Открытое мероприятие «День памяти погибших в радиационных авариях и катастрофах»

Автор: Клеймёнова Алина Юрьевна

Организация: МБОУ «Средняя школа №5 им. И.П.Волка»

Населенный пункт: Курская область, г. Курск

I want you to see the video, it’s a song by Michael Jackson «Earth Song».

Tell me what thoughts have you got after watching it.


You know that the 26th of April is the date when we commemorate the Memorial Day for those who were killed in radiation accidents and disasters.

Also we know that this actual day is marked as the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

As a result of the Chernobyl accident, more than 53.5 thousand square kilometers of Ukrainian territory were polluted. On the territory of 2598 square kilometers, people do not live - they were forcibly resettled. 162 thousand people were evacuated and relocated from places of permanent residence, including the city of Pripyat was completely settled.

Today I want you to talk about this accident and all the others which had happened in the World’s history.



First who arrived at the burning nuclear power plant were simple firefighters from the city of Pripyat. Many of them took terrible doses of radiation and died in a painful death. (ролик)

In Ukraine, there are 2 million 600 thousand victims of the Chernobyl disaster, 255 thousand liquidators, 106 thousand disabled people.

About 200 tons of nuclear fuel mixed with other materials in different forms are currently remaining at the Shelter.

This accident forced humanity to take a new approach to nuclear energy and the safe operation of nuclear power plants. The explosion affected not only the republics of the former USSR - Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, but also a number of countries bordering the Soviet Union.


Today, more than 30 years later, we are talking about the Chernobyl disaster.

First of all, “The Chernobyl disaster is the most terrible event in the history of civilization of course. As a result, all of humanity suffered.

Вика и Ярик tell us about the consequences of the accident.


The consequences of the accident are global and terrible. Global because radioactive substances from an exploding reactor were spread throughout the planet. Terrible because a huge number of people were exposed to radiation.

Secondly, you can not rely on technology, no matter how reliable it seems

Thirdly, unfortunately, many long-lived radioactive elements, thrown 33 years ago from an exploding reactor, are still in the environment, carried by air and water flows and represent a danger to the health of the inhabitants of the Earth.

Therefore, people should remember about Chernobyl for the future, be aware of the dangers of radiation, and do everything to ensure that such disasters never happen again.

you know, that we have a new girl in our club, and she has been studing German. and she would like to present the poem about Chernobyl accident


Das Phantom von Tschernobyl

Das Phantom von Tschernobylistwieder da,
Eswandeltwiederübers Land
MitGraus und Pein!

In seiner PhantasiezerstörtesallesLeben auf Erden!
Essingt das Phantom
So grausig und schlimm,
hier und überall!

Das Phantom von Tschernobylistwieder da,
EsgehtmitverwüstendemSchrittübers Land
Und vernichtetallesamt!

sondern pure Realität!
Das Phantom von Tschernobyl,
so schrecklich und grauenhaft!
(Der Tod auf leisenSohlen!)

Das Phantom von Tschernobylistwieder da,
eszieht die Kriegsherren an wieein Magnet!
Esschlägtzumit Hass und Neid,
Tod und Verderben,
das Phantom von Tschernobyl!

Das Phantom von Tschernobylistwieder da,
so grausam und so schlimm!
EsziehtmiteinemNetzausStrahlen des Verderbens und dem Tod
Über das Land!

StrahlendeGesichter und kochendesBlut,
wieeintückisches Virus breitet
das Phantom von Tschernobylsichaus!
Keinerkann das Phantom jemalsstoppen,
je nochhindern, die Welt zuzerstören,
mit seiner grausigenMacht des Todes!

Das Phantom von Tschernobylistwieder da,
das Phantom von Tschernobylistüberall!

Das Phantom istschlimmerals die Pest,
das Phantom istschlimmerals der Tod!



also we have a video letter from our pen friend Amerik from Nigeria. lets watch it.



Of course Chernobyl accident is the most terrible event which we know but there also the others.

The first major radiation accidents in history occurred during the production of nuclear materials for the first atomic bombs.



On September the 1st in 1944 in the United States, Tennessee, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, an explosion of uranium hexafluoride occurred. Trying to clean the pipe in a laboratory device for enriching uranium, was an explosion which led to the formation of a dangerous substance of hydrofluoric acid. Five people who were in the lab at that time suffered from acid burns and inhalation of a mixture of radioactive and acid fumes. Two of them died, and the rest were seriously injured.

Тема, Даша, Ваня

In the USSR, the first serious radiation accident occurred on June 19, 1948, the very next day after the release of a nuclear reactor to produce weapons-grade plutonium (object "A" of the Mayak plant in the Chelyabinsk Region) to its design capacity.

As a result of lack cooling of several uranium blocks, their local fusion with the surrounding graphite occurred. Within nine days, the channel was cleared by manual re-drilling. During the liquidation of the accident, all male reactor personnel, as well as soldiers of the construction battalions were involved in the liquidation of the accident and they were exposed to radiation.

On March 3, 1949, in the Chelyabinsk Region, as a result of a massive discharge by the Mayak Combine into the Techa River of highly active liquid radioactive waste, about 124 thousand people in 41 settlements were exposed. The largest dose received 28,100 people who lived in coastal settlements along the river Techa; Chronic radiation sickness has been reported in many of those exposed.

September 29, 1957 an accident occurred, dubbed "Kyshtym". A tank containing radioactive substances exploded in a radioactive waste storage facility at Mayak in the Chelyabinsk Region. Experts estimated the power of the explosion at 70-100 tons in TNT equivalent. The radioactive cloud from the explosion passed over the Chelyabinsk, Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions, forming the so-called East-Ural radioactive trace with an area of ​​over 20 thousand square kilometers. According to expert estimates, from the moment of the explosion to the evacuation from the industrial site of the plant, more than five thousand people were subjected to single exposure to 100 x-rays. In the aftermath of the accident in the period from 1957 to 1959 participated from 25 to 30 thousand soldiers. In Soviet times, information about the catastrophe was classified.


December 12, 1952 in Canada, the world's first serious accident at a nuclear power plant. A technical error by the personnel of the NPP Cholk River (Ontario) led to overheating and partial melting of the reactor core. Thousands of curies of fission products fell into the external environment, and about 3,800 cubic meters of radioactively polluted water were dumped directly on the ground, into small trenches near the Ottawa River.


October 10, 1957 in the UK in the town of Windscale there was a major accident at one of two reactors producing weapons-grade plutonium. Due to an error made during operation, the temperature of the fuel in the reactor increased sharply, and a fire broke out in the core, which lasted about four days. As a result, 11 tons of uranium were burned, and radioactive substances got into the atmosphere. Radioactive fallout has contaminated vast areas of England and Ireland; radioactive cloud reached Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Norway.


The most serious incident in the US nuclear power industry was the accident at the Three Mile Nuclear Power Plant in Pennsylvania, which occurred on March 28, 1979. As a result of a series of equipment malfunctions and gross errors of the operators at the second power unit of the NPP, 53% of the reactor core melted. There was a release into the atmosphere of inert radioactive gases of xenon and iodine. In addition, 185 cubic meters of low-level radioactive water was dumped into the Sukuahana River. 200 thousand people were evacuated from the affected area.


September 30, 1999 there was the largest accident in the history of nuclear energy in Japan. At the plant for the production of fuel for nuclear power plants in the scientific town of Tokaimura (Ibaraki Prefecture), an uncontrollable chain reaction started due to a personnel error, which lasted for 17 hours. 439 people were exposed to radiation, 119 of them received a dose exceeding the permissible level annually. Three workers received critical radiation doses. Two of them died.


On August 9, 2004, an accident occurred at the Mihama nuclear power plant, located 320 kilometers west of Tokyo on the island of Honshu. In the turbine of the third reactor there was a powerful steam ejection with a temperature of about 200 degrees Celsius. The nearby NPP employees suffered severe burns. Leakage of radioactive materials as a result of the accident was not detected. At the time of the accident in the building where the third reactor is located, there were about 200 people. Four of them died, 18 were seriously injured. The accident was the most serious in terms of the number of victims as a result of emergency at nuclear power plants in Japan.


Today we talked much about radiation accidents and disasters.

they have made the worst harm to our planet. but what can we do to fix the situation? how can we save the earth?




And if we look at our poster…it looks so dark

lets make it better, we have pegeons, write the wishes and our promts to our earth



I want you to remember that we all are the human being living on the planet, and this planet is our mother earth which gives us everything for life. So this is our responsibility to save earth to ensure that our future generations get a safe environment.


Песня«Save the earth make it better…»

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Опубликовано: 17.10.2021