Animals in danger

Автор: Александрова Марина Юрьевна

Организация: МБОУ Лицей №1 им. Ф. Булякова с. Мишкино

Населенный пункт: Республика Башкортостан, Мишкинский район, с. Мишкино

Цели урока:

  1. Практическая: научить учащихся высказывать свое мнение по теме урока. 2. Развивающая: развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции в монологической и диалогической речи, аудировании и чтении; познакомить с исчезнувшими видами животных.
  2. Образовательная: активизировать употребление лексических единиц по теме, расширить знания относительно грамматического материала урока «Согласование времен». 4. Воспитательная: прививать любовь к животным, способствовать ознакомлению с иноязычной культурой и расширению кругозора учащихся.

Оборудование урока:

Оформленная доска, экран, учебник “Spotlight” 9 класс.


Этап урока, вид деятельности

Содержание урока


1. Организа-ционный момент:

Задача: помочь ученикам сформулировать тему урока при помощи слайдов и вопросов, вовлечь их в диалог.

T.: Good-morning, children! I’m glad to see to you! Who is on duty today? Who is absent? Let’s look at the screen. Have you ever seen such animals? Why?

Sts: They died out.

T.: Nowadays do we have animals which can disappear?

Sts: Of course.

T.: I think you can guess the topic of our lesson.

Sts: Animals in danger.

T.: You are absolutely right. Today I propose you to play an interesting game. Everyone watched it on our television “The Fields of wonders”. You are going to guess a word which shows what is the reason of the most part of these disappeared species of animals. During the lesson you have to pay your attention to the words marked with the stars and write down the first letter. They will help you to resolve this problem.

During the lesson you will answer such questions as:

- How can we safe them?

- What must we do for it?

  1. this lesson we shall speak about the reasons of disappearing and endangerment of wildlife.

Слайд 1, 2






Слайд 2

Слайд 3

2. Языковая зарядка:

Задача: подготовить детей к правильному произношению лексики по теме

T: But firstly let’s remember the common words according this theme. Open your books on p. 38. I want you to start working with the ex. 1. What does the animal world consist of? You are to read the definitions and match the animals to them as in the example below.

  • Mammals Dragonflies
  • Amphibians Herons, owls
  • Insects Hedgehogs, squirrels, foxes
  • Fish Snakes
  • Birds Trout
  • Reptiles Frogs, newts

Good job. So, today we shall speak about animals which are in danger.


Слайд 4-9



3. Основная часть:

Задача: отработать тематический материал урока


Задача: отработать лексику урока при помощи чтения текста и ответа на вопросы учителя






Speaking: монологическая речь










Задача: отработать материал урока

T.: Now let’s read the newspaper headlines of the ex. 2. Tell me, please, what problems places where animals live face.

Sts: Deforestation, pollution, farming, building, tourism

T: Children, let’s read the text from your books and we’ll find out the next reason why animals can be in danger. Open your books on P.38 – Ex.3, read the text and be ready to answer my questions.

Where do the animals live?

What happens to their habitat?

What can we do to protect the animals’ habitats around us?

Very nice.

Now you have all the necessary letters. Can you answer my first question?

You are absolutely right. It’s the HUMANITY.

T: But sometimes people keep wild animals as pets. Children, what wild animals do you know in this role? Name them: rabbits, pythons, chimpanzees…

- What is your personal opinion about keeping wild animals as pets or unusual pets?

  • As for me…
  • I think that…
  • As my mind…
  • I don’t agree…
  • I must agree that…
  • You are quite right…
  • On the one hand it is…, but on the other hand…

T: I think that we should be very attentive to our pets and make them happy.


T.: How do you think what are the most dangerous problems for the animals? Let’s make the mind-map


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4. Итог урока:

Задача: подвести итог урока, выставить оценки (+комментарий), объяснить домашнее задание

It’s not by chance that I chose this topic today. Today it’s the 4th of October, the international animal day. So get involved and show your care.

Your marks for this lesson (выставление оценок, их комментарий).

Hometask: Prepare projects in groups, collect information about habitats in your country. Make a poster. Stick pictures on it and write a few sentences about each habitat.

Good bye!

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Опубликовано: 06.02.2022