Отличия правильных глаголов от неправильных

Автор: Алабужева Наталья Викторовна

Организация: МБУ ДО «ДЮЦ»

Населенный пункт: Удмуртская Республика, г.Сарапул

October 16, 2022 группа 2 и 3


Autumn /Fall

  1. How are you?
  2. How is the weather today?
  3. What’s your hobby and why?- Ving
  4. What’s your favourite season and why?


5) Holidays

Day of father

Day of bread

Day of food

Day of harvest (Germany)

День ветра

6)Irregular verbs vs regular verbs (the table). Ed reading test

What’s the matter with … the grammar poem

Grammar jazz –в таблицу –ed/irregular.

7) cards – he gave-he didn’t give.

10)Adjectives (long) and short and exceptions.

11) cards zoo and what grows where (2nd group plus drawings)


ED rule –read-Зачет по -ed

Stopped, helped, looked, laughed, washed, watched, kissed, danced, fixed, finished, lived, climbed, asked, worked, walked.

Wanted, needed, rented, ended, planted, landed, hated, waited, depended on, protected, printed, skated.

Called, cleaned, loved, played, listened to, believed, burned, killed, opened, loved, lived, rained, saved,


8) Устно глаголы с краткими ответами. (карточки)

9) чтение Oxford primary skills. Eating in China p 4

10) игра hi fi (greeting or congratulation) Plus you and your story (fox)

You and your story. I am name, age, hobby, I have a friend, it’s a red fox. I made it myself. I like my fox because.

Turtle song

10)Grammar/ short answers

1) Will you buy me a house? -нет

2) Can your friend speak German? да

3) Are your students talking all the time? да

4) Could you come closer? да

5) Does a cat drink milk? да

6) Was your teacher right? нет

7) Were your friends at home? да

8) Have your parents got a lot of free time? нет

9) Are your parents doctors?нет

10) Are you listening? Да

11) Is there a girl in the group? Да

12) movies




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Опубликовано: 22.10.2022