HR management and effective tools to motivate workers in an educational institution

Автор: Петрова Екатерина Евгеньевна

Организация: МАОУ «Лицей № 8»

Населенный пункт: г. Пермь

Being a teacher and being a manager that is responsible for personnel and its development is not the same thing. When you only teach, you do not pay attention to many factors that can help or break the whole attitude to pedagogical activity.

When I turned to be the specialist in personnel management at our educational institution, I had to get acquainted with different progressive techniques and tools that help organize this work on high level. Different institutions, different demands. It is very important to find those ways to make everyone interested and highly motivated.

One of the most widespread problem is unwillingness of teachers to develop and increase their professional skills. Looking for the reasons I found out that they all are too busy with much paper work and red tape. Arranging seminars and meetings with small groups of teachers, it was obvious to see how tired they were of many initiatives and afraid of making the first step in science.

Our lyceum has been united with another educational institution which did not have much in common with our organization. As a result, we had to start cooperation with teachers of that school. It was not that easy because people to people relations are the hardest. There were and are some misunderstandings in the way to set up our educational process together. The most difficult part of cooperation was with upbringing system and the system of extra-curricular education. We did not do the same things in these directions. Now we work together and the only thing that lacks – we do not have much time to arrange events together.

Distant education gave many negative results in the work with human resources. Working and developing people means communicating in a normal way – face to face but not with help of different digital platforms. All these factors demotivate.

The solution of this problem could be very effective if everything is done step by step. That is why I have made up a plan of working with human resources at lyceum. The plan was to divide all teachers into two project offices: a group of professionals and a group of beginners. This sort of division gave us a chance to motivate everyone be active and exchange the experience. Professionals keep on teaching beginners, attract each other to a contest and festival activity, prepare themed lessons, make up workshops and stay in collaborations.

Another tool of improving the situation with the personnel is making up different contests and seminars that can help fill up teachers` portfolios and upgrade their professional level.

One more thing that I paid my attention to is corporate culture development. Many foreign companies succeed when practicing this way of culture. It does not mean the only dress code for everyone. Many other tools can be taken. For example, educational tourism and relaxing programs that can help with team work.

As for educational tourism, it has proved itself already to be one of the most effective methods to motivate teachers. When planning a trip together, we set a goal for them and while they are exploring different places and doing the task, people start another sort of relationships. The atmosphere is non-trivial, they are not in their lyceum rooms, they are essential and easy-going. After such educational tourism trips we noticed that more people got along with and were ready to collaborate.

Under relaxing programs I mean themed parties like art-therapy salons held by an invited specialist in art and psychology. Such parties open up hidden features of people. At first many of our teachers were scared to come but after the first party, they not only got interested, they were very thankful that something new had come to their life.

At the end of our business year we hold meetings with teachers, asking them questions and giving them a chance to share their emotions on the projects and results of their productive work. Such meetings also motivate teachers get a total look to the things happening around them, make up new perspectives and think of new directions.

Effective tools in cooperation with people are very necessary. Especially, if the organization is very big. It is the key task for any personnel manager to find the most effective methods to improve the whole system of work in the educational institution. Any personnel manager also needs to be educated and high-qualified.

As our life changes very quickly, it is demanded to match today challenges and stay tuned in all respect. We are not quite sure in the future but we are able to predict all changes and protect our results of work with people. Self-esteem, responsibility, a desire to develop, concentration, team work, discipline are the parts of a success formula. It does not matter what sphere you work, working with people means making concessions. We should also be the example for our collegues.

Human resources management is like art – practice makes perfect and everything starts from the scratch. Following all these rules, we are on the way to success.

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Опубликовано: 17.12.2021