Разработка классического урока в старшей школе

Автор: Султанбекова Тамиля Гойтемировна

Организация: МБОУ Бамматюртовская СОШ

Населенный пункт: Республика Дагестан, село Бамматюрт

Цель урока: овладеть структурами и разговорными фразами общения по теме “Travelling”.

Задачи урока:


- понимание на слух разговорной речь с извлечением нужной информации;

- совершенствовать грамматические навыки обучающихся

- совершенствовать навыки устного общения обучающихся.

-развитие навыков критического мышления;

- расширение кругозора учащихся

- формировать универсальные учебные действия на основе использования инновационных видов деятельности.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

- Good morning, my dear boys and girls. (Good morning)

- I`m glad to see you here. (We are glad to see you, too.)

- How are you today? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

- I`m very well, thank you. And now it`s time to start our lesson.

-Let’s watch the video to guess the topic of our lesson.

- So what is our theme? (travelling) The topic of our discussion today is travelling.

Фонетическая зарядка

Let’s practise your English sounds to speak English well.

Look at the screen and repeat the poem after me


We travel, go and go By train, by ship, by car We always want to know What's near and what's far If you want to be in a good mood. You don’t travel by car, go on foot. If you want to go far away. Don’t travel by bus, travel by plane. In the South, in the West Travelling around the world is the best.

Repeat once more


We travel, go and go By……, by ……, by car We always want to know What's near and what's far If you want to be in a good mood. You don’t travel by ……, go on ….... If you want to go far away. Don’t travel by …., travel by …... In the South, in the West Travelling around …… is the best.


II. Речевая разминка.

- Look at the screen. Here you can see some opinions about travelling. Read, translate and express your own attitude towards them, please:

- Do you like to travel?

-Why do you travel?

(Pupils answer the teacher`s questions)


The next task for you will be to create a cinquain on the topic "Travelling".

  • детям , что такое синквейн.

Синквейн – стихотворение, состоящее из 5 строк.



Два прилагательных.

Три глагола.

Фраза (личное отношение к теме).

Слово-синоним 1 строки.

– You have three minutes to do the task. Then we will check it.

– Thank you. Well done.


Example: Travelling

Wonderful exiting


We had unforgettable trip




III. Этап формирования лексических навыков говорения.

Now let`s listen the dialogue а answer the questions

Nick: Hi Amy! Where do you want to travel next?

Amy: I’m thinking of going to Argentina this summer.

Nick: Wow, it’s an amazing country.

Amy: Have you been there? /

Nick: Yes, I went there during my South American trip 2 years ago. It was absolutely fantastic.



Amy: Yeah, I’ve heard so many things about this country.

Nick: Hi Amy! ………do you …… to travel next?

Amy: I’m thinking of ……..to ……… this summer.

Nick: Wow, it’s an ……… country.

Amy: …… you been ……..? /

Nick: Yes, I went there ……… my South ……… trip 2 years ago. It was absolutely ……...

Amy: Yeah, I’ve …….. so……. things ……… this country.

Where does Amy want to travel next?




When is she going there?

a)this summer

b)next summer

c)next winter

Has Nick been to Argentina?

a)Yes, he has

b)No, he hasn't

c)No, but he wants to

Did Nick like Argentina?

a)Yes, it was absolutely fantastic

b)It wasn't too bad

c)No, he didn't like it at all

What places did Nick recommend to visit first?

a)Iguazu Falls and Buenos Aires

b)Perrito Moreno Glacier and of course, Buenos Aires

c)Iguazu Falls, Perrito Moreno Glacier and of course, Buenos Aires


IV. Физминутка

It's time to have a rest. I want you to stand up and do our exercises.


Up and Down


Up and down, up and down


Clap your hands and turn around.


Hands up clap clap clap


Hands down shake shake shake


Hands on hip jump jump jump


Hop hop hop stop stand still.Good sit down please.

Модальные глаголы в английском языке:


can — мочь, уметь

could — мог, умел

must — должен, нужно, надо

have to — быть вынужденным, быть должным, приходится, надо

may — стоит, следует

might — должен, следует, стоит

should — мочь, мог бы

ought to — мочь, мог бы


VI. Выполнение упражнения на закрепление модальных глаголов.

- Choose the modal verbs

All passengers ... (should/must) wear seat-belts.

My tooth hurts. I think I ... (shouldn’t/ought to) see a dentist.

I ... (couldn’t/needn’t to) eat sweets when I was a girl.

You ... (don’t have to/mustn’t) walk on the grass.

You ... (have to/shouldn’t) be kind and polite.

He ... (doesn’t have to/shouldn’t) whistle inside a house.

Your brother ... (ought to/must) eat healthy food.

Strawberry yoghurt ... (mustn’t/doesn’t have to) contain real strawberries.

You ... (should/have to) read this book. It’s really nice.

Greg ... (can/ought to) spend more time on English grammar.

Рефлексия по методу Six Thinking Hat


Task 2 "Put on" a white hat and name the facts of the trip.

P: Every 60 seconds, 2173 people arrive in a foreign country. Just Paris was visited by 30 million sightseers a year ago.

Task 3 "Put on" a red hat and express your feelings when you travel

P:I I like travelling but I do get afraid, however, of flying…

Task 4 "Put on" a black hat and express criticism (shortcomings)journeys.

P: Overcrowding and traffic jams

Prices increase in local shops as tourists are often more wealthy than the local population

Task 5 "Put on" a yellow hat and list the positive aspects of the trip.


Task 6 "Put on" a green hat and offer your travel option.


- It`s time to finish our lesson. I suppose you know why people travel and can answer this question. I`m sure

you deserve excellent marks today. Thank you for your work. Have a nice day, my dears!


Домашнее задание: to write essay about Travelling

Список литературы:

Книга для учителя 8класс(Просвещение 2017г В.П.Кузовлев Н.М.Лама Э.Ш.Перегудова)

Де Боно Эдвард:Шесть шляп мышления (Захарченко.А)

Интернет ресурсы



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Опубликовано: 30.11.2021