Урок английского языка для 11 класса по теме «Фаст-фуд»

Автор: Семенцова Любовь Анатольевна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ № 2»

Населенный пункт: Челябинская область, г. Чебаркуль

Тип урока: урок закрепления

Цель: сформировать представление о преимуществах и недостатках фаст - фуда.


  1. Закрепить лексику по теме «Еда»
  2. Уметь отвечать на вопросы
  3. Читать текст, с полным пониманием прочитанного
  4. Уметь находить правильное слово из предложенных слов
  5. Уметь находить важную информацию

УУД: Планируемые результаты: умение строить монологическое высказывание по теме «Еда».

Личностные УУД: потребность вести здоровый образ жизни; формирование желания следовать правилам здорового питания.

Формируемые УУД: умение ставить цель урока, определять тему; умение искать и выделять необходимую информацию; умение выражать свои мысли, аргументировать высказывание и принимать решение; умение работать в паре и группе.





- Good morning boys and girls. I’m very glad to see you. How are you? Let’s start our lesson.


1. ФОНЕТИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАРЯДКА (стихотворение про пиццу)

“I like pizza”

Pizza is beautiful.
Pizza is fine.
I like pizzas;

I eat them all the time.
I eat them for my supper,

I eat them for my lunch.
I eat them everywhere,

Here and there.

(прочитать, снять трудности, читают учащиеся 3-4 человека)



1. Look through our poem. What is mentioned in it? Look at the screen. What do you see? (pizza). Of course, it is pizza. Do you like pizza? How often do you eat pizza? Do you cook it yourself or your mum does it? Is it tasty? But pizza … is so called fast food. What are we going to speak about? Yes, our aim is – fast food. What are we going to do?

-Practice English

-Read interesting information

-Discuss and explain your opinion


  1. Проверка домашнего задания

Let’s check up your homework. At home you had to write a letter of advice how to keep fit. Have you got any questions? At the end of our lesson don’t forget to give in your exercise books, please. And we continue.


  1. Write down – what kind of fast food you know.

(записывают в тетради, читают вслух). Is it healthy food?




4. What is fast food?

- is popular today,

- is dangerous,

- is unhealthy,

- is full of fat, salt, sugar,

- it’s business (fast food restaurants)


5. Выполнение упражнения уч. стр. 128 упр. А

Fast food is sometimes called junk food (вредная привычка).

Why do you think that is? (Because it is highly processed, contains a lot of salt, sugar, fat and calories and it contains very few nutrients).


6. Do you agree or not? I am going to read some statements and you should say it is right or not.


- Everybody must take multivitamins every day.

- Coca-Cola is good for you.

- Healthy food includes fresh fruit and vegetables.

- People must eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients they need.

- Our health doesn’t depend on our way of life.

- Healthy food is not very important.

- A little exercise every day will keep you fit.

- A balanced diet causes obesity.

- To get more vitamins you should eat more hamburgers and burgers.


3. ЗАРЯДКА (ссылка - youtube.com›watch?v=5L40pXuNawY)



“Super Size Me” – «Двойная порция».

Look at screen. Have you ever seen this film? It’s called “Super Size Me”. It was written and directed by Morgan Spurlock. Morgan is a director, playwriter, producer and actor (was born on the 7th of November in 1970).

(показать отрывки из фильма – ссылка - Двойная порция / Super Size Me, 2004 - YouTube, взять начало фильма и конец))

  1. Please, open your Student’s book at page. Here this is a text that is also called “Super Size Me”. At first, look through all words are given below. Do you know all of them?
  2. Read the text quickly and silently. Ignore the gaps now. Read! You have three minutes for your reading.
  3. What experiment did Morgan Spurlock conduct and what was the result of it? (He wanted to prove that a diet of junk food has a very bad effect on our health. By the end of the month on this junk food diet he had got sick and put on a lot of weight, thus proving his theory.)
  4. Now I give you three minutes to read text more carefully and find a word that fits into each gap. Work in pairs. Your time is over. Let’s compare your answers.
  5. Do you agree with the saying “You are what you eat”?

Do you think you need to change your eating habits? Why/ Why not?



1. If we don’t eat healthy food, we may have some problems. And now we’ll try to find the solutions and give advice.




Match the problem and the solution.




1. overweight

a) eat foods rich in vitamin C

2. underweight

b) avoid spicy foods and eating fast

3. lack of concentration

c) eat less and take regular exercise

4. tiredness

d) drink more water and eat more oily fish

5. tooth decay

e) eat three well-balanced meals

6. frequent illness

f) eat lots of iron-rich foods

7. indigestion

g) cut out sugary drinks and snacks

8. dry skin

h) follow a low-carbohydrate diet


( answer: 1c 2e 3f 4h 5g 6a 7b 8d)


2. Now in small groups workout advantages and disadvantages of fast food.

(прием для формирования функциональной грамотности «Фишбоун»)

The 1st group – advantages, the 2nd – disadvantages. On your desks there is some information for help.




Слова – помощники:

  • Don’t to have to go to a supermarket
  • Don’t need to prepare meals
  • convenient
  • Don’t wash the dishes
  • Can relax
  • Save much money and efforts
  • Elevates the risk of diabetes and cancer
  • Loaded with calories
  • Full of chemical addictives and artificial sweeteners
  • Major causes of obesity (ожирение) and heart disease
  • High level of salt and sugar
  • Risk of food poisoning
  • May be addictive
  • High in fat
  • to keep fit – держать форму
  • overweight – иметь вес больше нормы
  • slimmer – человек, сидящий на диете
  • inactivity – бездеятельность
  • to skip – пропускать
  • protein – белок
  • dairy – молочные продукты
  • High level of salt and sugar
  • Full of chemicals
  • rate – ставка, тариф, стоимость, оценка
  • gain получить, добыть, приобрести
  • erase – стирать, удалять, подчищать
  • hesitation – нерешительность, сомнение
  • uncertainty – неопределенность, погрешность, неуверенность
  • liver печень
  • nutrients – питательные вещества
  • low cost – низкая стоимость
  • easy to cook – легко готовить
  • good shelf life – хороший срок годности
  • reduces productivity – снижать производительность




Уч. стр. 129 упр. Е (дополните предложения, выбрав правильное слово из четырех предложенных)

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Опубликовано: 26.11.2021