Окружающий мир. Предсказания. Употребление в речи различных грамматических средств для выражения будущего времени

Автор: Исмагилова Эльвира Равефовна

Организация: МБОУ «Сизинская ООШ»

Населенный пункт: Республика Татарстан, с. Сиза

Тип урока: коммуникативно-познавательный

Вид урока: урок – развитие умений говорения, совершенствования навыков чтения, аудирования, письма, грамматических навыков.

Форма урока: традиционно-дистанционный урок на платформе ZOOM

(сайт: https://student.skyeng.ru/onboarding/629828)

Базовый УМК: Spolight 7 (Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, Olga Podolyako, Julia Vaulina)


1. Научить учащихся рассказывать о будущих событиях, делать предсказания, спрашивать и высказывать предположения о будущей жизни.

2. Воспитывать культуру общения, ответственное отношение к будущему планеты, развивать интерес к научным достижениям, новейшим технологиям.

3. Познакомить с основными предсказаниями по поводу будущей жизни, с новыми высокотехнологичными изобретениями.

4. Развивать умения говорения, чтения, аудирования, письма; совершенствование грамматических навыков. Развитие творческого мышления, воображения.

Языковой материал: Grammar: Future Simple (will), Lexis: related to predictions for the future (predictions, creature, to exist, glass dome, mini-submarine, online school, robotic housemaid, traffic jam, underwater city, to cause)

Речевой материал: School children`s predictions for the future (short texts), видео «A Look into the Future. Year 2035», аудиозапись Module5 track 1.

Оснащение урока: ТСО (компьютер,экран, проектор), CD (Module5 track 1)

Литература: книга для учителя Spotlight 7, интернет ресурсы: Skyeng, you-tube.


  1. Орг.момент


-беседа с дежурным

-How are you?( T-P1-P2-P3)

2. Введение в тему урока. Объявление целей урока

We are having guests in our English lesson today. They are going to see your foreign skills. I wish all of us good luck and let you be more active, please.

3.Let’s start. Warm-up activities. Создание мотивационной базы.

I’d like to share a video with you. Watch it attentively, then you have to say what about are we going to speak at our lesson today? (https://student.skyeng.ru/onboarding/629828)


  • Was it interesting?
  • Was it crazy?
  • What do you think about the video?

( It is high tech, IT, our future life, robots, sensors, medicine in future, phones in future, modern technologies)

You’ve guessed quite right.


Введение нового материала

Look at the screen, please.


Try to answer the following questions


1)Can cars fly? P1-P2-P3

2) What modern technologies can you name?

5. I suggest you a game.

Look at this card for 10 seconds.

Now, please tick what you have seen very quickly.

(После 10 секунд ученики назовут то, что увидели на картинках)- Руслан, ост.добавят)

Are these gadgets popular in your family?

6.GRAMMAR. Развитие грамматических навыков

Let’s go on

The next question is for you

If we speak about predictions in future what grammar rules have we to know? There are grammar tables in front of you. Find please tenses we need.

What tense is it? (Future Simple)

Signal words: tomorrow….

How do we make Future Simple:

Pronoun or noun + will+V

And there is a construction

To be going to

Write please these rules in your copy-books.

7. Can you give some examples

P: We will have flying cars.

Children are going to study online.

Let’s have a talk about our future life in pairs

8.Развитие умений диалогической речи. (ДИАЛОГ СОСТАВЛЯЮТ)

It's a nice day today, isn't it? (Oh, yes. I agree with you. The weather is good and sunny.)

— Руслан, I'd like to ask you a question. (You are welcome, would you like to ask me about?)

— Руслан, Are you looking forward to the future? (Yes, lam. lam looking forward to the future.)

- Адиля, Why are you looking forward to the future? (I am sure, life of people will change in the future. I would like to travel! space.)

— Аделина,, do you agree with Адиля that life will change in the future? (I agree with her. But the future frightens me. In my opinion, we shall have a lot of crime.)

— Руслан, are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future ( I am optimistic about the future.)

— Руслан, Why are you optimistic? (I believe that pupils will study at home using a computer.)

- Адиля, do you think that there will be more jobs in the future? (I think so. As I see it, the most popular profession will be a com¬puter programmer.)

- Руслан,Are you going to become a computer programmer? (Yes, I am. It seems to me that it will be a well-paid job in ten years time.)

- Аделина, How can people communicate in the future? (I am sure the mobile phones will be more popular in the future than now.)

Adilya, What TV (radio) programmes will be popular in ten years time? (It seems, that there will be no TV)

Ruslan, What school subjects will pupils learn at school?.(There will be online school)



I suggest you to have a rest and listen to the song of Kathy… What do famous persons think about the future?

Who is Kathy… (просмотр википедии)

Просмотр видео

What is this song about? (digital world)

Do you agree with him?

Do you find the video motivating?

Do you want to create something?

What would you like to create?

10. Работа над расширением словарного запас Now let’s get to know the ancient and the simplest invention in the world.

Руслан читает текст (задание ВПР)

What was the simplest invention in the world?

What would you like to invent?

(Дети рассказывают, что бы они хотели изобретать)

11. Take the next task, please.

Choose one of three pictures. Tell about it in a minute by the given plan. You have 30 seconds to be ready

(Рассказ по картинкам- задание ВПР)

12. True/false

Do you know the world well? Do you read books, watch news regularly? Let’s see.


13. Have you ever heard about Innopolis?

What is it?

It is a City near Kazan in Tatarstan.

When was it situated?

In 2012 year

Innopolis is a new city designed to bring together young, highly qualified specialists from all over the country, in order to strengthen the innovative capacity of the Russian Federation. Young students were seen programming robots in laboratories in the city, Wednesday.

(Просмотр видеоhttps://yandex.ru/video/preview/?text=%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%81%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%8C&path=yandex_search&parent-reqid=1647679314470916-1051775)


1. Сегодня я узнал… (Today I have known (about)…)

2. Было интересно… (… was interesting to me)

3. Было трудно… (…. was difficult for me)

4. Я выполнял задания… ( I did exercises …)

5. Я понял, что… (I have understood that …)

6. Теперь я могу… (I can …)

7. Я почувствовал, что… (I felt that …)

8. Я приобрел…

9. Я научился… (I have learnt to …)

10. У меня получилось …

11. Я смог…

12. Я попробую… (I will try to …)

13. Меня удивило… (…surprised me)

14. Урок дал мне для жизни…

15. Мне захотелось… (I would like to ….)

Оцените фразеологическим оборотом свои ощущения:

- каша в голове ( I am a muddlehead)

- ни в зуб ногой (I haven’t a clue)

- светлая голова (I have bright spirit)


- Шевелить мозгами (I use my brains)

- Краем уха (I listened with half an ear)

- Хлопать ушами (I fell on deaf ears)


15. Отметки


Что бы вы предлагали для Иннополиса (какой робот?)

-составить рассказ

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Опубликовано: 21.03.2022