Разработка классического урока английского языка средней школы

Автор: Керимханова Лейла Бехлуловна

Организация: МБОУ ЦО №32

Населенный пункт: Тульская область, г. Тула

Цели и задачи урока

1.Образовательные: активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики в речи учащихся; совершенствовать навыки речевой деятельности учащихся; закрепление грамматического материала по теме «There is/there are» и «Prepositions of place» - предлоги места.

2.Развивающие: работа над фонематическими навыками, развитие творческих способностей учащихся; развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи учащихся; развитие интеллектуальных и эмоциональных способностей учащихся; развитие психологических характеристик мыслительной деятельности учащихся: внимание, память, логическое мышление.

3.Воспитательные: воспитывать умение работать в парах, по цепочке, самостоятельно, воспитывать культуру общения, нравственное отношение к своей стране и странам изучаемого языка; чувства сотрудничества и ответственности; расширять кругозор учащихся о видах домов.

Тип урока: обобщающий и систематизирующий.

Оснащение урока:

  1. Учебник «English 6» В. П. Кузовлев, Н. М. Лапа, Э. Ш. Перегудова…
  2. Диск к учебнику.
  3. Проектные работы учащихся.
  4. Картинки по теме «Home, sweet home».
  5. Транскрипционные знаки для фонетической зарядки.
  6. Различные карточки для заданий и другой материал.
  7. Компьютер.
  8. Проектор и экран.


Ход урока (Development)

1.Организационный момент.

Введение в тематику.

Сообщение целей и задач урока.

T. Good morning ,students. Nice to meet you.

S. Nice to meet you too. T. How are you? S. Fine, thank you. And you?

T. I am fine, thank you.

Рапорт дежурного ученика.

T. Who is on duty today? S. I am.

T.What date is it today? S. It is…

T. What day of a week is it today? S. It is…

T. Who is absent? S. All are present today.

T. What season is it now? S. It is autumn.

T. Thank you, sit down, please.

T. Look at the screen, please. Repeat the proverbs after me, please.(слайд 2)

Home sweet home.

My home is my castle.

East or West home is best.

Trere is no place like home.

T. What are they about? S.They are about the house.

T. Do you like your house? S. Yes, I do.

T. What do you think about the topic of our lesson? Can you name the theme of our lesson?

Students. Home, sweet home.(слайд 3)

T.How do you think, what will we do during the lesson?

S1.We will read, speak English.

S2.We will revise words, sing, repeat the sounds.

S3. We will discuss the projects, use structures there is/ there are and prepositions of place.

S4. We will listen the dialogues, do exercises and listen an English text.


2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T. Now, lets train some English sounds (диск )

Listen and repeat.

th- [ Ѳ ] fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,three.

th - [ ð ] the,this,those,there.

The kitchen is on the fifth floor.

This is the tenth floor.

T. What words do you know with these sounds? Name the words, please.

Thanks, think, thick, thought, fours, thing, third, tooth, teeth.

That, then, bathe, they, with, them, their, other, there, weather, these, mother.


3. Речевая зарядка.

T. Now, lets speak. Be ready to answer my questions, please.

T. What kind of houses do you like?

S1. I like a big house. S2. I like a block of flats. S3. I like a small house in the country, dacha.

T. Do you live in a block of flats or in an own house?

S1. I live in a block of flats.

T. How many rooms are there?

S1. There are three rooms in my flat.

T. What about you?

S2. I live in a big house.

T. How many floors it has got?

S2. It has got two floors.

T. And you?

S3.I live in a block of flats too.

T. What floor do you live on?

S3. I live on the third floor.

T. Who has got a house in the country?

S4. We have got a small house in the country, dacha. We go there at the week-end.


4. Работа со словами по теме « My house»

T. Revise some words on the topic. Lets work in groups. This is the first group. This is the second group. This is the third group. The first group will show the word, the other two groups will read and translate them. Lets start.

Words: bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, flat, floor, hall, garage, ground floor, home, lift, living-room, own, roof, step, swimming-pool, villa, block of flats, armchair, fridge, bath, bed, bookcase, carpet, coffee-table, cooker, furniture, mirror, painting, sink, sofa, table, television, toilet, wardrobe, washbasin, window, door, fireplace, lamp, chair.

T. Now, look at the poster, please.(карточки со словами на магнитной доске)

Match the words with the rooms.

Bedroom-bed, bookcase, carpet, wardrobe, lamp.

Bathroom-bath, mirror, toilet, washbasin.

Kitchen-fridge, cooker, sink, table, chair.

Living-room-armchair, coffee-table, painting, sofa, television, window, door, fireplace.


5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Dialogue 1.

T. Now, girls and boys, its time for listening to your dialogues. Lets work in pairs.

S1. Hi, Oleg. What is your new flat like?

S2. It is very nice.


S2. Yes. There is a small living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom.

S1. Has it got any furniture?

S2. Yes, it has. There is a sofa and an armchair in the living room but there is not a television. And in the bedroom there is a bed and a desk.

S1. How about the kitchen? Is there a cooker?

S2. Yes, there is. There is a fridge and a table too.

S1.Sounds great!

Dialogue 2.

S1. Oh, I love our new house. What a big living room!

S2. It is really great. Now lets put the furniture in place. Where do you want the sofa?

S1. Put it in front of the window.

S1. All right. What about this armchair?

S2. Can you put it next to the fireplace?

S1. Oh, yes. Watch out! Is it OK?

S2.No, not there. It looks better on the other side, between the fireplace and the door. That is great.

S1.Where shall we put this clock?

S2. Put it on the wall, opposite the sofa.

S1. What about this table? Lets place it between the sofa and the armchair.

S2. What about the carpet?

S1. Oh, dear! I want that to go under all the furniture!


6. Физкультминутка.

T. I think you are a little tired. Lets have a rest and do some exercises. Open the window, please, look at me and do the some.

Делаем зарядку.

  1. T. Stand up, sit down

Clap, clap, clap

Point to the window

Point to the door

Point to the board

Point to the floor

Stand up, sit down

Clap, clap, clap.

We are running

We are jumping

We are skipping

We are flying

We are hopping

We are climbing

Like a funny cat.

  1. Снятие усталости глаз

T. Look up! Look down. Up and down, up and down.

Look on the left, look on the right. On the right, on the left.

Look here, look there.

Look at the ceiling, look at the floor

Look at the window, look at the door.

Исполнение песни «This is my house»


7. Развитие навыков монологической речи.(слайд 4)

T. So, many Russian people have got a house in the country called a «dacha».

Do you know? Who wants to tell us about it?

S1. People go there on the week- end. They spend their week-end at their dachas during the spring, summer and autumn. They can relax there.

S2. They grow fruit and vegetables, plants flowers. There are a lot of trees. In autumns the trees, grass and plants are green, red and yellow. The flowers are colorful.


8.Работа над проектами. Над проектами учащиеся работали дома. Проверка домашнего задания .Защита проектов.

T. If I am not mistaken your homework was to do the projects about your room.

S1. This is my room. It is not big but it is light. There is a bed, a table and a chair in my room. There is a computer on the desk. There is a bookcase near the window. There is a poster behind my bed .I have books in my bookase. I like my room very much.

S2.This is my bedroom. It is great. It is very big. I have got a small bed, a desk, a chair, a wardrobe and a bookase. My desk is under the window. There is a computer and a lamp on my desk. I have got a TV and a CD player. There is a big poster behind my bed. I like my bedroom very much.


T. All your projects are nice and interesting.

9.Закрепление грамматического материала по теме there is/ there are и по теме предлоги места.(слайд 5)

T. Look at the screen, please. We use there is/ there is not in the singular. We use there are/ there are not in the plural. We use Is there/Are there in questions.

Describe your classroom, please. Use there is/ there are

S1. This is our classroom. It is big and light. There are 15 desks and 30 chairs in our classroom. There are two windows in it.

S2.There is a blackboard on the wall. There are a lot of paintings on the wall.

S3. There is a bookcase near the window. There are a lot of books in the bookcase.

S4.There is a computer on the teacher s table. There is a beautiful flower in the corner .There are English books on the desks. There is a painting above the board.


Работа по картинке для закрепления предлогов и оборота there is/ there are.(слайд 6)

T. Look at the picture and do the exercise, please. Use there is/ there are and the prepositions of place .

1.There are two armchairs in the room.

2.There is a carpet under the table.

3.There are some books on the table.

4.There is not a carpet under the table.

5.There are not two windows.

6. Is there a painting on the wall?


10. Аудирование

T. Now, girls and boys, its time for listening. You should listen to the text (CD), try to understand it and mark the statements 1-4 T(true) or F(false)

Задание к тексту на карточках

  1. The house is new…
  2. There are nine rooms in it…
  3. The living-room is on the ground floor…
  4. There are 13 steps to the kitchen…

T. Now check your answers. Change the lists and check them.

Ответы выводим на экран (слайд 7)

  1. F
  2. T
  3. F
  4. F


11.Развитие навыков чтения с полным пониманием.

T. Open your books, please. Lets read the text « My bedroom».

Read the title. Think of six words you expect to find in the text. What do you think, what is this text about? (читаем текст по цепочке)

T. Answer my questions, please.

1. What is this text about?

2.What is there in her bedroom?

3. Where is the poster and a computer?

4.Has she got a TV?

5. Does shes like her bedroom?


12. Давайте поиграем.

T. I know you like to play. We shall play some interesting games.

1. Name a room. Your partner says two things it has got.

S1. It has got a wardrobe and a bed.

S2. It’s a bedroom.




2.The game «Teacher and pupils»- игра для закрепления лексики.Кто то из учеников –учитель, который называет слово по данной теме, бросая при этом мяч, ученик, который поймал мяч, переводит слово либо с английского на русский, либо с русского на английский, в зависимости от того, какое слово и на каком языке назвал учитель.

Спальня, дом, квартира и……

  1. Загадки.

What is the place where we can lunch?

It is a building with lots of flats.

The place where we sleep.

The place where we meet our guests.

The place where we relax after working day.

It is a place where we wash our face and hands.

The place where we take our coats off.


Подведение итогов. Рефлексия. Обучающие оценивают свою работу на уроке, составляя ковер настроения. Слушают объяснение домашнего задания.


T. Do you like this lesson? I have a carpet. Oh, it is white. I do not like it. Help me! Make it colorful and bright. Add colors you like with flowers and leaves. Choose a color you like according to your mood.Покажите ваше настроение при помощи цвета.Please go to the blackboard. The carpet is so bright , I see your moods are beautiful and high. Our lesson is coming to the end. Thank you for your work.

You were very active and worked well during the lesson. You get good and excellent marks. Оpen your diaries and write your homework : to revise words and to prepare to « Progress Check». The lesson is over. Good bye, children. You may give your diaries to me and I will put your marks!


Список использованной литературы:

  1. Кузовлев В. П. Учебник для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений – М: «Просвещение». 2016
  2. Кузовлев В. П. Книга для учителя к УМК для 6 класса общеобразовательных учреждений – М: «Просвещение».

Кузовлев В. П. Аудио приложение к УМК для 6 класса общеобразовательнвх учреждений. 2016

  1. file0.docx (28,1 КБ)
  2. file1.pptx.zip (7,0 МБ)
Опубликовано: 30.11.2020