British houses

Автор: Гусева Ольга Александроп

Организация: АНОО «Физтех-лицей им. П.Л. Капицы»

Населенный пункт: Московская область, г. Долгопрудный

1.Watch the video and do the exercises


2. Listen to the text and complete the text.

Upstairs attic houses a bungalow a block a lawn the roof

A lot of people in the UK about 80-85% live in_______, not flats. There are several types of houses: a detached house, a semi-detached house, a terrace or a terraced house, __________ and a block of flats. Let’s look at them and see the difference.

A detached house is a stand-alone house, not join to another house. It usually has two floors: the ground floor and the first floor. Sometimes there is also an ________. Downstairs there is a living room, a dining-room and a kitchen. __________ there are bedrooms and a bathroom. British people love gardening. That is why there is often a garden or even two: the front garden and the back garden. Gardens are usually small with not many things there: one or two trees, _______ and a few flower beds. When the weather is good, people like spending a little time outside in the garden with their family and friends.

A semi-detached house is actually two houses join together where two families live very close to each other. In the UK semi is other most common type of housing. They are usually in suburbs of cities.

A bungalow is a detached one-storeyed house. Some of them have an extra-room in the attic, but it is not typical because there is usually quite little space under _________.

This type of property is typical of rural areas of the UK and there are very few bungalows in cities.

Terraced houses and blocks of flats are usually in the town centre or near the town centre. Terraced houses are a lot of houses join to one another and they form a row. These are homes for working class people or people who don’t earn a lot of money. However, in London flats are quite expensive. A terraced house is called a ‘town house’ in the USA. _______ of flats is also called ‘a tower block’. Flats are not popular in the UK only about 15% of people live there.


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Опубликовано: 13.12.2021