Разработка урока английского языка по теме «Книги в нашей жизни» в 7 классе

Автор: Пономарёва Виктория Михайловна

Организация: МБОУ г.Иркутска СОШ с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов №14

Населенный пункт: г.Иркутск

Урок английского языка в 7 классе

Тема: “The role of books in our modern life”

Тип урока: урок комплексного применения знаний


  1. образовательная:  совершенствование речемыслительных навыков учащихся по пройденной теме;
  2. развивающая: развитие коммуникативной компетенции в межкультурной коммуникации по данной теме; развитие умения работать в микро-группах; развитие навыков монологического высказывания с использованием опорных слов;
  3. Воспитательная:  привитие интереса к чтению; стремление к совершенствованию собственной речевой культуры в целом;


Формирование УУД:

Регулятивные- Целеполагание(постановка цели урока на основе того, что известно и усвоено учащимися, и того, что еще неизвестно);

прогнозирование, контроль и оценка своей деятельности;

Коммуникативные- составление диалогов по данной теме; работа в микро-группах;

Познавательные- ответы на вопросы, выполнение задания викторины, составление рассказа по плану; высказывания о фактах и событиях с использованием опор;

Личностные- умение ориентироваться в различных жизненных ситуациях;


Знания и умения, формируемые на уроке:

в результате работы на уроке учащиеся смогут составлять связное монологическое высказывание по данной теме; составлять диалоги и высказывать свою точку зрения по данной проблеме;

Оснащение урока:

1. Мультимедийное оборудование;

  1. Раздаточный материал


Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент.

1. Good afternoon, children. I am glad to see you today. How are you today?

2. Целеполагание.

T. - You know, that nowadays many people believe that reading is boring and books aren`t necessary. Some of us like computer and cinema. So many minds so many thoughts. But in all centuries there were people who wrote books and there were people who read them. Look at the screen, read the plan of the lesson and try to guess what the theme of our lesson is? (1м)

(1 слайд) (дети вслух читают план урока)

-answer the teacher`s questions

-repeat the words on the topic and do the quiz

-explain the statements about reading and books

-discuss biographies of some writers

-act out the dialogue from the book about Winnie-the-Pooh

-act out your home dialogues

-prepare your own answers to the whole topic

T. -You are absolutely right. The theme of our lesson is the role of books in our modern life (2 слайд)

T.- So today we must find the answer if books are necessary or not for us.

  1. Речевая разминка. (3м)


And now answer my questions:

  1. What kind of books do you prefer reading?
  2. What American and British writers do you know?
  3. Who is your favourite writer?
  4. What is your favourite book? Why?
  5. What genres of books do you know?
  6. Do you know the woman, who wrote the famous detective stories?
  7. Can you name the well-known Scottish poet?
  8. Who was born in Stratford-upon-Avon?


T.- And now , look at the screen, please. I have a quiz for you. You should explain what it is and who it is. (слайды №3,4,5 )(3м)

L. Carroll – the author of adventure stories

Thriller – a story about crime and murder

The plot – the main idea of the story

Encyclopedia- a book which contains a lot of facts about many subjects

A. Christie – the British writer, the Queen of Crime

A volume – a book

A chapter- a part of the story or the part of the book

Fiction – a book about imaginary people and events

Caxton- a man who set up the printing press in Britain

Tom Sawyer – a book a boy called Tom and his adventures written by …

A character – a person in a book

A dictionary – a book that gives us a lot of words and their meaning



T- Do you know the English proverbs about books? So, match the beginning and ending if proverbs and try to explain their meaning (слайд №6 ) (1м)

1. Words are the voice of the heart.

2. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

3. A library is a hospital for the mind.

4. A book is a garden carried in the pocket.

5. A word is enough to the wise.

6. It`s never too late to learn.


  1. Совершенствование навыков монологического высказывания.


Т. -In our lessons we read and spoke about well- known writers and poets. I want you to remember about these outstanding people and tell about them using word-helpers (Cлайды №7, 8, 9, 10 )



A. Pushkin

A.A. Milne

Учащиеся выбирают и рассказывают о любимых писателях и поэтах с опорой на слайды. (10м)


6. Проверка домашнего задания. (3м) (Слайд №11)

Т.- Check your home task

Recently we have read the famous book about Winnie –the-Pooh written by A. Milne. Today we have two actors who will perform the main characters of this book. I am sure it will be interesting. (диалог). Два ученика заранее подготавливают дома диалог.

(Сценка между Винни Пухом и Кроликом). Домашнее задание для двух учащихся.

Winnie-the-Pooh: Is anybody at home? (Cтучит в дверь)

Rabbit: No, don`t shout. I can hear quite well.

W.P.: Sorry. Isn`t there anybody here?

R.: Nobody.

W.P.: There must be somebody there, because somebody said, “Nobody”. Rabbit, isn`t that you?

R.: No.

W.P.: Well, could you very kindly tell me where is rabbit?

R.: He has gone to see his friend Winnie who is a great friend of his.

W.P.: To his friend Pooh? But this is me!

R.: What sort of me?

W.P.: Pooh Bear.

R.: Are you sure?

W.P.: Quite sure.

R.: Oh, well, then come in.

(Винни-Пух с трудом протискивается в дом кролика).

R.: You are quite right. It is you. Glad to see you. I am just going to have dinner ( Винни-Пух и кролик садятся за стол).

R.: Honey or condensed milk with bread?

W.P.: Both. But don`t bother about the bread, please.

(Через некоторое время) Thank you. I have to go!

R.: Good bye, Pooh!

T. – And now, let`s check your home task. You have prepared dialogues. (слайд №12) (5м)

1. At the bookshop.

2. Two friends

3. At the library

Примерные диалоги учащихся.

At the bookshop

  • Can I help you?
  • Please, I want as a birthday present for my cousin.
  • What books does she prefer?
  • She prefers detective stories.
  • What about this one? It`s an interesting detective story.
  • Well, I`ll take it. Can you rap it?
  • Yes, of course. Here you are.
  • How much is it?
  • It`s 59 rubles. How will you pay?
  • By cash.
  • Here is your change.
  • Thank you. Good bye.

At the library.


  • Could you help me?
  • With pleasure. What can I do for you?
  • I need some dictionaries.
  • Do you know the name of the author?
  • I want to find recently published English-Russian dictionaries.
  • These shelves to your right have various dictionaries.
  • How many dictionaries can I take at a time?
  • You may borrow two at a time.

Two friends.


  • What are you reading?
  • I am reading a science fiction book.
  • How long have you been reading it?
  • For three days.
  • How many pages have you read?
  • About 150.
  • Is it interesting?
  • Rather.
  • Will you give me it to me after you finish it?
  • OK!


8. And now let`s work in groups. Each group prepares an answer to the question and then we will have the whole dialogue on the topic “The role of books in our modern life” (5м) (Слайд №14)


1. The reasons why people read books

2. The main genres of books

3. My favourite writer

4. My favourite book

5. Reading is important and interesting because…


Учащиеся работают в микро-группах, где выбирают один из пунктов и готовят связное монологическое высказывание по теме.

Примерные ответы учащихся:


Reading books is useful and interesting.

A lot of people are fond of reading.

Books help us to solve the problems of our life.

We learn a lot of new facts about famous people, lands ad countries from the books.

Books help us to make new friends.

Books are useful because they learn us to plan our time and life.

Reading books is a popular hobby of people of different ages.

Books have beautiful pictures and photos.

Books are not expensive.

Books help pupils to study better.


There a lot of genres of books, such as detective stories, novels, adventures stories, science fiction, plays, fairy-tales, poems, horror stories, short stories, love stories.


As for me I prefer detective stories, my favourite detective writer is Agatha Christie…



Подведение итогов. (1м) (Слайд №14)

Thank you for your hard work. Now I think that reading isn`t boring. I want to give you a piece of advice: read books and you will love this amazing world!

Рефлексия. (8м)

And now, children, imagine that you are poets. You should make a short poem about books. Look at the screen, please.

Учащимся предлагается составить синквейн (стихотворение из пяти строк) по данной теме. (слайд№ 15)


Синквейн – это не простое стихотворение, а стихотворение, написанное по следующим правилам:

1 строка – одно существительное, выражающее главную тему cинквейна.

2 строка – два прилагательных, выражающих главную мысль.

3 строка – три глагола, описывающие действия в рамках темы.

4 строка – фраза, несущая определенный смысл.

5 строка – заключение в форме существительного (ассоциация с первым словом).


Example. ( Слайд №16)


Useful and helpful

Teach, develop, learn

I like reading!

Books are our friends!

Учащиеся составляют и зачитывают свои стихотворения.

Домашнее задание.

Next lesson you should write the composition about your favourite book . The lesson is over. Good bye.







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Опубликовано: 21.11.2017