Разработка урока на тему «Свободное время»

Автор: Яхина Гульгена Римовна

Организация: МБОУ ООШ с.Юнны

Населенный пункт: Республика Башкортостан, с.Юнны

Цель: познакомить учащихся со структурой и содержанием нового модуля; способствовать развитию лексических навыков по теме «Свободное время», навыков чтения; создать условия для освоения способов выражения вкусов и предпочтений в рамках изучаемой темы.

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учеников

  1. 1.Организацонный этап

(Good morning, children. I am glad to see you, sit down please). (How are you today? Are you OK?)

Формирует речевую готовность учащихся

(Who is on duty today? What is the date today? Who is absent today? What is the weather like today?)

-Good morning, teacher!

-We are fine!




I’m on duty today. Today is the 5 th of February. .. is absent today. Today is frosty and snowy.

2.Повторение пройденного материала.

In the last lesson, we completed the holiday time module. Let's remember the holidays and complete the test.

Карточка – тест (проверка)

3.Постановка темы и формулирование учебно-познавательной задачи










Используя вопросы, подводит учащихся к цели урока. (кроссворд)


Answer my questions:

-What are we going to speak about?

Yes. We have a speak a free time and hobby.

- What can we do in our free time?





The purpose of our lesson is to develop the language competence of students.



Open your copybook, write the day today and theme of the lesson “Free today”.

  1. Дети отвечают на вопросы и пытаются сформулировать тему урока.
  2. Взаимодействуют с учителем.


Free time.



- We are going to speak about free time.

- We can play games, listen to music…





The 5 th of February.

4.Актуализация знаний

Hobby - an activity people like doing during their free time.

My hobby is drawing. In my spare time, I like to draw. You can see pictures on the slide.


There are a lot of hobbies and entertainment. Hobbies help you realize yourself. For example, for many years in our school, he worked as a teacher of Herasov Mirzanur Mirsaitovich. His hobby is composing music. Thanks to his hobby, he became famous in our village and district.


And also famous for their hobby became Гареев Фанис and Шайхлисламов Фатхлислам


5. Развитие навыков аудирования

Организует работу с учебником:

P.56 Ex.1 – Write the new words in your dictionary.

Пишут новые слова.

6.Динамическая пауза

Now it’s time to have a rest. Stand up.

проводят физкультминутку



Every year, family games are held in our republic. By the decree of the head of the republic, 2021 was declared the year of health and active longevity.


What is your hobby?


A good profession, I think you will succeed. President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin declared 2021 the Year of Science and Technology.

Guys, open the laptops, go to our group and perform the exercise from the application skysmart.

Everyone was able to get in?

We can see the results on the screen. Well done guys.


Игра «Да/Нет»







Do you like read books?

Do you like play computer games?

Do you like go swimming?

Do you like a paint?

Do you like a sing?


I really like to sing. I can sing to you, too.

Yes, I do/ No, I don,t.

Yes, I do/ No, I don,t.


Yes, I do/ No, I don,t.

Yes, I do/ No, I don,t.

Yes, I do/ No, I don,t.

Yes, уes!!!









Домашнее задание.







Today we discussed the topic of Free time. We learned a lot of useful things for ourselves. Thanks to your passion, you can achieve high results.

So, I suggest you put your cards on the mountain. And I think that we have reached the top.

Now I Know…

Now I Can…

I Can’t…

I Don’t Know


Дает комментарий к домашнему заданию

1. Follow the exercise from skysmart, let's immediately send a link. (ссылка)

2. For those who want a creative task, write how to spend your free time with your family.



Today I liked the answers from....... I will put 5, …………4,………………3.


Thank you for your work. That`s all for today. Good bye, children. See you soon.

Договариваются и приходят к общему мнению в совместной деятельности.

Оценивают правильность выполнения действий на уровне адекватной ретроспективной оценки. Адекватно воспринимают оценку учителя и одноклассников.



















Good bye.


  1. file0.doc (59,5 КБ)
  2. file1.ppt.zip (6,1 МБ)
Опубликовано: 14.03.2022