Урок английского языка по теме ''A healthy lifestyle''

Автор: Ростовцева Ирина Юрьевна

Организация: МБОУ «Лицей № 1» п. Добринка

Населенный пункт: Липецкая область, п. Добринка

Цели урока:


  1. Активизировать в речи обучающихся по теме «Здоровый образ жизни»
  2. Совершенствовать грамматические навыки (Imperative);
  3. Развивать навыки устной речи и чтения.
  4. Тренировать обучающихся в аудировании.
  5. Формировать умение вести диалог.


  1. Развивать способность анализировать материал
  2. Развивать воображение и творческое мышление у обучающихся


  1. Воспитывать ответственное отношение к своему здоровью
  2. Воспитывать уважение к мнению других, умение слушать.



Этапы урока

Содержание урока

Краткий анализ


Hello, guys! Nice to see you!

How are you?

How is your mood?

What’s the weather like today?
Do you like such weather?

Very good!


Создание эмоционального настрая на урок.

Просмотр ролика

Now I am going to show you a video, but at first I want to know what hash tags are? Do you use hash tags in your social networks for your photos?

For example, what hash tags will you use for this photo?


Hash tags are key words.


Now, watch the video tell me what we are going to talk about today. You will do it with the help of hash-tags.




What hash tags do you use?


What is common in these words? What is our today’s theme?



Тема урока

You are very close to it.

We are going to speak about a healthy lifestyle. And we will learn how to be healthy.


Today you will have a special student’s book. We are going to work with it. What do you think we are going to do during our lesson?





План урока

You are right.

  • firstly, you should learn some words;
  • secondly, you should learn how to give instructions;
  • thirdly, you should learn healthy and unhealthy lifestyles;
  • fourthly, you should learn rules and how to teach other people.


Guys, who propagates the healthy lifestyle?

The volunteers do it. Do you know who volunteers are? Volunteers are people who do all the things without any benefit.

Is this theme at the top?

Our president named this year as the year of volunteers.


Do you want to be a volunteer? Let’s try to do it today. Ok?



Работа со словами

Let’s start.


Open your books at page 1.

You can see pictures and words.

First of all, let’s read all the words with me. Are you ready?


You are to match pictures and words.


____ go to the blackboard. All the rest do it in your books.


Let’s check. Is everything correct?


You see, that these words describe a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle.

Let’s see how well you know the differences between these words. I’ll throw you the ball, tell the word and you will tell what it is: healthy or unhealthy. Then the pupils do the same, one by one.


Stop the game.


Very good.


Guys, was it difficult for you to do the task? Value yourself.



Работа с фразами

What does it mean to have a healthy or unhealthy lifestyle? We are going to learn it.

Look at the blackboard. You can see 2 columns with phrases.


Can you read the first column?

Can you read the second column?


What hash-tags can we use with the first column? What lifestyle is described the first column?


What hash-tags can we use with the second column?

Very good!


We have one more phrase. ___ can you read it? Who can translate?

In what column will you put it?


Now, make 2 sentences and write down.


Guys, do you know what a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle is? Value yourself.




Just to be a healthy person you need to have a rest. Let’s relax.





Boys and girls, don’t forget, that today we are volunteers.

We have learnt what healthy and unhealthy is. Let’s learn how to give advice for people, but we need to know how to give instructions.


There 2 types of instructions: positive and negative.

For example, could you read a positive instruction?

What is negative instruction for this phrase? Could you read?

The next positive instruction… Is it healthy? Of course, it is unhealthy.

Good! I love it!


Now you will work in pairs.

You are to make a small dialogue, using the phrases give each other positive and negative instructions. In your books you have the scheme.

You have 2 minutes.


___ go to the blackboard

How can you value them?


Look at the pictures, what instructions can you give?


Now you can give instruction very easily. Value yourself.



Работа в группах

We will have a group. You have the instruction. First of all, choose the leader. Each of us will have one task which the leader will give you. The leader will have a special card.

The result of your work will be a short story about a Japanese doctor.


Is everything clear?




But we are going to continue our talk about healthy ways of lifestyle.

We’ve got 3 texts here.

I wrote it for people, but I forgot to name them. Can you help me?

You’ve got 3 titles. Read the text and name them. Let’s start with the first one. Can you read?

What’s the title? Ok! I ask you to prove that the title you’ve chosen is right. But you will prove with the help of hash tags.

What key words are for our passage?

How can you prove that this title is the right title?


Now you are to chose the right title and write down the hash tags to prove it.

The second text is for the first line.

The third text is for the second line.

You can use the dictionaries.


Ok, time is over.

Let’s start with the second passage.

What title have you chosen?

What hash tags have you got?


Guys, value yourself.


Now let’s listen to the group.

The leader, value the work of your group.


Let’s check how attentively you have listened to the group.

So the first question: is the doctor a healthy man?

What does he eat?




To be a good volunteer you need to make people follow your advice and instructions.

Imagine that your friend follows unhealthy lifestyle, but he wants to change. Give him or her some pieces of advice.


Can you teach other people? Value yourself.



Подведение итогов

Now it is time to check

Have we learnt some words?

Have we learnt how to give instructions?

Have we learnt healthy and unhealthy lifestyles?

Have we learnt the rules?

Have we learnt how to teach other people?


We’ve done all what we have planned.




Now I want you to tell your opinion about our lesson. Read the sentences and choose what you feel.



Выставление отметок

Guys, today you worked very hard. How do you value yourself?

I like ____ works. I give you excellent marks.

___ you have some mistakes. I give you good marks.

___ you need to work harder. I give you satisfactory marks.



Домашнее задание

Now it is time for your home task. You can find it in your books.



Подведение итогов

At the end of our lesson, I wish you were healthy, don’t follow an unhealthy lifestyle, don’t forget the rules how to be healthy.

That is why I’ll give you a booklet about a healthy lifestyle. Be a volunteer and give it to your friends.

Thank you for the lesson.



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Опубликовано: 24.02.2021