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Автор: Маргарита Амлетовна Плющ

Организация: ГОУ ЛНР «АК № 1 им. Х.Алчевской»

Населенный пункт: ЛНР, г.Алчевск



I Translate the words and word combinations. Vocabulary “Household chores”.


To vacuum the floor

To do the shopping

To vacuum/to hoover the carpets

To make the bed

To do the washing up/ to wash the dishes


To mop the floor

To mow the lawn

To dust the furniture

To sweep the floor

To walk the dog

To make dinner

To go shopping

To take out the rubbish

To water the plants

To clean the windows

To iron the clothes / to do the ironing

To tidy up the room

To take the sister to the kindergarten (nursery school)

To cut the grass

To help around the house

To help in the garden

To dust the carpets

To keep the room tidy


To take the dog for a walk

To wash the clothes/ to do the washing



To beat the carpets

To polish the furniture

To lay the table

To repair /fix things

To heat food


II Translate the words and word combinations. Vocabulary “Types of houses”.


A 5-storey building

A cottage

A country house

A block of flats

A villa

A mansion

A terraced house

A caravan

A semi-detached house


A house

A detached house

A castle





III Vocabulary “The description of the house”.



Traditional, modern

Apartment, flat, house, a block of flats…


In the village, in the city, in the city centre, in the country, in the suburbs, on the outskirts, close to the shops, in the residential area, to be less than a kilometer from the sea


Small, tiny, cramped, spacious, large, huge, average, family-sized, spare, 2-bedroomed.


Cheap, low-priced, overpriced, expensive, economical


Central heating, private parking, garage, security system, pool, balcony, air conditioning, running water

General description

Cosy, attractive, eccentric, unique, impractical, comfortable, secure, luxurious, well-maintained, fully furnished, airy, noisy, cold, to have spiral staircases, to have well-kept grounds


To live out of the ordinary, to build the house from scratch, the building is brand new with all the luxuries, the house appeals to me, to be suitable for people who…, to stand out from the crowd, to redecorate the room, to need repairing, a leaking roof, to be built in 1967,


IV Read and translate the text “My house”.


My house is in a really nice location. It’s a quiet area, but the best thing about it is that it is less than a kilometer from the sea. It is also close to the shops and a market.

The house is really charming outside. It’s an old break building. It has got a patio and is surrounded by a beautiful garden.

Inside, the house is nice and comfortable. There are all modern conveniences, such as central heating, cold and hot running water, air conditioning. It has two floors. On the ground floor there is a cosy living room, a dining room, a kitchen with all the modern equipment and a WC. Upstairs there are two small bedrooms and a bathroom. All rooms are fully furnished.

My house is not luxurious, but it is comfortable and well-maintained.

As an English proverb says, “Every dog is a lion at home.”


V Read and translate the text “My family & Me”.


My name is ----- and I’d like to tell you about my duties in my family and some of our traditions. My mother is an accountant and she spends a lot of time in the office. My father is an engineer. He works shifts. So I have to do a lot of house chores. Every day I tidy up my room and make my bed, wash up dishes, and take the rubbish out. On Saturdays my mother and I water the flowers, wash the floor, iron clothes, beat or vacuum the carpets ,dust and polish the furniture. If our mother is very busy my father and I go shopping and do the cooking together. Sometimes we can repair some things together, for example: a lamp or an iron. On holidays we always spend time together and invite relatives or friends. We usually lay the table together. Every summer we go to the seaside. We always have a lot of fun.

VI Answer the questions.


1. What household chores do you have?

2. Who cooks in your family?

3. What modern household devices are there in your house/flat?

4. What do people usually do with the help of (iron, camera, microwave oven, TV set, vacuum cleaner, computer, dishwasher, washing machine )?

5. Who cleans the house in your family?

6. What do you use (to wash clothes, to heat food, to cook food, to clean carpets, to iron clothes)?

7. How often do you tidy up your flat?

8. Do you sweep or hoover the floor ?

9. Do you wash clothes by hand or use a washing machine?

10. Do you wash the dishes by hand or use a dishwasher?

11. Do you prefer to beat the carpets or hoover them?

12. What kind of housework do you hate/like doing?

13. Are you a tidy person? And why?

14. What traditions in your family do you have?


VII Make up 5 types of questions.


  1. Mark’s family does the shopping in the market.
  2. Yesterday Sofia cleaned her room.
  3. Next week the boys will fix the furniture in the classroom.
  4. Mary is walking the cat in the yard.
  5. Den has just taken the rubbish out.
  6. My friend’s family was going to invite me to the party.

VIII Form degrees of comparison of adjectives

Tidy, serious, attractive, secure, good, polite, clean, bad, big, large, small, tall, high, low, far, old, short, long, noisy, important.

IX Put the article where it is necessary.

My pen-friend is from …USA. He lives in…New York. Nick goes to…school from…Monday to..Friday. …Maths , …Biology and …Chemistry are his favourite subjects. Nick is … tidy person. Every day he makes …his bed and tidies up …his room. In … afternoon he always does …cooking and take … rubbish out. His mother and father comes …home in…evening. They cook together. In … summer they are going to … seaside in Yalta.

X Put the correct preposition.

  1. I usually clean my flat …the afternoon.
  2. Some clothes I wash …hand.
  3. My mother does the cooking … the kitchen.
  4. Most schoolchildren come …home …2 o’clock.
  5. … Sunday we always tidy up our flat.
  6. I prefer to heat the food …the microwave oven.
  7. My mother does the shopping …the market.
  8. I go shopping …the market.
  9. We have carpets …the floor.

XI Put the correct Modal Verb-can/could/may/must/should/have to

1. My mother is a very busy person. So I … help her about the house.

2. All children…help parents about the house.

3. I helped my granny about the house. So I … go for a walk.

4. If your mother is ill, you … help her about the house.

5. My father taught me to fix things. So I … repair the table.


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Опубликовано: 13.10.2022