План-конспект открытого мероприятия. “St. Valentine's Day”

Автор: Вознесенская Дарья Андреевна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ №36»

Населенный пункт: Иркутская область, г. Ангарск

Dear children! Today we celebrate St. Valentine's Day! It is widely celebrated in many countries nowadays and everybody adores this holiday! People can talk about their love, exchange “valentines” and choose their “sweethearts”. Today we'll speak about the history of this holiday and its symbols. Also we shall learn some new words, connected with this holiday and practise them.

So, let's start. Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. To celebrate the day, people send special cards with romantic messages. They give their sweethearts small gifts. So shall we do at the end of our lesson. Valentine's Day is a day to share loving feelings with friends and family. This is a happy day because it is specially dedicated to celebrate the most wonderful feelings as love or affection and friendship.

These are your individual cards. They are different. We have already given you these cards and you should be more attentive, because during our lesson we shall do these exercises. Let's begin.

And now it would be appropriate to determine such word as love. At first, let's read all these words altogether.

Task 1. Now let's try to describe what love is. Look at the blackboard. You can see the heart. You should continue the phrase: “Love is… ” and give the translation.

Task 2. Good for you! You are brilliant! I think now you understand that love is complicated thing which contains a lot of other qualities in itself. So, the next exercise is to match the words with similar meanings. You should read the word combinations and translate them.

Задание 2. Составьте пары.

  1. Admirable a. person
  2. Devotion b. romance
  3. Respectful c. of a sweetheart
  4. Happiness d. to a baby
  5. Tender e. game
  6. Love f. look
  7. Puzzle g. festival
  8. Joy h. feeling
  1. to a girl friend

j. to a boy

Task 3. Well done! And now let's use so called “love words” in the sentences. Try to understand, complete and translate the sentences:

Выберите слово, которое лучше всего дополнит предложение.

  1. On the classroom walls there are (celebrations, decorations, festivals).
  2. Valentine's Day is a celebration of love and (romance, decorations, parents).
  3. Valentines cards have messages of (affection, humorous, share).
  4. It is traditional to send flowers to (celebrate, spouses, dedicate) on Valentine's Day.
  5. This is a day to celebrate (feelings, humorous, decorations) of friendship and love.
  6. Some Valentine cards are funny; they have (loving, humorous, romance) messages.
  7. Lupercalia was an ancient Roman (sharing, god, festival).
  8. Many people call people they love (sweetheart, romance, spouse).

Task 4. Right you are. You work excellently. Now it's time to revise the words. Look at the blackboard and complete the sentences. (Сердце с предложениями, вставить слова)

  1. St. Valentine's Day is an admirable holiday.
  2. It's just a holiday to show people's love and tenderness to their nearest and dearest.
  3. Usually, such people are called sweethearts.
  4. The best decorations for this holiday are hearts, cupids and flowers.
  5. As a rule, people send valentine's cards to those they love.

Task 5. You work hard and you are vey industrious. Thank you. And just to summarize all the information, we can say that “love words” are necessary for people who love somebody. So, the next exercise is associated with some famous people, who were or who are in love with each other. St. Valentine's Day has become traditional for many couples to become engaged on this day. Let's remember famous couples and match the halves of the hearts:

  1. Romeo and Juliet
  2. Onegin and Tatiana

Right you are. We hope that in some years all of you will find your “halves” and use these wonderful “love words”. Also, there are many traditions and customs about St. Valentine's Day. Can you remember them? Let's try to name some of them.

  1. Is there any connection between St. Valentine's Day and saints of the early Christian church?
  2. Do you know any facts about one of old English beliefs, connected with this holiday?
  3. Is there any information about the origin of the word “valentine”?
  4. Also according to the old English beliefs there were both serious and funny traditions. Do you know any funny customs?

That’s very interesting information. Thank you!

Nice of you! You really know a lot of interesting facts. And now we'd like to tell you about another custom – the custom of sending valentine cards stated in Europe in the 1700s. Commercial valentines were first made in the early 1800s. Kate greenway, a British artist, was one of the leading makers of valentines. Her valentines are known for the drawings of little children and the variety shades of blues and greens that she favored.

Whatever the origin, Valentine's Day is celebrated in many parts of the world today and is a holiday for both young and old. As St. Valentine's Day has roots in several different legends through the ages, there are a lot of symbols of it. Let's have a look on them.

  1. Valentine's gifts
  2. Valentine's cards
  3. Hearts
  4. Rose
  5. Cupid

Task 6. Thanks greatly for such interesting information. And now, please, look at the blackboard, there are blank Valentines with pictures and here there are texts, which you should choose for every Valentine.

Task 7. Good for you! The next exercise is crossword. The task is to translate the words and find them in it. (Сердце с кроссвордом, вокруг слова на русском)

(За 7 минут до конца!!!)

We want to congratulate you and wish you happy Valentine's Day.

We would like to point out that some students made great preparations for the lesson! They are: Журавлева, Олейник, Карева, Годлевская, Лаврищева, Гордиенко, Панченко, Косова, Садченко, Мирошниченко, Подкопаев, Кудрявцев, Зябкина. You were excellent. Thank you for your work and others took part in our lesson but you should be more active during the lesson. And now let's do the task with Valentines.

Task 8. We revised the words and now it's time to do the next task. As you know people exchange “valentines” during St. Valentine's Day. Each of you has valentine's card, now you should sign your cards. Look at the blackboard and use the examples how to sign your cards.

Thank you for your lesson! Good-Bye!





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Опубликовано: 10.03.2021