Разработка урока по английскому языку для 5 класса «Landmarks»

Автор: Фролова Маргарита Сергеевна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №1

Населенный пункт: Тамбовская область, г. Мичуринск

Цель урока:

Обобщение пройденного материала по теме «Landmarks. Travelling».


Задачи урока:

  1. Развить навыки говорения, аудирования в процессе творческого общения учеников друг с другом и учителем на основе материала изученной темы.
  2. Создать творческую атмосферу в группе.
  3. Повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.



  1. политическая карта мира;
  2. красные флажки для определения маршрута;
  3. красочные картинки с изображением

Кремль – Москва;

Эйфелева башня – Париж;

Биг Бен – Лондон;

Статуя Свободы – Нью-Йорк;

Пирамида – Египет;

Оперный театр – Сидней;

Эрмитаж - Санкт Петербург

  1. слайдовая презентация;
  2. аппаратура для показа презентации;
  3. запись к упр. 14, стр. 38 – трек91;
  4. смайлики красного, жёлтого, зелёного цвета для каждого ученика;
  5. фломастер красного цвета для выделения маршрута на карте




Ход урока.


Good morning, my dear friends.

I am glad to see you again. Sit down, please, and let’s start our lesson.

  1. Постановка цели.

The weather is so fine today. By the way , what season is the best for travelling?

I think that spring is the best season for beginning of travelling.

Do you like to travel?

Have you ever been to Moscow?

Have you ever been to Sochi?

Have you ever been to Saint Petersburg?

Have you ever been to Paris?

Have you ever been to London?

Have you ever been to New York?

Have you ever been to Egypt?

Have you ever been to Australia?

Варианты ответов:

  • Yes, I have. I visited many interesting places there.

  • Yes, I have, but I would like to go to … again.

  • No, I haven’t but I would like to go to …


We began our lesson with questions and answers. Think and say: what are we going to talk about?

You are right, we are going to talk about travelling.


Слайд 1. Look at the screen. You can see the word LANDMARKS. It has two words: land – how can we translate it? – and the word – marks – what does it mean?

How do you understand this word?

  • Landmark is something that helps you to recognize where you are.

There are places which you can see only in one place, or city, or country. It may be a building or a monument, or a place of interest.

Look at the landmarks and try to guess the name of the city or the country.

Учащиеся говорят, что они видят на картинках и называют город или страну:

яблоко – Мичуринск; Кремль – Москва; Эйфелева башня – Париж; Биг Бен – Лондон; пирамида – Египет; Статуя Свободы – Нью Йорк; кенгуру – Австралия; Эрмитаж – Санкт Петербург.

Would you like to around the world?

Слайд 2. Look at the screen, you can see our route. We need a guide to make our route and answer our questions.

Ученик – гид прикрепляет флажки на карте и красным фломастером рисует маршрут на карте: Мичуринск – Москва – Париж – Лондон – Египет – Нью Йорк – Австралия – Санкт Петербург – Мичуринск.

Do you have any questions to the guide?

  • How do we go from …. to … ?

  • By train/by plane./ By ship.


Просмотр слайдов.


Слайд 3. Would you like to go around the world?

Look, listen and enjoy yourselves.

Around the world


Cлайд 4.

We are in the railway station. Let’s start our travelling.


Слайд 5.

We are in Moscow.

Moscow is the heart of Russia. This square is called Red Square. You can see the Spasskaya Tower with the big clock. This clock plays music every hour.


Слайд 6.

The Kremlin is in the center of the city. It is next to the Moskva river.


Слайд 7.

This building is Saint Basil’s Cathedral. It is next to the Kremlin.


Слайд 8.

Look this is the Moskva river.


Слайд 9.

We are in Paris.

This is the Eiffel Tower. It is a symbol of Paris. Its birthday is on the 31 of March 1889. It was constructed by Gustav Eiffel’s project.


Слайд 10.

You can see Cathedral Norter Dame in Paris. It is the main catholic cathedral. It is 800 years old.


Слайд 11.

Louver in Paris is the most well-known and popular museum in the world. It is on the bank of the river Cena. It was a fortress, king’s residence.


Слайд 12.

We are in London.

The famous clock Big Ben stands near the Houses of Parliament.


Слайд 13.

This is the Tower of London. It is very old. It has long history. It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and even a zoo. Now it is a museum.


Cлайд 14.

The main square in London is Trafalgar Square. There is Nelson’s Column in the middle of it. This is the most favourite place of Londoners.


Слайд 15.

We are in New York.

The Statue of Liberty was built in 1886. It was a gift from the people of France. It is American symbol of freedom.


Слайд 16.

This is the Empire State Building. It is the most famous building in the world. It is very tall. It is world’s greatest TV tower. It has more than 100 floors.


Слайд 17.

Central Park is a favourite place for New Yorkers. Here will see families walking their dogs, young people riding their bikes and roller-skating. Some people come here to rest. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music, play games or go to the zoo.


Слайд 18.

We are in Egypt.

Egypt is famous for its ancient civilizations. You can see the Great Sphinx. The name “sphinx” comes from an old Greek legend of a creature with the head of a woman, the body of a lion, and the wings of a bird. It is very old.




Слайды 19-20.

The pyramids are made of stone. Their size is amazing. They were built many centuries ago.


Слайд 21.

We are in Australia.

This building looks like a sailing ship. This is Opera House which is in Sydney.


Слайды 22,23, 24, 25, 26.

Australia is rich in exotic animals. Let us look at them.


Слайд 27.

We are in Saint Petersburg.

It is the northern cultural capital of Russia.

The Hermitage was founded in 1764. It is a palace – museum. It has 5 building which are on the river Neva.


Слайд 28.

Isaac Cathedral is the most famous cathedral. Its history began in 1931 when it became a museum.


Слайд 29.

Petergof was founded by Peter the Great in the 18 century. It is really beautiful and marvelous. There are a lot of fountains, statues here. The best to visit it is summer.


Слайды 30, 31,32,33,34.

We are at home.

Do you like our trip?

But I think there is no place like home. East or West home is best.

We’ve talked about landmarks of different countries. You have seen the places of interests of our town. Which of them can be landmarks of our town?

Слайд 35.

In 2003 Michurinsk was given a status of the Science – Town.

You can see an emblem of our town. I think it is a real landmark of Michurinsk.



During our travelling we used different kinds of transport. All of them were invented by people in different time. A glimpse of history. Let us work with our books. Open them. Page 38 exercise 14. Listen and match the invention and the year when they were invented.


Прослушивание и выполнение заданий.


Answer my questions, please.

What was invented about 5 000 years ago?

When was the first car invented?

What was invented in 1804?

When was invented the diesel engine?

What was invented in 1903?

When was the first bicycle invented?


При выполнении этого упражнения мы использовали грамматическое правило. Какое грамматическое явление было в вопросах и ответах.

Совершенно верно – это пассивный залог.

Мы работали в группе времён Simple. В данном упражнении мы использовали прошедшее время, то есть Past Simple . Мы можем это видеть по формам глагола to be – was, were.


Домашнее задание: составьте рассказ о том. Что будет изобретено в будущем. Образец рассказа мы можете прочитать в упражнении 16, на странице 38. Какое время вы будете использовать для своего рассказа? Памятка поможет вам в работе, она будет прикреплена к домашнему заданию в Дневнике.ру.


Давайте подведём итоги нашей работы. У вас три смайлика красного, жёлтого и зелёного цвета. На красном смайлике выпишете, что вам не понравилось на уроке или , что было непонятным. На жёлтом смайлике вы можете написать. Что было трудным. На зелёном, что понравилось.


Оценивание и комментарии оценок.


Окончание урока.



  1. file1.docx (22,5 КБ)
Опубликовано: 21.10.2021