Google- тест «Разделительные вопросы»

Автор: Федюшкина Юлия Николаевна

Организация: МБОУ СОШ №15 г.Ейск

Населенный пункт: Краснодарский край, г. Ейск

Цель: контроль грамматических знаний по теме «Разделительные вопросы»

Учебник: Rainbow English 5, О.В.Афанасьева, И.В.Михеева, К.М.Баранова


Выберите подходящий "хвост" для разделительного вопроса:

  1. She has got two sisters, ...?

does not she

does she

has she

has not she

  1. Your mother can't cook well, ...?

can she

can't she

isn't she

doesn't she

  1. You often go to the south on holidays, ...?

do you

don't you

are you

aren't you

  1. I am an opera singer, ...?

am I

am not I

are I

aren't I

  1. You are never late for school, ...?

are you

aren't you

is you

do you

  1. Last summer you could do what you wanted, ...?

can't you

didn't you

couldn't you

did you

  1. Your parents have no country house, ...?

have they

haven't they

do they

don't they

  1. David isn't a photographer, ...?

is he

isn't he

is she

isn't she

  1. Mark mustn't be late for classes, ...?

is he

isn't he

must he

mustn't he

  1. Betsy will be famous one day, ...?

will she

won't she

  1. She had breakfast early in the morning, ...?

didn't she

hadn't she

  1. You have a shower two times a day, ...?

don't you

haven't you

  1. Molly isn't successful in her career, ...?

is she

isn't she

  1. Sue likes to draw pictures, ...?

does she

doesn't she

  1. It is a good collection, ...?

is it

isn't it

  1. There is no milk in my cup, ...?

isn't it

is it

isn't there

is there

  1. There are six schools in my town, ...?

are there

aren't there

are they

aren't they

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  1. file0.docx (17,4 КБ)
Опубликовано: 26.03.2022