Урок комбинированного типа Australia is a continent and a country

Автор: Попова Людмила Николаевна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ № 1 г. Мичуринска

Населенный пункт: Тамбовская область, г. Мичуринск

Класс: 7

УМК: «Forward» 7 кл. 2 ч. Вербицкая,М. и др.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Тема урока: Формирование навыков чтения и произносительных навыков.

Цели урока:

1) Обучающая: закрепление лексического материала

2) Развивающая: развитие и усовершенствование навыков обучающихся во всех видах речевой деятельности.

3)Воспитательная: воспитать интерес к иностранному языку, как к средству общения.

Задачи урока: 1) активизировать во всех видах речевой деятельности употребление лексики по теме;

2) обучить вести диалог – расспрос;

4) совершенствовать навыки устной речи;

5) развить умения обучающихся работать самостоятельно, в парах и в парах, умение слушать и понимать друг друга.

Планируемые образовательные результаты:

Личностные: формирование навыков самостоятельного поиска, анализа и отбора и сохранения необходимой информации; формирование навыков взаимодействия с окружающими при работе в группе; формирование культуры поведения.

Метапредметные: формирование организации целеполагания, планирования, анализа, рефлексии учебной деятельности; формирование навыков самооценки и взаимооценки; формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.

Предметные: активизация во всех видах речевой деятельности употребление лексики по теме; научится вести диалог – расспрос по теме; понимать на слух речь учителя и одноклассников.

Технологии, применяемые на уроке: мультимедийные: аудио-, видео записи, презентация;

сотрудничество: совместное заполнение информационной таблицы;

здоровьесберегающие: физминутка, смена видов деятельности;

элементы технология развивающего обучения.

Этап урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика


I. Мотивация к учебной деятельности (2 мин)

Цели: погружение в языковую среду; организация совместного открытия темы урока

1.Настраивает учащихся на работу, вводит в атмосферу иноязычной речи.

T: Dear pupils, I'm glad to see you again. I’m sure you expect me to tell something extraordinary or special. You’re right. We are going to speak about the most mysterious country of the world. I suppose while looking at the pictures you’ll guess what country we’ll visit.

What can you see in the pictures?

(The teacher shows some pictures on the smart board)

T: Pupils, have you guessed what country it is? Certainly you're right, it’s Australia. It’s both a continent and a country.

Would you like to visit Australia? Why? Why not?


2. На доске карточки со словами.

-Ask me, what are we going to do at our lesson?

1. Words - Are we going to repeat new words? - Yes, we are.

2. Photo – Are we going to describe photos?

3. Questions – Are we going to answer the questions? – Yes, we are

4. Continent – Shall we travel? Yes, of course.

5. Australia – Shall we speak about Australia? Yes. Certainly.

6. English – Shall we speak English? Yes. We shall



1.Настраиваются на работу урока.

- Good morning teacher!

-- Today our theme is Australia.

- We’re going to speak about some facts of Australia.






-- I would like because I think this country is beautiful and there are interesting places and facts which interesting to know. I’m sure that the people is very friendly and kind.


Задают вопросы о своих действиях на уроке, тем самым ставя цели урока.

Умение слушать и слышать.

Выражение своего настроения. Совершенствование навыка произношения английских звуков.









Прогнозирование. Умение выражать свои мысли. Умение формулировать вопросы

2. Вводная беседа по теме

- If you had the opportunity to visit Australia what would you prefer to do there?



-I would prefer to visit sightseeing.

-I would prefer to surf in the ocean.


Осознание и произвольное построение речевого высказывания с опорой на собственное мнение.


3. Активизация знаний

On the desks you can see a table. Fill in paragraphs: the theme of the lesson, what do you know about it, what would you like to know about it, and at the end of the lesson we’ll fill in the last paragraph. Think a little and write what you want to know about the country.


Придумывают свои вопросы

The theme Know Want to know Have known



Произвольное построение письменной речи.

4. Проверка домашнего задания

Now it’s time to check up your homework. Open your book at page 16, ex. 4. At home you had to read the text about the Aborigines.

1.Listen to the record with the text very attentively because the speaker has made some mistakes, find them and tell me.

2. Tell me only true statements

Ученики открывают учебники, слушают запись и следят по учебнику за диктором, находят его ошибки.






1 The first people to arrive in Australia were the Aborigines. True

2 There were Aborigines in Australia 50.000 years ago. False

3 The majority of Australians are Aborigines. False

4.Most Aborigines live in cities. True

5.Aborigines are usually rich. False


Умение выражать свои мысли.

5. Введение новых лексических единиц

1. Look at page 17 ex. 8. There are some new words here. Listen and read them.

2. Now listen and repeat them.

На экране даны слова с переводом

1. Ученики слушают и следят по учебнику


2. Ученики слушают и повторяют за диктором

Структурирование знаний

6. Работа с учебником

Look at ex.5 page 16. Work in groups. Read the text about the first Europeans in Australia and match statements 1-5 with numbers A-E.



Осмысление цели чтения и выбор вида чтения в зависимости от цели.


7.Отработка навыков говорения

People are a part of any country.

On your desks you have photos of Australian people. They are aborigines, citizens and tourists. Choose one of the photos and describe a person .

Дать время на подготовку 1 минуту

Who wants to be the first?


Make guesses about the people in these photographs.

What kind of people are they?

What were they doing before the photographs took?

What are they doing now?

What are they going to do? Why?

Дать время на подготовку 1 минуту. You have 1.5 minutes to do the task.

Who wants to be the first?




  1. I think that he is a tourist from another country. He was taking a funny video of a small kangaroo. Now he is showing this video to this kangaroo. He is going to post this cute video to his friends abroad, because they are interested of his trip








Осознанное и произвольное построение речевого высказывания по плану, в котором даны опоры-вопросы.

8. Динамическая пауза

Организует отдых учащихся

Смотрят видеоролик об Австралии

It`s time to have a rest.

Watch the video about Australia (смотрят видео)

Do you like the video?

Смотрят видеоролик, отвечают на вопрос


9. Активизация страноведческого материала


-Now you will learn more information about this English –speaking country. At the screen you see the table, the same table is in front of you on your desks. You have to fill in it when you read the article. But there is one problem: you don’t have enough answers in your texts, so you should ask questions to the other groups to get the necessary information for your table.



















Now look at the screen and check your answers





















Ученики вначале читают свои тексты и заполняют свои пункты таблицы, а затем задают вопросы другим


What is the population of Australia? (Australia has a population of 17 million people)

How many aborigines live in Australia? ((They are only about 1-3 % of the total population)

What is the capital of Australia? ( Canberra is the capital of Australia)

What are the major cities in Australia? (They are Melbourne and Sydney)

What are names of federal states and other areas in Australia (There are 6 federal states in Australia. They are Southern Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria. There are also two areas: The Northern Territory and a federal district where the capital is located) Это ученик должен показать на карте.

Who is the Head of State? ( The Head of State is Queen Elizabeth II)

What is the official name of the country? (The official name is the Commonwealth of Australia.)

What is the currency in Australia? ( It is the Australian dollar)

Name of country Australia

Population 17 million people

Aborigines population 1-3 % of the total population

The capital Canberra

Major cities Melbourne and Sydney

Names of federal states and other areas Southern Australia, Western Australia, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania and Victoria. There are also two areas: The Northern Territory and a federal district

The official name the Commonwealth of Australia

The Head of State Queen Elizabeth II

Currency Australian dollar

Famous animals Koalas, kangaroos, crocodiles


Работа с информацией.

Умение слушать и слышать, умение высказывать свои мысли.

Активизация навыков чтения и монологического высказывания. Извлечение необходимой информации, осознанное построение вопроса и ответов в устной речи

10. Рефлексия.


1. Тake the table which you filled at the beginning of the lesson. It’s time to fill in the last column.





2.Объясняет домашнее задание.

So you’ve got a lot of facts about Australia. At home you have to make up a story about it using the table.

1.Ученики заполняют последнюю колонку в таблице

The theme Know Want to know Have known



2.Получают домашнюю работу, при необходимости уточняют его.

Анализировать личные достижения по теме.

Осуществлять самоконтроль.

Проявлять самостоятельность.



1 group

AUSTRALIA, OR “OZ” as it is called in Australian slang, is the smallest continent in the world. Australia has a population of 17 million people. In fact, Australia only has 2 inhabitants per square kilometer. The Aborigine population is very small, only about 1-3 % of the total.

Australia has six states — New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria and Western Australia. Each state has its government. Australia has two territories — the Australian Capital Territory, where the capital is located, and the Northern Territory. The capital of Australia is Canberra. The capital, with its population of 375,000, is not the biggest city in Australia. In fact the biggest cities are Sydney with 4,600,000 inhabitants and then Melbourne with 4,240,000 inhabitants.



2 group

The official name of Australia is the Commonwealth of Australia. Australia is a constitutional monarchy like Great Britain. The nation is administered under written constitution. The British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II, is also queen of Australia and country's head of state. But the queen has little power in the Australian government. She serves mainly as a symbol of long historical tie between Great Britain and Australia. Australia is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations which is an association formed by Britain and some of its former colonies. However, many Australians want the country to be an independent republic with its own president.

The head of government is the Australian Prime Minister, who is responsible to the Australian Parliament. The Parliament of Australia consists of the House of Representatives (or “the lower house”) and the Senate (or “the upper house”).



3 group

Australia has its own currency, the Australian dollar, Australians speak English, but the way they speak it is very different From the way English people speak it. There are many words which are used only in Australia, and Australian slang is different from British English slang.

Australia is famous for the variety of its countryside with the Great Sandy Desert in the west of the continent and the mountains of the Great Dividing Range in the east, and for its wildlife. The best known and most recognizable Australian animals are koalas, kangaroos and crocodiles.

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Опубликовано: 30.03.2021