Англичане — какие они

Автор: Корноухова Оксана Анатольевна

Организация: МБОУ Лицей №6

Населенный пункт: Ставропольский край, г. Невинномысск



Раздел программы: Культурология

Тема урока: «Англичане какие они?»

Цель: Расширение языкового содержания языкового образования с учетом личностно-ориентированного культуроведчески направленного подхода к обучению.


1. Формировать умение учащихся интегрировать знания, полученные из разных областей вокруг решения одной проблемы.

2. Дать возможность применить полученные знания на практике, генерируя при этом новые идеи.

3. Создать условия для сотрудничества учащихся в процессе решения проектной задачи.

Тип урока: комбинированный.

Ход урока:

1 этап. Введение в тему через эмоциональное погружение.

T . Good morning boys and girls. Glad to see you. We’ve been learning English for several years. We’ve already learnt geographical position of this country, its history, political system and even about the Royal family. We’ve learnt the culture of this country, the language. But sometimes it’s difficult to express what do we mean. We don’t know enough how to communicate properly.And it can be a problem for us. Once my son got a letter from a pen-friend from Britain.Look at the screen what she has written.

“Hello, dear friend… My name is ... I’m 14. I’m from London…. I’d like to make friends with some Russian boys and girls.… But I’m afraid that we won’t be ableto understand each other.. I know that you used to wear fur hats even when it is warm. And you can even see bears in the streets… they say the Russians are very talkative..and rude.. ”


What does she think about us? Работа фронтально.


T. What kind of people are we for this girl? Показать на слова rude и talkative.

S-s.. …

T. And what kind of people are we, the Russians?


T. Almost every nation has a reputation of some kind. What do you think, why this girl has such strange opinion about us? How did she form it?


T. How do we form the stereotypes?... What about books, do you watch TV or read books, news, lessons. What about school subjects? Do they help us to form the stereotypes? Have you ever read the biographies of famous people? What about their technical progress? Can you name their famous model of car? Do you know any famous artists, sportsmen? Фронтально.

S-s ..

Слайд с картинками фильмом, книгами, уроки англ, истории, литературы, музыка, искусство, автомобили, спортсмены, анекдоты, известные люди.

T. Let’s ask ourselves what do we know about the English? First of all, we know (слайд из разных эпох) famous scientists, writers, actors, politicians, musicians, sportsmen. They are the English.Let’scombine them all in one person..Изкучилиц – однолицо, силуэт.

What are the typical English like? What kind of characters is he famous for?

S-s.. набор качеств перед учениками. Фронтально

T. Let’s combine your thoughts and my opinion..4 качества модель. polite, hard-working, snobbish, traditional.

T. Is this a real man or a stereotype?


And now I’ve got some pictures, photos, anecdotes for you. Choose some of them to describe the typical English…Be ready to tell others about your choice.

1 группа – предметы быта. 2 группа- предметы личного характера. 3 группа – анекдоты.

What have you chosen? Name and show the things which can characterize the English. Look at the blackboard there are two columns what is typical for the English and what in not typical for them. I want you to fix you choice on the blackboard.


T. Do you agree with them?

2 этап групповой продуктивно-творческой деятельности при работы с текстами.

T. What are the English like? We can see the so called Mr. Smith who likes: The Times, the Queen, money, big dogs, umbrellas and people who call him “Sir”. And nowlet’s find the confirmations of our thoughts. Let’s work in groups. I’ll give you the texts and the tasks to them. You will work with texts on different themes. Your group will work with the English traditions.

Your group will work with the anecdotes. You will work with features of the English character. Each group has the instructions with the points. You should follow these points. Look through them. Do you have any questions?

3этап. Обобщающий образовательный продукт – модель англичанина.

T. Your time is up.Прослушать результаты, качества с характерами крепят на доску. Дискуссия. Вопросы и ответы участников групп друг другу (если таковые будут).

T. Well boys and girls let’s return to our table on the blackboard. At the beginning of the lesson we put the typical and improper things and anecdotes on the blackboard. Would you like to add anything from one table to another?


T. Let’s return to our so called Mr. Smith.

As we see our model has become rich by these qualities. Would you like to know more about the English?


4 этап. Рефлексия, этап выход на метапредметный, аксеологический уровень.

T. Tell me please, Which of his qualities are typical for you? Which qualities would you like to have?

S-s. I’m….I’d like to be…

T. Everybody has something incommon with the English. And what about the English? Do they have anything in common with us? It was nice to work with you. Thank you. Good bye.



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Опубликовано: 05.10.2021