Дистанционный урок английского языка на тему «Directions»

Автор: Скоропадская Виктория Александровна

Организация: КГУ

Населенный пункт: г. Курск


Teacher’s name

Skoropadska Viktoriia

Date of lesson


Time and length of lesson

45 minutes (12:00 – 12:45)

Level of English


Number of students



Age: 15 years old, nationality: Russia

Aims of the lesson

By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

  • ask for directions on how to get somewhere on foot or by public transport using simple polite questions
  • give simple directions on how to get somewhere on foot or by public transport, with reference to a map
  • understand simple directions on how to get somewhere by public transport, with reference to a map

Secondary aims of lesson

To revise and reinforce knowledge of grammar in following topics:

  • using modal verbs (may, can, have to, need to)
  • using imperative mood
  • using prepositions of place

What I am looking for

Students to use active vocabulary and grammar while communicating with each other in order to give and ask for direction within a city

We are learning to

Gather ideas, plan and express statements on the topic “Orientation on the map”; use new collocations relating to the topic

Anticipated problems

  • The lack of vocabulary to express thoughts
  • Foreign language anxiety (the fear of making mistakes while using foreign language)
  • The lack of motivation to get engaged with speaking activities


For convenience I will use italic to indicate teacher’s statements
For additional explanations or comments I will use brackets






- Good morning, dear students! I’m glad to see you in my class. Let me know how do you feel today? What’s new?

(Students are answering at will. In inclusive class environment students are willing to share their current frame of mind + it’s an opportunity for them to practice speaking.)

- Now let me pronounce some words and sentences and listen to your associations. Are you ready?

(Students express commitment. The teacher pronounces the following words and expressions: «rest», «shop», «walk», «transport», «the place to go with friends», «the place to go after classes», «the place to go with parents», «the place to have some time alone», «the place to feel closer to the nature».
Anticipated answers: home, friends, family watching TV, playing computer games, walking in the park; clothes, food, mall, money; park, forest; car, bus, train; shop, park, café, cinema, theater, restaurant; forest, park, beach, mountain, zoo).

- Well done! Can you answer my questions now? Where do people usually stay when they are sick? Where can people get books? Where can people catch a bus? Where need people to go to receive their letters?

(Students are answering the questions, using active vocabulary on the topic «places». There may appear problems with the difficulty to recall some words, so the next activity helps to refresh knowledge)

- Now let’s look at the pictures (Picture 1 on the screen). Can you describe what people usually do in these places?

Students see the first slide of Power Point presentation.
Students are expected to give explanations like ‘a playground is a place where children can play together’ or ‘a farm is a place where people keep animals’)




(Picture 1)





- As you are familiar with most of the places you can see in the city, it’s important to be able to give directions as people sometimes can ask you where something is located on the map. Or you may need help with directions. What does the word ‘direction’ mean?

(Students are expected to try to guess the meaning of the word. The teacher helps them by giving a definition or context)

- Direction is information about how to get to a place. For example: «Someone asked me for direction to the hospital». In other words «Someone asked me how to get to the hospital». Let’s look at the most important vocabulary that you need to know on this topic.

Students see the second slide of Power Point presentation.



(Picture 2)

On this stage students repeat after teacher each word and collocation. If somebody is struggling with any of the expressions above it’s good to engage classmates in the process and give them an opportunity to be teachers. Students try to give explanations to help a classmate to get the meaning.




- Let’s have some practice now. Look at the map on the screen (Map 1. The third slide of Power Point presentation). Please ask your neighbor how to get to the school for example if you are near the shop using the following model:

(The template is written on the slide.)

- I am (the place where you are.) Can you please tell me where (the place you want to get) is located? Yes, sure. You need to turn left / go straight ahead / cross the road.

Map 1

(Students are invited to analyze the map and describe the location of different objects (using prepositions of place).

For example:

Student 1: «I am near the shop. Can you please tell me where the museum is located? »
Student 2: «The museum is located between the stadium and the book shop so you need to cross the road and go past the book shop»)
Student 3: «I am near the zoo. Can you please tell me where the hospital is located? »
Student 4: «The hospital is located opposite the zoo so you have to cross the road»)

- Well done! Now you will listen to the audio recording and follow the directions of four different people (A, B, C and D). You will listen to it twice so please be careful. At the end of the activity you will need to tell me where you are – which object on the map you have got). You may also need some additional vocabulary to complete the task.


(The following words are written on the fourth slide.)


The teacher explains the meaning of the words above.

If everybody is ready the students see a map on the fifth slide of Power Point Presentation (see below). The listening begins (AudioTrack1).

The map for listening

(When the recording is played twice teacher asks the questions to check whether or not students have succeeded with the task, for example: “Which place did you get after the directions of Speaker 1?”)





- You have done great work! Now you can demonstrate your knowledge about giving and asking for directions. Please choose your partner for the next task.

There must be nine pairs of students.

- Imagine that you are travelling in Germany and now you are in Berlin – the capital of the country. But you need to find a place you want to visit or stay at or maybe buy some souvenir for your friends. Decide who in your pair is a traveler and who is a local, a person who lives in Berlin. Make up a short dialogue, using new words and expressions.

(Students are encouraged to have a look at the words they have studied one more time. It’s good to pronounce each expression from the Picture 2 aloud and ask students to repeat to check their pronunciation.)

- You have 5 minutes for the task and then you will present your dialogues. If there are any questions, please ask me.

Студенты расходятся по комнатам в Zoom-е. Учитель поочередно посещает каждую комнату, в которой находится пара студентов и контролирует выполнение задания, подмечая самые распространенные ошибки, которые будут вынесены на стадию Рефлексии.

When time is passed each pair presents the dialogue in the common meeting room. The teacher gives feedback to each pair and praise the effort.




- Thank you for your work! Let’s summarize now. Which new words and expressions have you learnt today?

Students are answering. They are also encouraged to ask questions in case they still don’t understand something. It’s a good idea to ask students to rate their day on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 = bad and 10 = fabulous. Next find out the class average, and then ask students to work in pairs / small groups to discuss what makes for a “10” day (or a “1”, “2”, “3” … day).

  1. file1.rar (1,7 МБ)
  2. file0.doc (669,5 КБ)
Опубликовано: 06.04.2021