Тест, Spotlight 6 класс, модуль 9с

Автор: Валиахметова Ильмира Минзагитовна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №3 с УИОП

Населенный пункт: Республика Татарстан, г. Бугульма

Let’s cook! Spotlight 6 класс. Модуль 9с

https://forms.gle/XQFX9GAYWMV5NUQa7 (образец)


  1. What can you peel?
  • oranges
  • raisins
  • bread
  1. Have a look at the … you need before making a dish.
  • portions
  • cooking time
  • ingredients
  1. Don’t cut yourself when you … vegetables.
  • mix
  • dice
  • boil
  1. You should … the flour, eggs and sugar together.
  • bake
  • fry
  • stir
  1. … the cake for 45 minutes.
  • bake
  • melt
  • dice
  1. How many people does the recipe …?
  • need
  • serve
  • prepare
  1. … vegetables when the meat boils.
  • buy
  • peel
  • add
  1. You need 1 tsp … for pancakes.
  • flour
  • baking powder
  • sugar
  1. Have you got a … for making a pie?
  • recipe
  • receipt
  • shopping list
  1. First, … some butter.
  • boil
  • melt
  • fry



1 oranges, 2 ingredients, 3 dice, 4 stir, 5 bake, 6 serve, 7add, 8 baking powder, 9 recipe, 10 melt.

  1. file0.doc (26,0 КБ)
Опубликовано: 26.02.2021