Сборник заданий для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку: Раздел 3 (грамматика и лексика)

Автор: Татьяна Юрьевна Звонкова

Организация: МБОУ СШ № 2

Населенный пункт: Смоленская область г. Смоленск

Пояснительная записка

Данное методическое пособие содержит 100 тренировочных упражнений для подготовки к выполнению заданий раздела 3 ОГЭ по английскому языку (лексика и грамматика).  Пятьдесят  упражнений направлены на тренировку грамматических навыков употребления морфологической формы слова в коммуникативно-значимом контексте (задания 20-28), и пятьдесят упражнений созданы для отработки лексической трансформации слова и употребление родственного слова нужной части речи в коммуникативно-значимом контексте (задания 29-34). Материал для упражнений взят из художественных произведений английских авторов (см. список источников) уровня B1 + и B 2. В конце пособия прилагаются ключи.

1. When Mary Lennox __________ to Misselthwaite Manor to live with her uncle, everybody said she was the most disagreeable-looking child ever seen.


2. She never remembered ___________ familiarly anything but the dark faces other native servants.


3. Mary _________ that he was a very young officer who had just come from England.


4. During the confusion of the second day Mary hid herself in the nursery and __________ by everyone.           


5. «Why was I forgotten?» Mary said, __________ her foot.           


6. The station was a small one, and nobody but _________ seemed to be getting out of train.   


7. The walls ___________ with tapestry with a forest scene embroidered on it.


8. As the girl rattled on in her good-tempered, homely way, Mary began to notice what she ___________.           


9. She hoped the door would not open, because she wanted to be sure she __________ the mysterious garden.           


10. But after a few days spent almost entirely out of doors, she wakened one morning _________ what it was to be hungry.           


11. But as she _____________ to the wind she began to listen to something else.           


12. She felt as if they ______________ what a little girl from India was doing in their house.           


13. Mary felt ___________ than ever when she knew she was no longer in the house.


14. «A man gave me a ride in his cart and I can tell you I did enjoy __________».


15. She __________ the skipping rope out from under her apron and exhibited it quite proudly.           


16. «You hide a sun-powered object in darkness — only if you want to know when it __________ out into the light.»


17. Moon-Watcher __________ than the others in his group.


18. He did not know what he ___________ for, but he would know it when he found it.


19. From the central room he followed Miller down curving stairs. At first he felt so light that he almost had to force __________downwards.


20. Floyd sat down in the front row, while the Commander __________ on the platform and looked around his audience.


21. Although the fire ___________ brightly, she was surprised to see that her visitor still wore his hat and coat, and stood with his back to her, looking out of the window at the falling snow in the.


22. His gloved hands ___________ behind him, and he seemed to be thinking deeply.


23. When she returned he was still standing there like a man of stone, his collar turned up, the edge of his hat turned down, almost ________ his face and ears.


24. He seemed to ____________ something from the floor.


25. The visitor remained in the room until four o'clock, without __________ Mrs Hall an excuse for a visit.


26. Then came the light, and at the door Mr Teddy Henfrey ________ by this bandaged person.



27. But in the middle of the night she woke up __________ of great white heads that came after her, at the end of long necks, and with big black eyes.


28. Come along with those boxes, «he said.» «I ______________ long enough.» And he came down the steps, as if to pick up the smaller case.


29. He caught sight of a strange thing, a handless arm that seemed to __________ towards him, and a face of three large dark spots on white.


30. And what was still more strange, on the bed and chair ___________ the clothes, the only clothes so far as he knew, and the bandages of their guest.


31. The bedcovers pulled __________ together into a pile, and then jumped violently off the bed.


32. Then the stranger's hat ________ off the bedpost, flew through the air, and came straight at Mrs Hall's face. Next, a piece of soap flew from the washstand.


33. The door shut loudly and ___________. The chair and the bed seemed to be dancing for a moment, and then suddenly everything was still.


34. There was a great deal of talking, but nothing ____________.


35. Mrs Hall, staring at his face, took the notice without __________.


36. It was ________ than anything they had ever seen. Mrs Hall, open-mouthed with terror, ran to the door of the house.


37. Mr Thomas Marvel, a tramp, __________ his boots and sat by the roadside airing his feet and looking sadly at his toes.


38. Mr Bunting looked at Cuss, whose face __________ white with fear.


39. His two females, the adults from the other cave, and most of the young ones _________ for berries among the small trees further up the valley.


40. Their teeth were not sharp and their bodies _______________ by thick hair.


41. He knew what ______________ before he heard the sound of the leopard. But Moon-Watcher did not think of going to help.


42. One by one, every member of the group __________ and then allowed to feel either pleasure or pain.


43. The rock ______________ this feeling to grow, because it was changing the patterns in his brain. If he lived, these changes would be passed on to his children.


44. Then something sharp went into its side — once, twice, and a third time. It turned round to strike at the shadows _____________ on all sides.


45. ____________ with fear, the Others ran away in all directions. Moon-Watcher stood looking at the dead leader.


46. There was a slight movement as the spaceplane freed _______ from its carrier.


47. As it went _______, he was gently pushed back, and now, instead of standing against a circular wall, Floyd was lying on a curved floor.


48. The hundreds of men and women who worked on the Base were all highly trained scientists and technicians, carefully _______ before they had left Earth.


49. But Floyd ____________ a small bus that was bringing the people who wanted to meet him.


50. A thousand kilometres below, he saw that a bomb ___________ to explode in the atmosphere.



1. One ___________________ hot morning, when she was about nine years old, she awakened feeling very cross.


2. «Awfully», the young man answered in a ____________ voice.


3. She only knew that people were ill and that she heard _____________ and frightening sounds.


4. She was not an ____________ child and had never cared much for anyone.


5. She had begun to feel lonely and to think queer _________ which were new to her.


6. On and on they drove through the __________, and though the rain stopped, the wind rushed by and whistled and made strange sounds.


7. Mrs Medlock said _________________: «Well, here you are!».


8. «Eh! I can see it’s different», she answered almost __________________________.


9. We can speak about our problems with peers who try influence our moral values, __________ and dictate how we should act.


10. I am sure that your inner _______________ and self-confidence can help you hold your own and walk away.


11. Any emotions are an _________________ part of our being and we, people, should learn how to cope with them.


12. Mary did not even try to control her rage and _____________.


13. When Mrs Medlock had prepared the nursery she had not thought of _____________.           


14. To her surprise the surly old weather-beaten face actually changed its ___________.           


15. «Would you make friends with me?» she said to the robin, just as she was speaking to a __________.           


16. The time had come when Mary had forgotten to resent Martha’s familiar talk.  She had even begun to find it ______________ and to be sorry when she stopped or went away.           


17. She put her hand ____________ upon the tapestry near her, and then sprang back, feeling quite startled.


18. It was a good long skip, and she began __________, but before she had gone half-way down the path she was so hot that she was obliged to stop.           


19. Personally, I think that the advantages of the Internet _________________ the drawbacks it may have.


20. Surfing the internet, school children can find _____________ sources of up-to-date information.


21. Most of ______________ people prefer to sit at home like couch potatoes and playing different virtual games instead of doing out and doing sports.


22. Outlets, which are gaining _____________ nowadays, are stores selling brand-name clothes and shoes at discounted prices.


23. There were scandalous _______________ in workhouses which, actually, functioned as semi prisons, and where children were exploited for labor.


24. His outstanding _______________ enabled him in five years to assimilate to eight-year course of study.


25. Westminster Abbey is famous for its Poet’s corner, here are ___________________ to William Shakespeare, Walter Scott, Byron and some others.


26. Scotland and Wales are the most ________________ parts of the United Kingdom.


27. During the voyage some adventure seekers can experience scuba diving in the open air. However, those who suffer from sea _________ can find this way of travelling unsuitable.


28. The city is _________________ and its population is growing and growing with every passing day.


29. To have a guest at Iping in the winter time was an _________ piece of good fortune, and she was determined to show that she deserved it.


30. He did not move until she was closing the door. Then he turned round and walked _________ up to the table.


31. He sat in the corner with his back to the window, and spoke now, having eaten and drunk and being comfortably warmed through, less _____________ than before.


32. I was beginning to feel ___________. I could see right down it. He put it out straight towards me, slowly, slowly —just like that - until it was 6 inches from my face. Just imagine seeing an empty sleeve come at you like that!


33. But, believe me, Kemp, in spite of your _________, it's quite a possible thing. I've made a discovery.


34. The ___________, as always between two scientists, led to all kinds of questions.


35. I thought it would be wise, now the weather is hot, to make for the south. __________ as my secret was known, and everyone would be watching for a man all wrapped up like me.


36. Kemp tried to think of something to keep the ___________ going, but the Invisible Man continued himself.


37. He was staring at the sudden __________ of Kemp, followed by the clothes, which danced in the air.


38. He got up slowly, leaving his lunch ___________ - the letter had come by the one o'clock post — and went into his study.


39.  For a time Kemp remained looking at Adye as he lay _____________ on the grass.


40. His hair was white — not grey with age, but white as snow — and his eyes were bright like jewels. His ___________ was one of anger and fear.


41.  From a locked drawer in his bedroom he took a little revolver, examined it _____________, and put it into his pocket.


42. He failed. The broken pieces of grass fell to the ground and he froze into __________ again.


43. It ran straight out of the ___________ at high speed — too high for the steep slope. It rolled and turned and cried as it fell.


44. It was an ______________ feeling, as if his seat was fixed to a wall, with all the others below him.


45. In fact every person of real ____________ would find his life, his values, his ideas, changed a little.


46. From a distance it had seemed like an enormous snowball, and closer ____________ showed that it really was a brilliant white.


47. Immediately it was ___________ by a cloud of gas, and radio contact was lost.


48. It was like a nerve centre in the body, which translates the brain's signals into instructions for _______________.


49. When its size was measured with great care, the relationship between the three figures was exactly 1 to 4 to 9. This remained true to the limits of accurate _________________.


50. He would not remove his suit, though, until he had completed his voyage of ___________.



1. was sent

1. frightening

2. seeing

2. trembling

3. heard

3. mysterious

4. was forgotten

4. affectionate

5. stamping

5. thoughts

6. themselves

6. darkness

7. were covered

7. ceremonially

8. was saying

8. sympathetically

9. has found

9. decisions

10. knowing

10. strength

11. didn’t listen

11. inseparable

12. wondered

12. humiliation

13. lonelier

13. amusement

14. myself

14. expression

15. brought

15. person

16. was brought

16. interesting

17. was bigger

17. accidently

18. was looking

18. slowly

19. himself

19. overweigh

20. stood up

20. numerous

21. was burning

21. addicted

22. were held

22. popularity

23. hid

23. investigations

24. be picking up

24. intelligence

25. giving

25. memorials

26. was met

26. mountainous

27. dreaming

27. sickness

28. have been waiting

28. overcrowded

29. waving

29. unusual

30. were scattered

30. eagerly

31. themselves

31. patiently

32. jumped

32. frightened

33. locked

33. argument

34. was done

34. explanation

35. thinking

35. especially

36. better

36. conversation

37. removed

37. appearance

38. turned

38. unfinished

39. were looking

39. peacefully

40. were protected

40. expression

41. had happened

41. carefully

42. was tested

42. stillness

43. helped

43. entrance

44. were dancing

44. uncomfortable

45. screaming

45. intelligence

46. itself

46. observation

47. faster

47. surrounded

48. chosen

48. movement

49. was watching

49. measurement

50. was going

50. exploration



  1. Burnett F. H. The Secret Garden. Wordsworth Editions Limited. – 2000, 221 p.
  2. Clarke A. A Space Odyssey. Pearson Education Limited. – 2001, 30 p.
  3. Wells H. G. The Invisible Man. Pearson Editions Limited. – 1999, 75 p.


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Опубликовано: 06.11.2021