Урок–викторина: «Великобритания»

Автор: Выдрина Инесса Александровна

Организация: МБОУ гимназия №14

Населенный пункт: Краснодарский край, г. Ейск

Ход занятия

Учитель: Дорогие ребята! Сегодня у нас не простой урок, а урок-путешествие. Я предлагаю вам отправиться в Великобританию из России. Давайте поиграем в путешественников, нужно очень много знать о разных странах, много уметь, быть внимательным.

Today we will learn some interesting facts about the UK. You may have heard about some of them before, and today you will expand your understanding, and you will hear about some of the facts for the first time.

(Сегодня мы узнаем интересные факты о Великобритании. Возможно, вы слышали о некоторых из них раньше, а сегодня вы расширите свое понимание, и впервые услышите о некоторых фактах.)

One of the countries where they zealously preserve and honor their traditions and customs is the United Kingdom. The main distinguishing feature of the British is their conservatism. It manifests itself in everything. People brought up in the spirit of conservatism remain adherents of everything old and proven over the years. (Одна из стран, где верностью хранят и чтят свои традиции и обычай, -Великобритания. Главная отличительная черта британцев-их консерватизм. Это проявляется во всем. Люди, воспитанные в духе консерватизма, остаются приверженцами всего старого и проверенного годами)


Developing: expand the general horizons of students; promote interest in language learning
Educational- develop the ability to work in a team and make a joint decision; contribute to the education of respect for the culture of the country of the target language.

(Цели: развивающие-расширить общий кругозор студентов; стимулировать интерес к изучению языка;

образовательные-развивать умение работать в команде и принимать совместные решения; способствовать воспитанию уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.)

Short help

The United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland, a state in Western Europe, is a constitutional monarchy. It consists of England, Scotland and Wales, which are located on the largest island of great Britain, and Northern Ireland, which occupies the Northern part of the second largest island of Ireland. The Isle of man, located in the Irish sea between the two Islands mentioned, and the channel Islands form separate administrative divisions. The total area of the country is 244 thousand square kilometers, the population is 57.4 million people (1994). The country is abbreviated as the United Kingdom, as well as the United Kingdom or simply Britain. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II.



It is located on the British Isles and is separated from mainland Europe by the North sea, the Straits of Pas-de-Calais and the English channel. The isolated situation affected the historical development of the country.


The territory of the United Kingdom is divided into two main areas based on its topography. High Britain (including Northern Ireland), located in the North and West of the country, is underlain by stable ancient bedrock and consists mainly of highly dissected uplands and much less common lowlands. To the South and East, Low Britain is characterized by hilly terrain, small elevations, and a few mountainous areas; younger sedimentary rocks lie at its base. The border between High and Low Britain runs approximately South-West from Newcastle at the mouth of the river.Tyne to Exeter at the mouth of the riverEx in South Devon. This border is not always clearly defined, and often the transitions between High and Low Britain are smoothed out. In General, the terrain of the country is so diverse that driving in one direction for more than an hour, you cross several different landscapes.



The Capital Is London. Other major cities: Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham, Cambridge, Brighton, Plymouth.



Determined by the proximity of the ocean. It owes its softness and humidity to the Gulf stream. In winter, fogs are frequent due to easterly winds. The average temperature in summer is 20C, in winter-plus 3-9C. In London, the coldest month is January (the average temperature is plus 4C, the hottest July is 18C).



It is 58.3 million people. About 90% of the population lives in cities.



The official language is English.



The official Church in England is the Anglican Church, which has 26 million members. The official Scottish Church is organized according to the Presbyterian principle and unites 1 million believers. Other Protestant churches, of which the largest is Methodist, have 1.6 million believers. There are also about 5 million adherents of the Roman Catholic Church, 830 thousand Muslims and 400 thousand Jews.



Good Friday, the second day of Easter, Spirit Monday (the Monday following the seventh Sunday after Easter), the last Monday in August, Christmas day and Boxing day (Boxing day, the second day of Christmas) are celebrated as holidays and are non-working in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Northern Ireland, St Patrick's Day on March 17 and the anniversary of the battle of the Boyne on July 12 are also considered official holidays. There are five official holidays in Scotland that are non-working days: New year, Good Friday, first Monday in may, last Monday in August, and Christmas. There is no strictly national holiday in the United Kingdom, but the Queen's birthday, which is officially celebrated, usually on one of the first two Saturdays in June, is observed as a public holiday by British officials working abroad.


TIME- It is 3 hours behind Moscow time.


MONEY - Pound.


Tower bridge Tower bridge is one of the main symbols of London and is recognizable even by people who have never been to this city.

The bridge, like the St. Petersburg ones, is a drawbridge. Thousands of tourists come here to see the bridge crossing, which turns into a real sell-out. But it is quite difficult to guess the time, since before the bridge was built every time the ship needed to pass under it, now it is only by prior request.

For the convenience of pedestrians, you can cross tower bridge at any time, even during divorce hours. This is because it has pedestrian galleries above the main structure, which is very convenient and does not interfere with movement from one end of the city to the other.


The most convenient way to get around London is by metro (the "Underground", the "Tube"), which runs until 0.30 (3 pounds -45 minutes), or by bus (adult ticket - 5 pounds). You can rent a car (20-50 pounds a day), but remember: in England, left-hand traffic!, in addition, Parking in Central London is prohibited, and in other areas it is allowed only in designated areas and for a special fee.

In the city center, near attractions, finding a taxi is not a problem. Black taxis are the most expensive. When boarding, you can ask how much the fare will cost.


To drive a car in the UK, You must have an international driving licence and a credit card. If you have rented a car, be careful: in the UK, you are required to drive on the left side of the road and overtake vehicles on the right. The use of seat belts is mandatory for the driver, the passenger sitting in front and passengers sitting in the back, if there are seat belts. There are strict speed limits. If there are no special road signs, the speed in localities should not exceed 48 km/h, on two - way roads - 97 km/h, on motorways-113 km / h.

A few facts about Queen Elizabeth II

The Queen celebrates her birthday twice: on April 21 - in the family circle, and in early June — officially. This is a tradition established at the beginning of the XX century by king Edward 7, who was born in November, but wanted to celebrate his birthday in good weather.

Elizabeth II is the longest-reigning monarch of great Britain. On September 9, 2015, she broke the record of Queen Victoria, who reigned from 1837 to 1901, who stayed on the throne for 63 years, seven months and two days.

If the reign of Queen Victoria is considered the Golden age of the British Empire, which occupied a quarter of the world, with a population of about 400 million people, the reign of Elizabeth II fell during the collapse. The former Empire lost its last colonies, and now the British Queen is the head of the United Kingdom and 15 Commonwealth countries (which include some former colonies) with a population of 139 million people.

A few more short facts:

- the Queen does not give interviews.

"You can't sue the Queen.

"The Queen doesn't need a passport to travel.

- The Queen is fluent in French.

- The Queen sent the first email in 1976 from a military base.

If it occurred to anyone in the UK to check the driver's license of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, she most likely could only show a certificate of completion of the ambulance driving course, dated as far back as the war year 1945.

Meanwhile, the then 19-year-old Princess and today's mistress of the United Kingdom are connected by a decades-old caring attitude to the car as such.

No one but her Majesty's husband has the right to touch her in public. Only four violators of Protocol allowed themselves to embrace the Queen. They were two Australian Prime Ministers, Paul Keating and John Howard, canadian cyclist Louis Garneau, and US first lady Michelle Obama.

The Queen wears only British-made clothing and only bright colors to be visible in the crowd. This tradition began during the Second world war, when the Queen mother chose colored outfits to add joy and optimism to the British. In black, the British monarch can only appear during mourning.

And her Majesty's umbrellas are always transparent, so that her subjects can see the Queen's face, even when she is hiding from the rain.

The Protocol is that the shoes must be inconspicuous, with a classic closed toe design. Elizabeth II has been wearing shoes of the same old-fashioned style (with a small heel) for half a century. New shoes for the Queen are worn by the so-called Cinderella-a servant with the same size as Elizabeth II's feet.

The Queen's personal cloakroom attendants maintain a detailed catalog of the images used. Repetitions in colors and materials in the outfits of Elizabeth II are avoided for several months.

Tea party

One of the most famous traditions in Britain is undoubtedly the tea party. They are passionate about making tea and can drink more than 5 cups a day. Moreover, every self-respecting host should offer several different varieties of tea, at least 8-10 to choose from. Traditionally, the rule of good taste is to place a table with tea accessories near the fireplace. The tablecloth should be white or blue without any patterns or patterns. The tea ceremony begins with appetizers that are served earlier than the tea itself.

Usually the British drink black tea with milk. First, it is customary to pour about a quarter of a Cup of milk, and then dilute it with pre-brewed tea. It is always drunk hot, but not scalding. Where did this strange tradition of adding milk to tea come from? There are several versions. One version that explains the tradition says that initially the people of Great Britain preferred to drink tea with the addition of jam. However, due to the fact that tea was drunk from porcelain cups, those that could not withstand high temperatures often gave cracks. That is why the British began to add milk to the cups first, and then poured tea into them. By the way, many Englishmen believe that in the Cup first you need to pour not milk, but tea, supposedly this improves the taste of tea, giving it a special tenderness. Still in many families it is possible to meet supporters and that and other method of welding. Another version - residents of the UK began to add milk to the drink not because of the sophisticated taste, but because of the economy. In ancient times, tea delivered to England from China was very expensive, and was quite a scarce product. But milk cost a mere penny, so it could afford people from different walks of life. Milk reduced the cost of tea and made it more affordable. The amount of milk added to tea was used to determine a person's level of wealth. So, the rich English could afford to drink tea without impurities, the middle class bred tea with milk, and the poorest strata of society allowed themselves to add very little tea to milk.


Another feature of the British is their love of animals. They are convinced that if a person keeps a pet, it definitely can't be bad. In the UK, there is a small custom, which consists in the fact that the family must bring an animal. People get cats or dogs not for fun, but for communication and company. They are vital to them, since only with four-legged Pets do the British develop the most sincere and warm relations. Pets in the house are allowed all the things that children, if their tricks are noticed, will be punished. The British are ready to give half their salary for food and clothing for their Pets, if only they were smart and beautiful. You won't find stray cats and dogs on the streets. This issue was resolved long ago. The society for the protection of animals from cruelty was established in England in 1824 and has the status of a Royal. Tellingly, the society for the protection of children was founded only 60 years later and has a national status, which is not so prestigious.

And if you do come across stray animals, especially at night, it will be foxes. Even in Central London, you can see them very often. They live in parks, of which there are a huge number in London.

There are also huge numbers of squirrels in the parks, all of them almost tame. Squirrels are mostly grey. Once there were also red squirrels, but gray ones have replaced them, and now red squirrels are protected by the state. There are also

swans and many different interesting birds. By the way, all Thames swans are legally the property of the Queen.

The Constitution of Britain

The Constitution of Great Britain is a unique phenomenon of legal reality that has no analogues in the world: In Britain, there is no Constitution in the usual sense of the word. The British Constitution is unstructured and not written in a single document. The provisions of the British Constitution are scattered according to various laws, court decisions, international agreements, conventions (parliamentary customs, traditions), as well as the laws of the European Union. Moreover, there is not even an exact list of documents that relate to the Constitution. Therefore, it is impossible to violate the Constitution.

Guide. 5 beautiful places

The Tower of London

The Tower of London is one of the main symbols of London and Great Britain, and occupies a special place in the country's history. It is a fortress located in the historic center of London and is one of the oldest buildings in England. The tower complex is a UNESCO world heritage site and is one of the most visited attractions in the world.

The fortress was founded by the Romans in the II century ad, as part of the city's fortifications, the remains of which are still preserved. In 1078, the castle was rebuilt in stone, expanded and strengthened by William I, who is considered the founder of the modern tower. Later, Richard the Lionheart ordered the structure to be whitewashed and further reinforced with additional towers and a deep moat, making it one of the most impregnable fortresses in Europe.

Throughout its history, the tower has also served as a state prison, zoo, mint, and Royal Arsenal. Today, you can see many architectural monuments, including more than ten towers, gates and casemates, various museums, including the Armory, where the treasures of the British crown are stored, and many other historical and memorable places.


Stonehenge is an amazing architectural and archaeological monument. Even if the name is not familiar to someone, it is likely that you have seen it somewhere in the picture or photo. It is a composition of stone blocks, megaliths and triliths, the weight of which varies from 25 to 82 tons. It is believed that the beginning of the creation of Stonehenge was laid around 3000g. the last phase of its construction took place in 2440-2100.Stonehenge is a complex structure that includes arches, each of which accurately indicated one of the four cardinal directions, two rings of huge stones and an altar stone are included in the structure. It is difficult to imagine how much effort was spent on the construction of Stonehenge.

The purpose of this archaeological monument is still unknown - as, indeed, its authors themselves. There are quite a lot of versions of Stonehenge's authorship and purpose, some of which sound reasonable and are supported by archaeological evidence, while others are ridiculous or seem like a fairy - tale story. However, many people believe that these huge stones have magical healing properties.

Stonehenge is worth visiting not only to see the amazing archaeological site, but also to feel the incredible energy that it radiates. Like many other ancient monuments, Stonehenge is an incredibly strong energy place.

Beachy head

Beachy head is a beautiful natural monument in southern England, a huge chalk cliff rising above the sea to a height of one hundred and sixty-two meters. The name of the Cape has nothing to do with the beach, it is a corruption of the old French beau chef, which can be translated as «beautiful Cape». Beachy head has the reputation of being the world's third largest suicide site. In this sad ranking, it is second only to the Golden Gate bridge in San Francisco and the aokigahara forest on the slopes of mount Fuji. About twenty people every year throw themselves into the sea from its top. Interesting places, located near the Cape, is a lighthouse of the eighteenth century, known under the name of Bel That one. It was built because of the large number of shipwrecks that occurred in the area. However, it soon became clear that the rock on which the lighthouse is built is often hidden by fog. And at the beginning of the twentieth century, a new lighthouse was built in the water near the shore. The lighthouse is now privately owned. A few years ago, the entire lighthouse building was moved thirty meters inland to protect it from frequent landslides and landslides.



Glastonbury is one of the oldest cities in England, located next to St Michael's hill. In the vicinity of the city were found the remains of settlements that existed before the arrival of the Romans. In the middle ages, the city had a good prosperity thanks to Glastonbury Abbey. In the XVI century, after the king's order to dismantle the structure on rubble for paving roads, the city lost its national significance. Today, the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey are one of the main attractions of The city. Among other notable places of the city, it is worth noting the monuments of pagan culture-giant oaks, under which the priests gathered. The city is also known for the Glastonbury music festival, which attracts tourists and performers from all over the world.

Loch ness

Loch ness - a lake in Scotland, which is known to the world as the habitat of a mysterious creature named Nessie. The lake is 37 kilometers long and 2 kilometers wide. The lake is considered the deepest body of water in the UK: its maximum depth reaches 200 meters. Its depth and size perform an important function of the country's life support. The reservoir is also part of a number of Feuers hydroelectric power stations. In addition to the endless lake surface, tourists will be interested to see the surrounding nature. In the great Glen valley, where the lake stretches, there is a stunning variety of fauna and flora, among which there are many ancient buildings. On the shore of the lake is the Loch Ness monster Museum, which attracts tourists, as well as the lake itself. The first mention of the monster dates back to 1933, when a magazine published an interview with eyewitnesses who saw something in the lake. Since then, tourists come to the reservoir not just to admire nature, but also hoping to see the legendary unidentified creature.

Учитель: вот и закончилось наше путешествие, я надеюсь, ребята, что вы узнали много нового об этой стране. А теперь я хотела бы вас проверить, насколько хорошо вы слушали мой рассказ. Перейдем к викторине, ответьте на следующие вопросы.

Blitz Survey

What is the national currency in the UK?
2. What language do the British speak?
3. What is the UK government?
4. Is the UK climate cold or is it a warm country?
5. What is the estimated population in the UK?
6. What is the religion in the UK?
7. What new places do you know in the UK now?
8. Name the capital of Great Britain.
9. Who currently rules in the UK?
10. What is the attitude of the British towards animals?
11. How many cups does a Briton drink a day?
12. How many times does the Queen of Great Britain celebrate her birthday?
13. Is it possible to sue the Queen?
14. What language does the Queen speak fluently?
15. Does the Queen need a passport to travel?

Учитель: молодцы, ребята! Но как бы хорошо не было в гостях, но настоящие путешественники всегда тоскуют по Родине. Как говорят англичане: «Home, home, sweet home!» Занимайте свои места, пора лететь домой!!








Список литературы

  1. https://rutraveller.ru/compilation/130
  2. https://way2day.com/article/dostoprimechatelnosti-velikobritanii.html

  1. file0.docx (28,2 КБ)
Опубликовано: 12.11.2020