Обучение кратким вопросам на уроках английского языка

Автор: Алабужева Наталья Викторовна

Организация: МБУ ДО «ДЮЦ»

Населенный пункт: Удмуртская Республика, г. Сарапул

Proverbs at the English lessons




Day of trade (world)

Day of Independence (Israel)

Day of windmill (Netherlands)



Never say never.

Actions speak louder than the words.

After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile.

An apple a day keeps a doctor away

Art is long and life is short.


Bad news travel fast

A bad worker blames his tools

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.


Hello songs

Ball questions


How are you

How old are you

How is the weather today?

What are you interested in

What’s your favourite music?


Do you like sports?

Does your mother cook?

Do you watch tv every day etc (verbs)


2) Questions with the animal cards


Who is stronger, a fox or a cat

Who is smarter, a dolphin or a monkey

Who is bigger, an elephant or a lion

Who is smaller a fish or a turtle


Animal cards with comparison questions.


3) Revise Pronouns-карточки

I,me,my, you,you, your,he, him,his, she, her, her, we us our, they, them, their.

4) Errors review

old Test

1) Will you buy me a house? –нет

2) Can your friend speak German? да

3) Are your students talking all the time? да

4) Could you come closer? да

5) Does a cat drink milk? Да

6) Was your teacher right? нет

7) Were your friends at home? да

8) Have your parents got a lot of free time? нет

9) Are your parents doctors?нет

10) Are you listening? Да

11) Is there a girl in the group? Да


11) Do you like pepsi? нет

12) Does your friend study well? Да

13) Is there butter in the fridge? Нет

14) Will you go to the movies tonight? да

15) Was your friend wrong? нет

16) Were your parents tired? нет

17)Are you skiing? да

18) Could you help me? да

19 Will your teacher call me? нет

20) Is this your cat?


2й урок

It was a sunny day song


2) I wake up @ 6:50 and get up at 7 o’clock, I take a shower at 7:30/ I brush my teeth at 7:30, I have breakfast at 7:45 I go to school at 8:15 I start classes at 9 o’clock I have lunch at 11 o’clock, I go home at 2: 15 I have dinner at 4:30, I do my homework at 7:15. I watch tv, read books, play games at 9:15, I go to bed at 10:45

And then I start all over again next day.


2)Postman knocks-new poem

Early in the morning at 8 o'clock

You can hear the postman knock

Up jumps Lisa

To open the door

One letter, two letters, three letters, four! (choose next one).


3)game 20 words and game what is it? Object, plant, animal

5) I was going to Kentucky,

I was going to the fair.

I met a seniorita with flowers in her hair.

Oh, shake it baby, shake it, shake it all you can.

Shake it like a milkshake and drink it from a can.

Oh, round da doo bop, one two,

round da doo bop, one two.

Turn around and turn around until you make a stop.


6)Two fine ladies from Tennessey

Lift their skirts above their knee

Turn around and touch the ground

Two fine ladies from Tennessey

Walking down the alley way

Alley way alley way

Walking down the alley way

All day long

Here comes another one

Just like the other one

Here comes another one

All day long

Move up

6) movies








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Опубликовано: 17.05.2022