Система работы учителя по подготовке обучающихся к письменному развернутому высказыванию «Письмо» в формате ОГЭ

Автор: Белова Елена Анатольевна

Организация: МБОУ Гимназия №6

Населенный пункт: Кемеровская область, г. Междуреченск

Результативность сдачи ОГЭ по английскому языку во многом определяется тем, насколько эффективно организован процесс подготовки со всеми категориями обучающихся, в том числе и слабоуспевающих, которые также могут выбрать этот экзамен (исходя из положительных оценок у предыдущих учителей, например). В своей работе по подготовке к письменному заданию с развернутым высказывание считаю необходимым:

1. детально разобрать демонстрационный вариант ОГЭ, а также методические рекомендации для предметных комиссий по проверке выполнения заданий с развёрнутым ответом экзаменационных работ ОГЭ;

2. информировать учащихся о критериях оценивания задания «Письмо» [Приложение 1];

3. включать в изучение текущего учебного материала экзаменационных заданий;

4. использовать шаблоны для написания писем по различным темам, а также намеренно неправильные варианты, которые необходимо исправить, дополнить и т.д. [Приложение 2].


Кроме того, что я сама веду мониторинг результатов учащихся, также применяю самоконтроль обучающихся, которые отслеживают свои достижения при выполнении заданий: 1) в тематическом словаре, где дополнительно вклеен справочный материал (фразы-клише, средства логической связи - [Приложение 3]) и куда рекомендую детям записывать синонимы и антонимы, т.к. все, что ученик пишет сам, усваивается и запоминается легче и быстрее; 2) в тетрадях для письменных работ (для диктантов, тестов, контрольных работ и т.д.), которые они ведут с 5 класса.

Самостоятельная работа со слабоуспевающих начинается с подражательных действий, затем усложняются по мере прохождения учебного материала. С этой целью использую различные модели писем, которые предлагаю детям для самостоятельного отбора в качестве постоянных шаблонов при написании личного письма, хоть и в старом формате, такт как считаю, что подобную работу можно переформатировать под любой тип заданий, для электронного письма в том числе. Учитель должен вооружить учащихся рациональными приемами учебной деятельности. Учащиеся должны знать, что делать, как делать и при помощи чего можно выполнить задание с наибольшим успехом. Это позволяет выработать у детей определенный практический навык письма по определенной аналогии.

Острый вопрос возникает, если внезапно слабоуспевающий ученик выбирает английский язык для сдачи ОГЭ. В этом случае: 1) детям даю выучить только один образец письма; 2) информирую завуча, классного руководителя и родителей о результатах выполнения заданий.

В данной работе перечислены далеко не все приемы, но считаю, что мне удалось предоставить примерную систему работы с обучающимися, разного уровня языковой подготовки при выполнении заданий с развернутым высказыванием. Кропотливая работа, занимающая большое количество времени и требующая терпения, дает определенные успехи в итоге, которые представлены в таблице [Приложение 4].


[Приложение 1]

Критерии оценивания задания «Письмо» (ОГЭ) - 10 баллов




[Приложение 2]

Образец письма:






Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. Sorry, I didn’t answer you because I was

really busy in my school.

In your letter you asked me about ...

Well, that’s all for now because I need to finish my homework in Maths.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,





Task 33 № 1 Write a letter to Jane. (100-120 слов)

Dear Jane,

Thanks for your last letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. Sorry, I couldn’t answer you earlier because I was really busy in my school.

You asked me to tell you something about the place where I live, so I enjoy living in a big city very much. I have a lot of friends here. When I have my free time I go to the sport club, go for a walk and. To tell you the truth, all members of my family prefer different kinds of activities, for example, my mom prefers cooking, my grandfather likes sitting with my sister. Well, I prefer listening to music, and, as you know, going to parties! In my country spring has already set. It is quite warm and really sunny all days long. Being at school I always imagine myself strolling down some parks. I wish you could join me! It would be funny! Some days ago my friend advised me to read a very interesting book. I did it and I would like you to know this author. Are you ready to read good litterature?




Task 33 № 2 You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

… My older brother has decided to collect mugs, imagine that. He has already got eight mugs from different places he has visited. It’s a nice collection but it takes up so much room … Why do people collect things? What do you collect or what would you like to collect? What other hobbies are popular with teenagers in your country?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.




October 1, 2018

Dear Ben,

Thanks for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. Sorry, I couldn’t answer you earlier because of much homework at school.

In your letter you asked me about hobby. In my opinion people collect things because they want to compete with other people who have the same kind of hobby. I’ve got various match boxes of different colors and sizes but I’d like to have a collection of coins as it’s great. In Russia teenagers collect such things like toys, models of cars and so on.

Well, that’s all for now because I should finish my project in history. Write back soon.

Best wishes,



Task 33 № 2 Write a letter to Ben. (100-120 слов)

… My older brother has decided to collect mugs, imagine that. He has already got eight mugs from different places he has visited. It’s a nice collection but it takes up so much room … Why do people collect things? What do you collect or what would you like to collect? What other hobbies are popular with teenagers in your country?


Task 33 № 3 You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Ben.

…I am so fond of Japanese cartoons, that I’ve decided to learn Japanese. Mum says it’s hard, but I think it’s worth it. Besides, their writing is cool! What languages do you learn at school? What other language would you like to learn, why? What do you think about my choice of Japanese?

Write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.


St. Petersburg


November, 30

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter and I apologize I didn’t answer you earlier, I was really busy.

I’m glad you have a new hobby which is related with something what you like (I mean Japanese cartoons and your choice to learn this language). I think that it’s a good idea indeed and I wish you good luck, because I know that it’s hard, especially writing. Learning all those hieroglyphics should be a giant brain work. Talking about me, I learn English and Spanish at school and I like them both. I would like to learn Italian because it would be easy to do as I know Spanish already. Italian is very beautiful and what is more, I would like to travel to Italy one day and communicate with people on their language.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


Источник: ГИА по английскому языку 31.05.2013. Основная волна. Вариант 1302.



Task 33 № 3 Write a letter to Ben. (100-120 слов)

…I am so fond of Japanese cartoons, that I’ve decided to learn Japanese. Mum says it’s hard, but I think it’s worth it. Besides, their writing is cool! What languages do you learn at school? What other language would you like to learn, why? What do you think about my choice of Japanese?




October 16, 2018

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. Sorry, I didn’t answer you because I was really busy at school.

I’m glad you have a new hobby which is related with something what you like. I think that it’s a good idea indeed and I wish you good luck. As for me, I learn English and Spanish at school and I like them both. I would like to learn Italian because it’s very beautiful.

Well, that’s all for now because I need to finish my homework in Maths. Write back soon.

Best wishes,

  1. (106)



Task 33 № 3 Write a letter to Ben. (100-120 слов)

…I am so fond of Japanese cartoons, that I’ve decided to learn Japanese. Mum says it’s hard, but I think it’s worth it. Besides, their writing is cool! What languages do you learn at school? What other language would you like to learn, why? What do you think about my choice of Japanese?



Task 33 № 4

…I’ve just been to Australia. I saw kangaroos and koalas! I even learned surfing at one of the Australian beaches! That was unbelievable! I definitely want to go there again!…Where did you spend your last summer? What did you like most about it? Which country would you like to visit one day, why? …




October 16, 2018

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. Sorry, I didn’t answer you because I didn’t have enough time.

In your letter you asked me about my last summer. So, I spent it in Spain where I saw the famous park Guel, the ancient gothic area and wonderful Main Street of the city. As for me, I liked Sagrada familia most of all. It’s something unbelievable! One day I would like to visit the United States because I have a lot of friends there.

Well, that’s all for now because I have to finish my homework in Biology.

Write back soon.

Best wishes,




Task 33 № 4

…I’ve just been to Australia. I saw kangaroos and koalas! I even learned surfing at one of the Australian beaches! That was unbelievable! I definitely want to go there again!…Where did you spend your last summer? What did you like most about it? Which country would you like to visit one day, why? …




November 16, 2018

Dear Ben,

Thank you for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you again. Sorry, I didn’t answer you because I didn’t have enough time.

In your letter you asked me about my last summer. So, I spent it in Great Britain where I saw Hyde Park, Big Ben and Saint Paul’s Cathedral. As for me, I liked the Natural History Museum most of all. It’s something unbelievable! One day I would like to visit the United States because I have a lot of friends there.

Well, that’s all for now because I have to finish my homework in Biology. Write back soon.

Best wishes,



№ 4 Task 33 Write a letter to Kate. (100-120).

I’ve just been to Australia. I saw kangaroos and koalas! I even learned surfing at one of the Australian beaches! That was unbelievable! I definitely want to go there again! Where did you spend your last summer? What did you like most about it? Which country would you like to visit one day, why?


Task 33 № 6 Write a letter to Jane. (100-120).


We’ve moved house and now I have to go to a new school. It’s a pity because I liked my old school and I had a lot of friends there. Now I feel a bit lonely but I hope to find some friends here too. What do you like most about your school? Have you got a lot of friends at school? What do you usually do with your school friends in your free time?


1. Dear Ben! I was very pleased to get a new letter from you. Thanks for sharing your news, I am so sorry you should leave your friends. I trust you will make a lot of new friends there. In your message you asked me some questions, I will try to answer them.You wanted to know, what do I like most about my school. I think it's my fair and gracious teachers and my best friend(s). I (don't) have a lot of friends. We usually go to the cinema and videogames together. I'm sorry, I've too many things to do.


2. I was so happy to get your letter! I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.
I am so sorry you should leave your friends. You know, I have got a lot of friends at school too. You asked me, what do I like most about my school. I am sure, it is my classmates. We have been together since the first grade. Usually in our free time we walk in the park and go to the cinema. I hope you will find new friends and you will have fun together.
Unfortunately, I've got to go now as I have to do my homework. Take care and keep in touch!

3. thanks for your last email. I haven't heard you for ages. Thanks for sharing your news. don't get upset. I'm sure, you will make a lot of new friends! you asked me some questions and I will try to answer them.
what I like the most in my school is the atmosphere that I have there. I've got a lot of friends there. I've got my best friend. we're classmates. I read books, watch my favorite TV show, go out with my friends and play the guitar together.
I have to go now because I've got lots to do.

4. Hi! You wanted to know, what do I like most about my school. I think it's my fair and gracious teachers. I am not very sociabIe, so I have not got a lot of friends at school. But I have only one my best friend - my classmate. I find watching films with the best of friend one of the best ways of spending my leisure time. We always try to have at least a little time for everyday practising sport too.


5. I like the most about my school is friends and sports classes. Friends always make me happy, help me and always there to communicate with me. I like sports classes like basketball, football and others. I also like to go to field trips from school. I have got a lot of friends, some are new and some are my old best friends. We always do a group team together and its really fun. In free time after school, I go to buy icecream with my friends and then visit a park or just hang out at home also doing homework together. School is my second home!


[Приложение 3]






(November 1st, 2018 )

(1 November, 2018 )


2. Вступительная часть (слова благодарности,

слова извинения за задержку с ответом)-

*Thanks (a lot) for your (last) letter. I was glad to get your letter. Sorry, I couldn’t answer you earlier as I was busy at school.

3. Основная часть-

*You asked me to tell you about how I… Well, I can say that

*In your letter you asked me about / how I….-

*In your letter you would like to know how I…-

* (Если друг спрашивает What would you do if you were

me? должна быть конструкция If were you, I would… (do

the same);If I were you, I’d V1

*As you’re interested in…I’d like to tell you that…

*As for your questions about…

* First of all, let me tell you about…

*I’m glad that I can (help you with my advice) advise you.

* In your letter you asked me about my attitude to…

* Well, I agree that…

*As for me, I prefer…, which…./As for me, I enjoy…

*I am happy to know you have chosen your future profession. *I’m also interested in…

Средства логической связи-

It seems to me (that)- Мне кажется, что

As for me-что касается меня

To tell the truth- по правде говоря

I'm so glad-я так рад / I'm so pleased-я так доволен

Actually-на самом деле

Well,…// So, …// You know,…

All in all,…-в общем, в целом

so-так, поэтому

because of- из-за

because- потому что

as- так как, потому что

too- тоже; also- также

of course- конечно, разумеется

(un)fortunately- (к сожалению) к счастью


however-однако, тем не менее, вместе с тем

as a rule- как правило

though-хотя; although-хотя, несмотря на

anyway-в любом случае

in any case-во всяком случае

moreover (more than that)-более того

by the way-кстати, к слову, между прочим

and so on-и так далее

etc-и так далее, и тому подобное

of course-конечно, разумеется

that’s why- вот почему

as a rule- как правило

4. Заключительная часть-

*I must go now, my mother is waiting for me.-

*Well, I must finish now because…

5. Заключительная фраза-

*(My) Best wishes,- С наилучшими пожеланиями

*All the best, - Всего наилучшего

*Take care, -Береги себя


2. Слова благодарности

(помянуть какой-либо факт из полученного письма):

*Thanks for your letter. It looks as if you are having a good time in…

*How are you getting on? / How are you doing?

*I’m very happy to get a letter from you. I was glad to get your letter.

*I was glad to hear from you again.

Hope you are doing well (these days).

*It was nice to hear from you. How’s it going at school?

*I am pleased to learn that you have passed your exams.

*It was great to hear from you again. I’m glad you’re OK.

*Your last letter was a real surprise.

*It was great to hear from you! / It was great to hear that… /

I was happy to hear…

*I’m glad you passed your History test.

*Sounds like you had a great time in London!

*Great news about your…!


2. Слова извинения за задержку с ответом:

*Sorry I didn’t answer sooner. I was busy preparing for my history

(biology) test (exam). / I was quite busy during weekdays because

our teachers gave us lots of homework to do.

*I feel so guilty! I haven’t written to you for such a long time because

I had a very tough week at school.

*Sorry for my late reply. I was really busy getting ready for my…

exam / music contest / final chess competition.

*Sorry, I….But I've been so busy doing my Literature project.

*Really, I should have written earlier but I was busy at school.

*Sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my


*Sorry I haven’t written earlier but…

*Sorry I haven’t been in touch for so long for so long but…

*Sorry, I’d better finish now. I need to do homework.


4. Вежливое завершение письма:

*Well, I’d better go now as I have to do my homework.

*Anyway, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her

with our dinner.

*Actually, I’ve got to go now! It’s time for my favourite TV show.



4.Ваше намерение продолжить переписку

(упоминание о дальнейших контактах):

*Hope to hear from you soon.

*Write me back as soon as possible.

*Write (back) soon.

*Keep in touch. / Take care and keep in touch.

*Can’t wait to hear from you!

*I’m looking forward to hearing from you (soon). /

I’m looking forward to your answer.

*Please drop me a line when you can.

*Well, if you have some free time, please, drop me a line.

*Take care and stay in touch.






[Приложение 4]



Выполнение задания 33 (Письмо)

Тренировочные упражнения - № 1, 2



№ 3

№ 4

№ 5







8 «А»







8 «Б»







8 «В»








Контрольный срез № 1

Контрольный срез № 2


















Тренировочные упражнения - № 6, 7



№ 8

№ 9

№ 10







8 «А»







8 «Б»







8 «В»









Список литературы:


  1. http://www.old.fipi.ru/
  2. ГИА по английскому языку 31.05.2013. Основная волна. Вариант 1302
  3. https://en-oge.sdamgia.ru/


  1. file0.docx (128,8 КБ)
Опубликовано: 05.11.2021