Protect yourself

Автор: Валиахметова Ильмира Минзагитовна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №3 с УИОП

Населенный пункт: Республика Татарстан, г. Бугульма

  1. Фамилия Имя
    (краткий ответ)
  2. Read four situations in ex.1 p.118 in your book. What would you do in each situation? Use Conditional 2 in your answer. E.g. 1. If the man in the lift made me feel uneasy, I would trust my bad feelings and wouldn't get in.
    (развернутый ответ)
  3. What is self-defence?
    (краткий ответ)
  4. Read the text on p.119. What is it about?
    (краткий ответ)
  5. Write 3 things you should do to reduce risks in the street and 3 things you shouldn't do (TEXT A).
    (развернутый ответ)
  6. What should you do to stay safe? Write at least 4 things (TEXT B).
    (развернутый ответ)
  7. Why is it necessary to take self-defence classes? (TEXT C)
    (развернутый ответ)
  8. Do you agree that everyone must take self-defence classes? Why or why not?
    (развернутый ответ)
  9. Are self-defence classes more popular today or in the past? Explain your choice.
    (развернутый ответ)

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Опубликовано: 26.02.2021