everyone is given Mattak which is whale skin with a strip or blubber inside.

There are games played including the one in which on object is passed from hand to hand round a long table under the cloth.


Compere 1: As you can see, people of different countries celebrate Christmas in various ways.

But some traditions of celebrating it are common for all the countries. Two of them should be mentioned here.

They are to decorate Christmas tree and to light candles .These traditions also go back to ancient times.

In the earliest times green trees were symbols of life. People also believed that candle’s light helped them to forget the darkness of winter.

Compere2 : And now we’d like to show you how Christmas is celebrated in the English family. Here are the members of that family.

Mr. Smith, the father . He works in an office in London. Mrs Smith, his wife. She is housewife. Their two daughters, Mag and Betty. Mag is 11 and Betty is 12. They are schoolgirls. The Smiths live in a small town near London.

(Music sounds “Jingle bell”) (Приложение№4)

Mag: Hi Daddy! Why are you so early today?

Mr. Smith: You see , today is Christmas Eve. And on that day all the offices are closed at 1 o’clock. And what are you doing?

Betty: We are writing letters to Santa Claus. Listen what I have written:

“Dear Santy! My name is Betty. I am 12. I am a schoolgirl. I think I am a good girl. I get only good marks at school and I always help mother about the house .

I know that on Christmas Day you bring presents to good children.

Please bring me a new digital camera. I like travel very much and I can take some photos. I wish you to be happy and healthy.

Sincerely yours Betty Smith”

Mr. Smith: A nice letter. And what about you , Mag? What do you want Santa Claus to bring you?

Mag: “Dear Santa Claus! I am Mag and I am 11. I go to school. I should say I am an obedient girl. I am a good pupil and I always clean my room myself. I help my mother to wash up. I like animals very much and I want to have one at home.

Please bring me a little puppy. I shall look after it carefully.

Thank you very much.

Yours , Mag”

Mr. Smith :You letter is not worse than your sister’s one. You are good girls and I think Santa Claus will bring you the things you want.

Betty : Daddy , do you know where Santa Claus lives?We don’t know his address.

Mr. Smith : He lives in Norway , in the north of this country in an ice house.

Mag: And how does he get here , to our country?

(Mrs. Smith is coming into the room)

What’s this sound ? Do you hear it ? I think somebody is coming ? Who might it be?

Children: Santa Claus !

Mrs. Smith: Let us greet him with a merry Christmas song “Jingle Bells”(Приложение) дети исполняют песню на сцене

Santa Claus: Good afternoon, dear boys and girls! I have come congratulate you on the coming Christmas and New Year ! Have you been good and obedient children this year? Children : Yes, we have!

Santa Claus: Very well! I know you have prepared songs and poems for me.

Who wants to recite poems for Santa Claus?

(Дети читают стихотворения для Санта Клауса) (Приложение)

Santa Claus : Very good! You know Christmas begins with greetings cards. Some of you have prepared Christmas cards . Now show me them and read, I want to choose the best ones.

Санта Клаус , Звёздочка, и Зима выбирают 5 лучших открыток.Santa Claus: All the Christmas cards are beautiful, but I find these cards the best. Here are small presents for your creativity!

Winter: And now , Santa Claus, let us see if our children can guess riddles about Christmas.

  1. What holiday is celebrated on the 25th of December? (Christmas)
  2. Who comes from the North Pole on his sledge and brings presents to everybody at Christmas? (Santa Claus)
  3. It is decorated with lights, toys, sweets and tinsel, and it is in all houses and in squares? (Christmas Tree)
  4. I can fall but never hurt (Snow)
  5. It’s a white season , when children ski, skate, play snowballs . It’ the season when Santa Claus brings presents(Winter)
  6. It’s the dearest thing for children . They can find presents there. (Stockings)


Very well! Our children know very well , and now let’s repete some Christmas Tongue Twisters.

  1. Seven Santas sang silly songs. (3 times)
  2. Tiny Timmy trims the tall tree with tinsel.
  3. Santa’s sleigh slides on slick snow.
  4. Bobby brings bright bells.
  5. How many deer would a reindeer reign if a reindeer could reign deer?
  6. Two trains travel together to Toyland.
  7. Eleven elves licked eleven little lollipops.


And now at the end of our Christmas Party let’s sing old Christmas song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”, all together. (Приложение№5)





December comes with white snow

And cold winds begin to blow,

From the cold and starlit sky,

Merry snowflakes fly and fly.

They fall softly in the night

All are still and white.



When it is the winter time

We go up the street

And we make the snow speak

With our little feet---

Cricle, cracle, circle, crrect, crrect, crrect, crrect!



It’ winter now,

So bundle up, tight!

Warm mittens and caps

Will be just right

Ice on the lake,

Snow on the ground,

All around

Winter, Spring ,Summer, fall-

I like winter best of all.



This is the season

When the children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Brings New Year tree.


The True Christmas Poem

By Tim Smith

C- is for the Christ child lying in a manger

H – is for the Holy One who saved us all from danger

R- is to remember him who died that we may live.

I – is for Joyful Songs and sacred hymns that praise

T – is to Thank the Lord for showing us the way

M – is for the Miracles that bless us each day

A – is for the Almighty who always puts us first

S- is for the Shepherd who guides us on the Earth.



1. Christmas Bells

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1807-1882

I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
Had rolled along
The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
A voice, a chime,
A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound
The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
And made forlorn
The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!

And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"For hate is strong,
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"

Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
The Wrong shall fail,
The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men."


2. Текст и перевод песни:

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (оригинал Jason Graves)
Мерцай, мерцай, звездочка

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
Мерцай, мерцай, звездочка,
How I wonder what you are!

Как я жажду узнать, кто ты!
Up above the world so high,

Ты так высоко, над всем миром,
Like a diamond in the sky!

Ты как алмаз в небе!

When the blazing sun is gone,
Когда Солнце заходит,
When the nothing shines upon,

Когда ничто не сияет,
Then you show your little light,

Тогда ты тихонько светишь,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.

Мерцай, мерцай всю ночь.

Then the traveller in the dark,
Путник во тьме
Thanks you for your little spark,
Благодарит тебя за твою искорку.
He could not see which way to go,

Он бы не видел, куда идти,
If you did not twinkle so.

Если бы ты так не сверкала.

When the blazing sun is gone,
Когда Солнце заходит,
When the nothing shines upon,

Когда ничто не сияет,
Though I know not what you are,

Пусть я не знаю, кто ты,
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.

Мерцай, мерцай, звездочка!


3. Silent night

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

[Verse 2]
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar

Heavenly hosts sing 'Alleluia!
Christ the Savior is born
Christ the Savior is born

[Verse 3]
Silent night, holy night!
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus Lord, at Thy birth

4. Jingle Bells

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

Hey, jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh

It's Christmas

Hey, jingle bells,…

5. We Wish You A Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas - (3)
And a Happy New Year

We wish you a Merry Christmas - (3)
And a Happy New Year
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin.
Good tidings for Christmas
And a Happy New Year

Now bring us some figgy pudding - (3)
And a cup of good cheer

We won't go until we get some - (3)
So bring it right here

We wish you a Merry Christmas - (3)
And a Happy New Year

Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin.
Good tidings for Christmas
And a Happy New Year

Now bring us some figgy pudding - (3)
And a cup of good cheer

We won't go until we get some - (3)
So bring it right here

We wish you a Merry Christmas - (3)
And a Happy New Year

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Опубликовано: 10.11.2020