Урок-квест по теме «Королевский Лондон» в 6 классе

Автор: Галлямова Ильсеяр Габдулбаровна

Организация: МБОУ «Олуязский лицей»

Населенный пункт: Республика Татарстан, Мамадышский район, с. Олуяз

Класс: 6

Цель урока: ознакомление с информацией о королевах, королях Великобритании и о местах, связанные с ними и первичное воспроизведение текста в устной речи.

Задачи урока:

образовательная – создать условия для активизации знаний учащихся фактического материала королевской семьи и достопримечательностях Лондона, связанных с королевской династией.

развивающая – обеспечить организацию учебной деятельности обучающихся, учить применять методы информационного поиска и обработки информации, строить продуктивное взаимодействие и сотрудничество со сверстниками.

воспитательная – вызвать и развить интерес учащихся к стране изучаемого языка, стимулировать способность работать в коллективе, а также готовность решать учебные, коммуникативные задачи самостоятельно.

Формируемые универсальные учебные действия:


- осознание того, что уже усвоено, оценивание качества усвоения знаний, учащиеся проверяют правильность произношения и понимания слов;

- целеполагание, определение последовательности планирования;

- умение организовать себя на рабочем месте, работать по алгоритму;

- умение соотносить планируемые цели с результатами, осознавать степень их выполнения.


-мотивация к изучению нового;

- формирование информационной культуры;

- развитие самостоятельности и личностной ответственности за результаты своего труда;



- умение слушать, выделять необходимую информацию, осознанно строить речевые высказывания;

- выделять главное в предложенной информации, логически мыслить, самостоятельно находить способы решения поставленной задачи;

- устанавливать существенные признаки, обобщать;

- формирование рефлексивных умений и объективной оценки.



- умение вступать в диалог;

- строить устное монологическое высказывание.


Ход урока

Орг . момент.

Hello! How are you? Ok, I see everybody is fine. So let’s start our lesson! What city do you see on the screen?(London) (слайд 1)Have you ever been to London? Do you want to go there?(Yes, we do)

  1. Фонетическая зарядка

I hope your dream will come true. But I think you know its sights well. Let’s check. Look at the screen, read the first phrase and click to the picture of it. Let’s start with you, Aliya….Very good work!!!(слайды 2-7)

  1. Определение темы и цели урока.

Try to guess what is the topic of our lesson? (Royal London) You are right!!(слайды 8-9) What will you able to learn today? (to read about London)

You can learn about:

- the places which are connected with the Crown;

- the British queens and the King Henry VIII; (слайд 10)

To learn this information, I suggest you a game “Quest” (слайд 11) Do you know what game it is?

Do you like to play it? The purpose of the game is to find something interesting. Listen to the riddle and guess what you will look for.

Guess the riddle:
It has lots of jewelleries. Kings and queens put it on their heads. What is it? (A crown) (слайд 12)
So we will look for a crown.

  1. Актуализация ранее полученных знаний.

Let's start! What can you see on the screen now? (a red bus and a map) (слайд 13) We'll travel about London and to go there you should answer my questions:
1) What is the capital of Great Britain?
2) What was the original name of the British capital?
3) How many people lived there by the year 400?
4) When did the Great Fire of London start?
5) How long did it last?
6) How big was the part of the city destroyed?
7) What caused the Great Fire of London?
8) What is the name of the biggest bell in London?
9) What are the most famous parks in London?
10) Can you name the famous British Kings or Queens?
11) What is the name of the Queen in Great Britain now?
12) What is the best way to see London?
5. Ознакомление

  1. Let's travel about London! (слайд 14) The first stop is Regent's Park.(слайд 15) Read what has been written on the screen. Guliya, point the letter. There is a task for you, read it, please. The task is to read the text and replace the “bananas” with the correct words.(слайд 16)

Are you ready? Who would like to read this text?(слайд 17)

Now look there is a self-control table. Click on the icon «Hurray», if you coud do that exercise without any help. Click on the icon «Great», I couldn’t do that exercise without a dictionary/ smb’s help. Click on the icon «A shocked face», if you need a help. Now write down your point on your copybook. Nobody needs a help! Great!(слайд 18)
2) So we are next to the Buckingham Palace. (слайд 19, 20) Let's enter it! What do you see? (слайд 21)The portraits of queens and kings. Let’s pay attention to some of them. (слайд 22) Look at the board. Do you know t? Listen and repeat.

6. Физкультминутка.

Now let's have a rest!!!(слайд 23) Listen and act out with me.

A lady come out of her front door and was walking down the street when the sun came out so she put her sunglasses on and took her jacket off, tying it round her waist. She was talking on her mobile so she didn’t see the lamppost just in front of her. Whack! She walked straight into it, banging her head and dropping her phone on the floor. She took a tissue out of her handbag and wiped away the tears from her eyes before crouching down to pick up the pieces of her mobile. Then it started to rain so she took her sunglasses off and put them in her pocket before heading back to her house. She opened the door, put the kettle on, and sat down at the kitchen table and waited for it to boil.
7. Первичное возспроизведения изученной информации в устной речи.

Look at the board. There is a task for you: To get the Crown read the text on page 106-107, find the information about Henry VIII/ Queen Elizabeth I/ Queen Victoria and fill the gaps. (слайд 24) 3 of yours will read about Henry VIII, other 3 students will read about Queen Elizabeth I and the others about Queen Victoria.

You have 3 minutes for doing this work. Are you ready? Who would like to read the text? Let’s check! Pay attention there is a puzzle.(слайд 25-27) Let’s solve it. So where is the Crown? Yes, of course, it is in the Tower of London! (слайд 28) That’s why we can’t get it. But I can show you a photo of the Crown. (слайд 29) It’s wonderful, isn’t it?

8. Домашнее задание.

Now look there is a self-control table. Click on the icon «Hurray», if you could do that exercise without any help. Click on the icon «Great», I couldn’t do that exercise without a dictionary/ smb’s help. Click on the icon «A shocked face», if you need a help. Now write down your point on your copybook. Nobody needs a help! Great!(слайд 30) Now take your self-control sheets and circle your point. Count your points. How many points do you have? If you have

  • 5-6 points – ex. 22, p. 107;
  • 3-4 points – ex. 20, p. 107;
  • 1-2 points – ex. 19, p. 105 (слайд 31)

9. Рефлексия.

What have you learnt today?

- I have learnt about …

  • the places which are connected with the Crown;
  • the British queens and the King Henry VIII (слайд 32)

What was interesting?

What was difficult?

I liked your work today. You were so interested in the lesson, attentive and creative. Thank you for the lesson! The lesson is over. Goodbye!



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Опубликовано: 24.03.2021