Патриотическое воспитание обучающихся на уроке английского языка «Мой герой»

Автор: Буцкая Анна Альбертовна

Организация: МБОУ Целинская СОШ №1

Населенный пункт: Ростовская область, п. Целина

«What people make your country famous? »

Цель: патриотическое воспитание школьников.

Задачи урока:

Воспитательные: воспитывать чувство патриотизма, уважительного отношения к старшему поколению, интереса к традициям семьи и боевому прошлому родственников, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры; ориентировать на усвоение общечеловеческих ценностей.


1)провести контроль умения в подготовленной монологической речи по теме: «Мои родственники в годы Великой Отечественной войны»

3)развивать навык построения косвенных вопросов.


1)развивать речевые способности (языковая догадка, логика изложения материала и т.д.).

Оборудование урока:

УМК по английскому языку для 8-х классов, В.П. Кузовлев, эпиграф к уроку на доске, презентация Power point

Область применения: данная методическая разработка может быть использована при проведении уроков Мужества, внеклассных мероприятий на английском языке, посвящённых Дню Победы

Ход урока:

1. Вступительное слово учителя.

Dear friends! Now we are going to continue our conversation about the Great Patriotic War (G.P.W.). Would you mind to pay your attention to this slogan. I have taken it from the poem “Victory” by Olga Berggolts.

Эпиграф урока на доске:

There are no victories great and small,

In war there’s but one victory.

One victory there is, as one love,

A single effort of the people…

How can you interpret these words? How do you feel about this slogan?

2. Сообщение общих сведений о ВОВ.

So, it was the Great Patriotic War. Let’s remind how it was.

Pupil 1:

On the twenty second of June, 1941 Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war. About 200 motorized divisions, 6 million soldiers, about 4000 tanks and 5000 aircrafts were deployed against the Russian land to crush and destroy it. The Great Patriotic War began. There were unforgettable battles at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, and other places. Many Soviet people displayed outstanding heroism and courage. All young and old men fought shoulder to shoulder for every town and village. A lot of people lost their lives on the battle – fields. Some of them were titled Heroes of the Soviet Union, others were awarded medals and orders. The slogan of that time was “Everything for the front. Everything for victory!” Our country was turned into a military camp. True, it was women who had to do most of the work. They took over from their husbands and sons who had gone off to fight. Often old people and teenagers also worked at factories, sometimes, round the clock. Hundreds of thousands of people performed heroic deeds.

3. Презентация проекта об участнике ВОВ.

4. Работа с текстом и выполнение заданий.

I see a photo on the pages
Of paper I was looking through
With soldier looking like teenager,
The hero of World War II.

His life had only just begun
He fell in battlefield as one.
The background was a lovely scene:
The sky was blue, the grass was green

'Photo', Rimma Kazakova


At dawn on June 22, 1941, fascist Germany, treacherously breaking the nonaggression pact, initiated military operations against the Soviet Union, taking the Soviet troops by surprise.

On June 22 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued decrees on the mobilization, beginning June 23, of citizens subject to military service born between 1905 and 1918. All the peoples of the Soviet Union, brought up by the Communist Party in the spirit of patriotism, internationalism, and hated of fascism, rose to defense of the socialist motherland.

Glushchenko Dmitrii Efimovich was born in 1911 (1908) in a small village Srednii Egorlyk in the south of Rostov region. In 1941 my grandfather married a pretty girl Anna Pavlovna. They got a son Al’bert, my father. He got to the front line in 1941, October, 18. His son was only 9 months. He served in the 276th regiment, participated in battles between Feodosiya and Kerch as a machine gunner.

A port in eastern Crimea, Kerch was a key German bridgehead for launching its offensive into southern Russia and a key Soviet bridgehead for the eventual liberation of the Crimean Peninsula. As a result of its military importance, Kerch was the site of numerous battles from November 1941.

Dmitrii Efimovich was killed in 1942 near Feodosiya.

The monument «The 17th kilometer» to the fallen soldiers was established near the village Primorskii (the mountain Okopnaya).

The victory the Soviet people won in the Great Patriotic War cost them very high. More than twenty million Soviet people were killed. The fascists destroyed and burned about 2000 cities and towns and 70000 villages.

Now the greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May 1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended. We’ll never forget our great grandparents who died to defend our Motherland.

bridgehead – плацдарм

offensive – наступление

eventual liberation - последующее освобождение

peninsula – полуостров

treacherously breaking – вероломно нарушая

troops – войска

Task 1. Read the text and find the right ending of the sentences.


  1. On June 22 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR…
  2. battles from November 1941.
  3. national holiday in our country…
  4. …the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended.

Task 2. Read the following statements and say if they are true or false.


  1. At dawn on June 21, 1941, fascist Germany, treacherously breaking the nonaggression pact, initiated military operations against the Soviet Union, taking the Soviet troops by surprise.
  2. On June 22 the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued decrees on the mobilization, beginning June 23, of citizens subject to military service born between 1905 and 1918.
  3. Glushchenko Dmitrii Efimovich was born in 1911 (1908) in a small village Thelina in the south of Rostov region.
  4. He served in the 276th regiment, participated in battles between Feodosiya and Kerch as a machine gunner.


5.Заключительное слово «Цена Победы».

Pupil 2:

The victory the Soviet people won in the Great Patriotic War cost them very high. More than twenty million Soviet people were killed. The fascists destroyed and burned about 2000 cities and towns and 70000 villages.

Now the greatest national holiday in our country is Victory Day. On the 9th of May 1945, our army completely defeated the German fascists and the Great Patriotic War ended. We’ll never forget our great grandparents who died to defend our Motherland. Now let’s honor their memory with a minute of silence.

6. Минута молчания.

7. Подведение итогов урока.

8. Домашнее задание.

  1. file1.ppt.zip (2,5 МБ)
  2. file0.docx (17,6 КБ)
Опубликовано: 12.10.2021