Сценарий урока ''We remember. We are proud''

Автор: Бурылева Дарья Романовна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ №59»

Населенный пункт: г. Курск

Тип урока: Урок систематизации знаний

Цель урока: Активизация и совершенствование коммуникативных умений учащихся по английскому языку в контексте темы «Великая Отечественная война» с использованием информационных технологий.

Задачи урока:


  • активизировать употребление в речи лексики по данной теме;
  • формировать лексические навыки говорения;
  • практиковать учащихся в аудировании и чтении текста;
  • учить находить нужную информацию в тексте;


  • развивать навыки аудирования, письма, поискового чтения и говорения;
  • развивать творческие способности учащихся, память, внимание, логическое мышление и языковую догадку.


  • воспитывать у учащихся чувство патриотизма и гордости за свою страну, уважительное отношение к ветеранам войны, проявление интереса к истории своей страны;
  • развивать у учащихся интерес к языку, веру в себя, в свои возможности.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, школьная доска, раздаточный материал

Ход урока:

1) Орг.момент. Постановка темы урока (2 минуты)

  • Hello, boys and girls! Nice to see you. Sit down, please!
  • Today we have a special lesson. But what is it going to be about? Let’s guess all together. You can see the topic written on the blackboard. Misha, will you read it to all the rest aloud?

Ученик читает тему урока вслух, записанную на доске: «We remember. We are proud of…»

  • Now, look at the screen and find the best Russian equivalent to these words.

(На экране изображен слайд с несколькими вариантами переводов:

1) Мы любим. Мы чтем.

2) Мы знаем. Мы верим.

3) Мы помним. Мы гордимся)

  • You are right! The correct answer is the third one - “Мы помним. Мы гордимся”.
  • What do you connect these words with? (Предполагаемый ответ: I connect these words with the Great Patriotic War. These words are the symbols of the Victory Day in Russia.)

2) Целеполагание урока (4 минуты)

  • That’s right! So today as you have already guessed we are going to speak about one of the most important holidays in our country – the Victory Day – which we celebrate to honour people who fought and died in the Great Patriotic War.
  • Which words are associated with this day? Let’s fill in the spidergram.

В формате мозгового штурма дети называют слова, которые затем вносятся в таблицу на раздаточных листах, а на доске варианты записывает учитель


Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:

Nouns: war, tank, gun, soldier, battle, history, patriot, etc.

Verbs: fight, shoot, win, celebrate, honour, etc.

Adjectives: great, honorable, sad, thankful, terrible, etc.

  • Thank you for your work! As you see you know quite a lot of words connected with the Victory day and the Great Patriotic War.
  • Now, please tell me what you would like to learn today about this topic or what we are going to do exactly?

Учащиеся предполагают цели урока. Предполагаемые ответы:

  • I would like to learn about the symbols of the Victory Day.
  • I would like to learn about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
  • I think we’re going to read the texts about the Victory Day and the Great Patriotic War and do some tasks.
  • I think we will discuss how we celebrate the Victory Day in Russia.
  • etc.

3) Изучение лексики урока (4 минуты)

  • Firstly, let’s have a brief look at the Great Patriotic War and its main events.
  • There are some useful words we may need to know. You can see them on the screen. Let’s read them all together.

На слайде записаны слова и их перевод. Учитель читает слова, учащиеся хором повторяют за ним. Такой же глоссарий необходимо раздать на каждую парту.


Hitlerite invaders


гитлеровские захватчики




удар, натиск



fascist ['fæʃɪst]


Nazis ['nɑ:tsɪ]



оборона, защита





at all cost

любой ценой








войско, отряд, рота


оккупация, осада


поражение, разгром


при участии


наступательная операция


поле сражения

pay tribute

отдавать дань, чествовать



4) Активизация просмотрового и изучающего чтения (12 минут)

  • I will give you the mixed parts of the text and you should put them in correct order.

Учащиеся самостотельно читают текст, расставляя абзацы в правильном порядке.

Victory Day


The Brest Fortress was the first to fight the Nazis. The whole world knows about the heroic defence of the Brest Fortress. The soldiers of a small garrison fought heroically from the 22nd of June to the end of July.


On June 22, 1941, the Hitlerite invaders treacherously attacked the Soviet Union. Their blow was of great strength. It was delivered by 190 divisions — 5.5 million officers and men. The fascists were confident that nothing could stand up against such a blow.


Every year on the 9th of May people of our country celebrate Victory Day. There is a minute's silence all over the country at 7 p.m. This is when people pay tribute to those who died in this war. Victory Day is a holiday that unites all Russian people.


The Nazis broke through to Leningrad in September 1941. The city was under siege for 900 days. At last, in January 1944» the Soviet troops broke through the siege.


The enemy wanted to capture the Soviet capital at all cost. The German Nazis reached the outskirts of Moscow by late autumn in 1941. Thanks to the bravery of our army at the front, the partisan movement and the heroic labour of the entire country the Nazis were stopped. In early December, 1941. General Zhukov’s troops attacked the Nazis and beat them back. Many towns and villages were freed.


The Soviet Union lost tens of millions of its citizens during those years of war. And people of all nationalities in the former Soviet Union were among the soldiers who gave their lives in the battlefields.


In the summer of 1942 the Nazis wanted to capture the south. They believed this would bring about the speedy defeat of the Red Army. The best Nazi divisions were sent against Stalingrad. There was a great battle on the Volga.


The largest tank battle in history, involving about 6,000 tanks took place in July 1943 around Kursk in western Russia. It marked the end of the German operation on the Eastern Front and cleared the way for the great Soviet offensives of 1944–45.

Правильный порядок:

1 – B

2 – A

3 – E

4 – D

5 – G

6 – H

7 – F

8 – C

  • Now, listen to the audio and check your answers.

Ученики проверяют свои ответы и еще раз прочитывают текст.

  • Read the text once again and mark the statements as True / False / Not Stated.

Ученики определяют являются ли утверждения верными, неверными или об этом не было сказано в тексте.

Mark the statements as True, False or Not Stated

1. On June 21, 1941, the Hitlerite invaders treacherously attacked the Soviet Union.

2. The fascists were confident that nothing could stand up against their blow.

3. The soldiers of the Brest Fortress fought heroically for 3 months.

4. It was very cold in 1941, when the German Nazis reached the outskirts of Moscow.

5. The terrible siege of Leningrad lasted for 900 days.

6. The best Nazi divisions were sent against Stalingrad.

7. In the summer of 1943 the Nazis wanted to capture the south.

8. The largest partisan battle in history took place in 1943 near Kursk.

Правильные ответы:

  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. Not stated
  5. True
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False.

5) Закрепление изученной лексики (5 минут)

  • There are a lot of different ways we pay tribute to the people who died in the Great Patriotic War. One of the most wide-spread ways is to build monuments and memorials.
  • At the screen you can see some monuments. Do you know where they are and what battles they pay tribute to? There’s a tint – all these places were mentioned in our text.

На слайде - изображения различных монументов и мемориалов. Задача учащихся назвать место расположения и чему посвящен данный монумент.

Полный текст статьи см. в приложении.


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Опубликовано: 20.02.2021