Health and Food

Автор: Назаренко Елена Анатольевна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ №34»

Населенный пункт: Республика Крым, г. Симферополь


- To get acquainted with the new vocabulary;

-To develop the skills of listening, to train the ability to perceive the English language by hearing and understand the meaning of the hear

- Continue to form communicative skills of students and motivate them in expressing their thoughts and views on a given topic;

- To improve reading skills;

- Train the students' ability to work in groups, present the material in the form of presentations, perform project work;

- To raise awareness of the importance of proper nutrition and the need for knowledge about the culture of nutrition.



  1. Dear friends, look at the blackboard and try to formulate the topic of our lesson. (On the blackboard there are different pictures of food items.)

Why do we study this topic? Is it really topical today?

T: Eat Well, Stay Healthy. We all know we should be eating a healthier balanced diet and getting more exercise. To make it work, we need to build good habits into our daily routine. We should try not to eat ‘on the run’. This means taking time to plan and prepare healthy meals at home, so that we rely less on fast food, microwave meals, and unhealthy snacks. We should also control the amount of fat, sugar and salt in our diet.


T: Let’s revise the worlds on the board:

Tasty, nice, tender, useful, harmful, disgusting, delicious, healthy, salty, sweet, bitter, spicy, acid, fattening, horrible, underdone, overdone, overburnt, underburnt.

Salt, sugar, pepper, vinegar


  1. Look at the words placed in the box. What can you say about them? (Students express their own ideas). You are right, we should be rather careful with these items because they are harmful in large quantities.


  1. Now I want you to work according to the following scheme: W S1 - WC S2 – S S3 – Q S4 – A S5. It means that student 1 chooses the word from the list, student 2 makes up a word combination, then student 3 makes up a sentence with this very WC, student 4 puts a question to this sentence and student 5 answers the question. (Students are doing this activity for 5 minutes)

IV. Filling in the spidergram.

Students are divided into 2 groups, each one is given the task.

Group 1: Fill in a spidergram giving positive adjectives describing food.

Group 2: Fill in a spidergram giving negative adjectives describing food.






















  1. what food your partner is eating at the moment. (Each group shows how they eat a lemon, spaghetti, a banana, an ice cream and so on. Spend 5 minutes on this activity.)


Look at the photos. Talk about the food people eat. Which words from the box given below do you need?










fine, tasty, well-prepared, wonderful, delicious, excellent, one`s favourite and yummy

exotic, gourmet, vegetarian, international cuisine

Russian, British, Greek, Indian, Chinese

basic, everyday, home cooking

quality, freshly made, homemade, natural, organic, diet, the right food

rich in calories, high calories, fatty, fast and genetically modified (GM) food, junk food

cheap, butter or milk is/ has gone off, meat is burnt, bread is stale (чёрствый), a tin or chocolate is past its shelf life






Group 1: Imagine that you are common people and you don’t know much about healthy and useful food. You eat what you wish and don’t mind your diet and calories. Make a list of your everyday meals.

Group 2: Imagine that you are famous and well-educated doctors – nutritionist.  You know much about healthy food. Listen to your partners’ list, comment on it and give your advice.                                                                                                                (For this task students are given 5 minutes.) 


T: The next task is to read the text about food and choose the correct answers.

Proper nutrition

Ancient people belong to the words: "We eat in order to live, and do not live in order to eat."

No product gives all the nutrients that are necessary to maintain good health. Some products give the body energy to move, to think well, not to get tired. Others help build an organism and make it strong. And still others - fruits and vegetables - contain many vitamins and minerals that help the body grow and develop.

Our body must receive a variety of foods saturated with proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals.

Proteins are the main building material. Of these, all the processes necessary for the body are built. Proteins are irreplaceable in nutrition.

If the body does not receive proteins - this can lead to many diseases. Proteins are found in meat, milk, fish, eggs, nuts. Carbohydrates are fuel for energy production. Fats are for the formation of energy and heat. These useful nutrients are necessary for us so that the body gets enough energy to move, for better brain function. They are contained in honey, buckwheat, raisins, butter, fruits.

We need mineral substances for the growth of bones and teeth. They participate in the work of the whole body, saturating the blood, nerve and muscle tissue. A person needs 20 mineral substances: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium, fluorine and others. They are found in fruits and vegetables. It's vitamins. The word "vitamin" was invented by the American scientist Kazimir Funk. He discovered that the substance "amine", contained in the shell of rice grain, is vital for people. By combining the Latin word Vita - "life" with "amine", the word "vitamin" was obtained. Berries, fruits and vegetables are the main sources of vitamins.

With the help of properly selected food, you can prevent any illness, pay off the disease that has just started. A healthy lifestyle is not only charging, hardening, playing sports, but also food.


1. What are proteins, fats and carbohydrates?

2. Why do they need our body?

3. What foods do contain vitamins?

4. What is a healthy lifestyle?


Work in pairs, exchange your own ideas concerning the secret of long life based on the information you’ve heard.


(Give the Russian equivalents to the following proverbs.)

  • The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.
  • To lengthen your life, lessen your meal.
  • An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
  • Tastes differ.
  • Before you choose your friend eat a bushel of salt.
  • Appetite comes with eating.

(Choose one of the given proverbs and make up a situation or a dialogue with it.)

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. I would like to listen to your impressions of it.


Write a letter to a pen-friend about healthy food and secrets of life. (from your point of view)



Список использованной литературы

1.В.И. Гарбузов. Человек, жизнь, здоровье. СПб,1997.-159с.

2.Рольф Унзорг. Энциклопедия здоровья. Здоровое питание. М.: «Кристина и

Ко», 1994.- 364c.

3.Сорока Н.Ф. Питание и здоровье. Минск, 1994.-206с.




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Опубликовано: 03.08.2017