Hello, Helloween

Автор: Булавина Анастасия Игоревна

Организация: МБОУ СШ №39

Населенный пункт: г. Смоленск

Цель внеклассного мероприятия: формирование представление об английской традиции, поддержка и развитие творческих способностей обучающихся и интереса к предмету.

Задачи внеклассного мероприятия:

  1. Образовательные: расширять знания детей о традиции празднования Хеллоуина, его связи с историей Англии, расширять лексический запас детей английскими словам по теме мероприятия.
  2. Развивающие: Развивать мыслительные операции, память, речевые умения на иностранном языке, творческие способности, умение работать в группах.
  3. Воспитательные: воспитывать доброжелательность, толерантность к чужим традициям.

Методы: рассказ, беседа, показ видеоклипа, выполнение творческих заданий.

Оборудование: интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор, туалетная бумага, конфеты для поощрения, краски для аквагрима, 3d ручки, разноцветные круги для рефлексии.

Структура внеклассного мероприятия:

  1. Организационный момент (приветствие, вступительное слово учителя)
  2. Ход мероприятия (просмотр видеоматериала, прослушивание стихотворений по теме, страшные истории на английском языке, конкурсы)
  3. Заключение (прощальное слово, рефлексия)

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия:

  • Hello, dear friend, welcome to our spooky party! Now, come here and become scary monsters to come to the class! (Под устрашающую музыку детям наносят небольшой аквагрим https://youtu.be/nFr_KYpRvcY) Now you are ready for our party! Hello, Halloween!
  • Look around and tell me what we are going to talk about?
  • Halloween
  • Right you are, we are going to know the history of this Holiday, and of course have some fun! Well, let’s start!
  • Ok
  • Ghosts, goblins, witches, skeletons, pumpkins… everybody knows about them, but do you know the true story of this unusual holiday? Now look at the screen. (Просмотр видео об истории праздника https://youtu.be/5ebDZiRAs68).
  • Now , you know the true story, try to answer some question. Two little mummies will help me ( пара детей, переодетых в мумий задают вопросы. Примерные вопросы: 1) what was the first name of halloween? 2) what was the date of the ancient new year? 3) when did it start to celebrate like now?)
  • Ответы детей на вопросы
  • Mummy: You were great in answering our questions, and we want to play with you a game. You are 24 here, so we have six team. One of you is the future mummy like us, and your friends have to help you to become a real mummy. Here I have some toilet paper, to make you a cool costume of real old mummy. Now be ready, when I’ll say: “Go” one of each team has to run here, to this table, take some paper, run back to your team and start to wrap you “mummy”, be careful, try not to tear the paper. The tidiest mummy will win, and the team will have some candies from us. Good luck, you have two minutes for the task. Three, two, one… go! (Дети подбегают к столу, берут по несколько рулонов, идут к своей команде и начинают одного из детей закручивать в бумагу)
  • Mummy: Stop! Your time is over. Let’s look at your mummies. ( мумии вместе с остальными членами команд выбирают наиболее аккуратную мумию, члены выигравшей команды получают леденцы). Thank you for the game but we should go, see you next time.
  • Bye, thanks
  • Now, let’s continue. We are going to talk about… (стук в дверь). What’s wrong? Who’s that?
  • Which: Oh, hello! I’m here! I’m the witch of poem, I’m fond of the poem about Halloween, for example… My next door neighbor is a witch,

And she lives way down in a ditch.

Her clothing is a little strange,

Because she never wants to change.

She has a black robe and a black hat,

Green skin and a smelly black cat.

A big fat wart grows on her nose,

  1. seventeen pimples on her toes. But I don’t remember the continuation of the poem, may be you knows? I have some candies for you, please help me…
  • Of course we know! Listen!

But...her food is EVEN worse,

Because she eats it course by course.

Her first course is seven dead bats,

Laid on top of seven rats.

Then she has twenty flies

With lots and lots of llama eyes.

Her main course is a horrible soup,

Because it's made with doggie poop.

But worst of all is her dessert.

It's little children rolled in dirt.


Last night she had a witch's feast

And turned into a greedy beast.

I think she cooked my best friend Tilly

And ate her with some peas and broccoli.


  • Thank you, here some candies! Do you know some more poems about me?


  • Witches' Moon

On 'Tober nights ere Witches' Moon,
spirits sway and creatures croon.
As darkness falls and shadows grow,
haints and haunters fain to show.

Dry bones rise up to join the fun,
clink and clacking as they run.
A straggly scarecrow 'stride a broom.
rides beside her ghastly groom.

And long before faint daylight comes
banshees beat upon their drums.
Well shivers creep along your spine,
wolves and wildies woof the time.

Then ghosties in the woods do soar,
shrieking loudly with a roar.
A caterwauling in the gloom,
wailing at the Witches' Moon.

With all the ghoulish guests now here,
time to dine, since dawn is near.
Please pass the wildroot, pass the cake.
Plates begin to levitate.

Now pale light creeps across the sky.
Morning's nigh, 'tis time to fly.
So with a whimper, not a bang,
vampyre bares his single fang.

Pale zombies pass the graveyard gate
with their clumsy, stumbly gait.
And with a quiver and a moan
howling dogs slink home alone.

Your heart slows down within your chest.
Beastie souls lie down to rest.
As spirits sway and creatures croon,

bid goodnight, wan Witches' Moon.

  • Great poem, oh, holly gosts! I should go, I have no time, sorry, bye.
  • Finely, now we can continue our party, and… (стук в дверь) Again, what’s the matter this time? Come in!
  • Vampire: Good evening, I lost my bet again, haven’t you seen it? But I haven’t any photos or pictures of it. Can you help me to creat its portrait? I have two special magic pens, thatИзображен. can help you. I’m in desperation, I beg you for help! Of course not for free, I have some candies.
  • Of course, we’ll try to help. (Дети разделившись на 2 команды создают рисунок летучей мыши с помощью 3d ручки, затем отбирается наиболее точная и аккуратная мышка и команда получает леденцы)
  • Thank you, I’ll take both of them with me, and I hope l’ll find Jacky. Bye.
  • Well, helloween…
  • Goblin: Hello! I’m the fear of the night, I’m the scariest thing in the world, I’m horrible and awful goblin!
  • And very little. Go away, you are very annoying!
  • No, no and no! I want to listen to terrible stories, I’m staying here! And I know an interesting story…
  • All right then, tell us your story…
  • The Thirteenth Floor

The first hotel to have more than thirteen floors had a huge Halloween party to celebrate its opening.

Each floor was set up like a maze, decorated with cobwebs and other Halloween decorations. There were lots of people dressed up as ghosts and ghouls to frighten the partygoers. An exciting prize was hidden on the top floor, and the first person to reach the prize would win it.

Jack and Sophia were two of the partygoers. They worked their way easily through the mazes on the first few floors. As they headed up through the building, the hallways on each floor got darker and scarier.

When they got to the twelfth floor, Jack and Sophia heard a blood-curdling scream. As they made their way through the maze, they heard more screams and cries for help. Finally, in the lobby by the elevators, they saw blood dripping from the ceiling.

The elevator dinged, and the doors slowly opened, which was strange because every other time they used the elevator, the doors had been quick and smooth. The light in the elevator was flickering as they stepped in and, as the doors began to close, the lights went out completely.

And then, screams so loud the entire building heard them begin to ring out. At first, the partygoers thought it was part of the scary Halloween theme. But then, the owners of the building turned on all the lights and asked everyone to return to the lobby.

But when people tried to use the elevator, it never came. The bell would ding, but the doors wouldnt open, and they were all forced to use the stairs.

Down in the lobby, the building owners explained they had not played the sounds of the screams. And, as they did a check of everyone who had come back, they realized Jack and Sophia had not returned.

Just then, the doors to the elevator opened. It was empty except for Jacks watch, one of Sophias shoes, and a pool of blood. Jack and Sophia were never seen again, and the building owners took away the button for the thirteenth floor, so nobody would disappear there again.

Do you like the story?

  • Oh yes, we like…
  • I also know the story. Listen to me: Yellow Ribbon

Jane wore a yellow ribbon around her neck everyday. And I mean everyday, rain or shine, whether it matched her outfit or not. It annoyed her best friend Johnny after awhile. He was her next door neighbor and had known Jane since she was three. When he was young, he had barely noticed the yellow ribbon, but now they were in high school together, it bothered him.

Why do you wear that yellow ribbon around your neck, Jane?” hed ask her every day. But she wouldnt tell him.

Still, in spite of this aggravation, Johnny thought she was cute. He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae. Then he asked her to watch him play in the football game. Then he started seeing her home. And come the spring, he asked her to the dance. Jane always said yes when he asked her out. And she always wore a yellow dress to match the ribbon around her neck.

It finally occurred to Johnny that he and Jane were going steady, and he still didnt know why she wore the yellow ribbon around her neck. So he asked her about it yet again, and yet again she did not tell him. Maybe someday Ill tell you about it,” shed reply. Someday! That answer annoyed Johnny, but he shrugged it off, because Jane was so cute and fun to be with.

Well, time flew past, as it has a habit of doing, and one day Johnny proposed to Jane and was accepted. They planned a big wedding, and Jane hinted that she might tell him about the yellow ribbon around her neck on their wedding day. But somehow, what with the preparations and his beautiful bride, and the lovely reception, Johnny never got around to asking Jane about it. And when he did remember, she got a bit teary-eyed, and said: We are so happy together, what difference does it make?” And Johnny decided she was right.

Johnny and Jane raised a family of four, with the usual ups and downs, laughter and tears. When their golden anniversary rolled around, Johnny once again asked Jane about the yellow ribbon around her neck. It was the first time hed brought it up since the week after their wedding. Whenever their children asked him about it, hed always hushed them, and somehow none of the kids had dared ask their mother. Jane gave Johnny as sad look and said: Johnny, youve waited this long. You can wait awhile longer.”

And Johnny agreed. It was not until Jane was on her death bed a year later that Johnny, seeing his last chance slip away, asked Jane one final time about the yellow ribbon she wore around her neck. She shook her head a bit at his persistence, and then said with a sad smile: Okay Johnny, you can go ahead and untie it.”

With shaking hands, Johnny fumbled for the knot and untied the yellow ribbon around his wifes neck.

And Janes head fell off.

  • Thank you, here is your candy, see you soon.
  • let’s wait a little, may be there is somebody else?
  • Three gosts: Weeeeeeee’rrreee heeeeerrrree, funny little gosts! Do you know the game trick or treat, come with us and we’ll have many candies! The rules are very simple: we are going to go to other rooms and say: “trick or treat, trick or treat, have you something good to eat?” Ready? Let’s go! ( дети вместе с приведениями идут по соседним кабинетам, где, произнося рифмовку, получают конфеты и возвращаются в класс) You are so funny, we’ll come to see next helloween.
  • My dear children, I think that the ghosts were our last guests. I hope, our party was interesting for you, but now we are out of time and do me a favour, please, there are three circles of different colours: red, green, blue. When you are leaving please put one of the circles on the table. If you like our halloween party, put the green circle, if you don’t know, you like it or not, put the blue circle, if you don’t like it at all, put the red circle. Thank you for attention, you are free, good bye. (Покидая класс, дети оставляют на парте возле выхода один из трёх кругов, который соответсвует их внутреннему состоянию удовлетворенности).

Список используемой литературы:

Стихи: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/my-next-door-neighbor-is-a-witch


Страшные истории: https://momlovesbest.com/scary-stories-for-kids


Видео: https://youtu.be/5ebDZiRAs68

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Опубликовано: 26.11.2021