Моя малая Родина

Автор: Головина Светлана Валентиновна

Организация: МОУ «СОШ №44 им. С.Ф. Бароненко»

Населенный пункт: Челябинская область, г. Копейск


Развивающая – совершенствование у учащихся памяти, воображения, внимания; развитие умения формулировать выводы из прочитанного; развитие способности к самоконтролю, самооценке; развитие способности к репродуктивным и продуктивным речевым умениям. Развитие способности пользоваться программой по созданию презентаций на компьютере, материалами ресурсов Интернет.

Познавательная – систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по теме “My Motherland. My native town”. Углубить и расширить знания учащихся по теме; осознание разных культур.

Воспитательная – создать положительную мотивацию к дальнейшему изучению языка. Воспитывать толерантность и уважение к разным культурам. Формировать потребность к самостоятельному труду.

Учебный аспект – контроль уровня развития лексических и грамматических навыков чтения и говорения.

Сопутствующая задача – развитие умения перевода с русского на английский язык.

Речевой материал:

Рецептивный: foothills, embellish, rectangular, two-humped, arable, sentry, fluvial, marble, granite, low-lying area, broadleaf, obstacle, current, watershed ridges, prevails, vegetation period, depository, roe deer, moles, marten, mink, ferret, badger, rodent, seagull, lynx, swan, marsh, shrubs, to gain status, big-bore pipes, ball-bearing steel, stainless steel, tractor engines, provides availability, mining industry, branches, enterprises, decreasing, engaging, underground exploitation, mining, coalfields, rock-salt mine, drilling, loaders, restoration, track-laying, trenches, frost-bound, the design and engineering solutions, to be patented, extraction, brick works, owner of a business, enlargement, orphanage.

Продуктивный: coincide, coat of arms, shield, load of gold, sacred, welfare, glamour, boundary, relief, cavern, unique deposits, steppe, iron ore, copper, zinc, quarts, titan, definitely, peak, tundra, taiga, peculiarities, depth, play a substantial role, to melt, severe, average amount, plain, mud, marketable, alpine sport, purchase, output, approximately, currently, caterpillar, massive scale, award, extent, slope, network, local lore museum.

Оснащение урока: карта Челябинской области, оформленный сборник «Моя малая Родина», презентации учащихся по теме.


Урок проводится в форме защиты проекта по изученному материалу. Учащиеся 11 класса представляют свои проектные работы. Им было предложено выполнить работу либо индивидуально, либо в парах, либо в группах. Для своей проектной работы учащиеся использовали материал газет, журналов, Интернет, школьного музея, городского музея. Учащиеся выступают со своими презентациями и задают вопросы. В завершении проводится викторина «Знаешь ли ты свой город и область».

Темы проектов

1. Географическое положение Челябинской области; основные центры, главные водные магистрали, климатические особенности, природные богатства, ведущие отрасли промышленности, сельского хозяйства.

2. Из истории Челябинской области.

3. Природные памятники, заповедники; экологические проблемы области.

4. Писатели, поэты, журналисты, жизнь которых связана с регионом.

5. Художники, артисты, музыканты, жившие и творившие в нашей области.

6. Мой родной город (история, достопримечательности, известные люди, промышленные предприятия).

7. Челябинск и другие города области.


В конце урока учащиеся оценивают свою работу и работу своих одноклассников. Группа экспертов выставляет итоговые оценки, используя карту рейтингового оценивания проекта.


Ход урока

1. Организационный момент


2)План урока

Вступительное слово учителя:

Hello everybody! I am pleased to see you. I think you’ve noticed that we have guests today. Don’t worry. Work as you usually work at our English lessons. The theme of our lesson is “My native town, my motherland”. Today we are going to summarize what we’ve learnt about our region, refresh our knowledge and tell whatever we know. You’ll speak about the geographical position of the region and our town; the climate, the vegetation, wild life, about streets, monuments, museums, famous people, our lifestyle. I’m sure you’ll certainly get some more useful information today as well.

2. Речевая зарядка

1) Let’s start working and revise the vocabulary you will probably need to speak on the theme. Read after me: foothills, coincide, coat of arms, load of gold, sacred, arable, boundary, sentry, relief, marble, granite, iron ore, tundra, taiga, substantial role, watershed ridges, average amount, plain, depository, caterpillar, tractor engines, mining industry, coalfields.

2) Now please give the English equivalents of the following words: равнина, горнодобывающая промышленность, гусеница, каменноугольные бассейны, тракторные двигатели, горные хребты водораздела, среднее количество, существенная роль, мрамор, гранит, железная руда, тайга, тундра, рельеф, груз золота, герб, совпадать, предгорья, священный, граница, пашня, часовой.

3) Answer my questions:

Where is the Chelyabinsk region situated?

What does the Chelyabinsk region border on in the north, in the east, in the south, in the north?

The region’s border doesn’t coincide with the state border of the Russian Federation, does it?

How many people live in the Chelyabinsk region?

What’s the official date of the region’s formation?

Describe the соat of arms of the Chelyabinsk region.

What image does the flag have in the middle?

Who is the author of anthem of the Chelyabinsk region?

The Chelyabinsk region is much bigger than the Indiana State in the USA, isn’t it?

3. Презентация проектов

It’s time to check your knowledge about our region. Your task was to prepare the projects on different topics and make up short exercises to the texts. The jury which consists of 3 persons will be all eyes and ears following the presentation of your projects and at the end of the lesson they will give you marks. And you, listen attentively and do exercises in written form. I’ll collect your exercise-books and look through these assignments and give you grades. Now be ready to present your works.

Примерные ответы учащихся по теме: «Географическое положение области, рельеф, природные ресурсы, герб, флаг, гимн, территория.»

The Chelyabinsk region is situated in the centre of Russia at the border of Europe and Asia, at the southern foothills of the Urals and the adjoining plain. In the north, the Ch. region borders on the Sverdlovsk region, in the east – on the Kurgan region, it also has borders with the Orenburg region in the south and with the republic of Bashkortostan in the west. The south-eastern part of the region’s border with the republic of Kazakhstan, which is about 730 km, coincides with the state border of the Russian Federation. The population of the Ch. region reaches 3550,4 thousand people. The official date of the Region’s formation is January 17, 1934. The соat of arms is made up of a red shield, in the middle of which there is an image of a silver camel carrying a load of gold. The shield is embellished with the golden crown and surrounded by two ribbons of the Lenin Order. The flag is represented by a red rectangular cloth with a yellow stripe. In the middle it has the image of a white two-humped camel carrying the load of gold.

The Ch. region occupies the area of 87900 square km. It is nearly three times as large as Belgium and Holland, two times as large as Denmark and Switzerland, it is almost equal in size with such countries as Portugal and Austria, and it is about the same size as Hungary or the Indiana State in the USA. The territory of the Ch. region includes 56% of arable lands and 27% of forests. The total length of the regional boundary is 2750 km. The anthem was written by V.S. Alyushkin.

Our majestic region, from the Peter’s epoch

The light of your victories is great.

With sacred metal, people’s work

You serve for our country’s welfare.

We are proud of you; we are your faithful citizens,

Our South Ural – country’s glory and honor.

There are no blue lakes, fields and forests

More pleasant, full of glamour.

You are our hope, Russia’s sentry,

You protect the peace of our country.

We are proud of you; we are your faithful citizens,

Our South Ural – country’s glory and honor.


The Ch. region is mainly situated on the eastern slopes of the South Urals and in mountainous wooden area in the northwest. Its territory comprises two areas: the mountainous area that covers almost 150 km along the eastern slope of the Ural ridge and the fluvial area stretching for nearly 220 km along the Ural river. The main part of the territory is situated in Asia; another part, located in Europe, is much smaller. The whole region’s area stretches from south to north for about 290 km, from west to east for about 400 km.

The Ch. region is famous for its unique relief. For millions of years it has been changing and forming. There are various types of relief: low-lying areas, hilly plains, ridges, the highest peaks of which reach 1000m. The main ridges are: Taganay, Zifalga, Urenga, Nurgush, Bolshaya Satka. There are 320 caverns on the territory of the Ch. region. The Ignatievskaya cavern is situated on the river Sim near the Serpievka village. This cavern is often called “the picture gallery of the Stone age”. Almost all of the caverns are unique, many are considered to be natural monuments.

The Ch. region possesses various natural resources. The deposits of iron ore, copper, zinc, gold, quartz, titan are of great industrial importance. The region has unlimited resources of building and facing stones, granite, marble.

The South Ural is definitely the place, where one can easily find all the natural climatic areas and geographical zones of Russia. The northwestern territory of the region is traversed by the Ural mountains. The highest peak reaches 1406 meters above sea level. In the east there are many valleys. In the highland there are a lot of beautiful landscapes, forests, lakes. On the mountain peaks there are tundra and forest tundra zones, though one can also meet taiga, broadleaf and mixed forests. Forests steppe, steppe and half-desert areas stretch in the south.

Questions: How many caverns are there on the territory of Ch. region?

What natural resources does our region possess?

Примерные ответы учащихся по теме «Мой родной город: история, достопримечательности, промышленные предприятия»:

Kopeisk is situated in Chelyabinsk region. It has 140.000 inhabitants. It appeared as a town of miners. The first coal was discovered by engineer I.I.Redikorzev in 1832 near the village Ilyinskoye. Systematic extraction of coal began near the village Tugaikul in 1900. Chelyabinsk collieries were based in 1907 and in 1933 working settlement was transformed into the town Kopeisk. The town consists of a central part and eight settlements, so general extent of the town is about 60 km.

Many people of our town took part in the Civil War and among other 7 towns of our country Kopeisk was awarded the order of Red Banner for heroism. During the Second World War 10.000 of people fought at different fronts and 4500 of people were decorated with medals and orders. Eight persons became the Heroes of the Soviet Union; S.V. Khokhryakov got twice this rank. After the war 6 persons became the Heroes of the Socialist Labor.

The town is situated on the eastern slope of the Southern Urals. A lot of people work and study in Chelyabinsk because of good bus service. Kopeisk is 30 minutes ride from Chelyabinsk.

Kopeisk is well-known as the main Russian producer of technical equipment for the mining industry. The main branches of the Kopeisk economy are coal, mining and machine-building. There are 42 industrial enterprises, including 24 large ones in the town. The economic development of the town is decreasing the role of coal mining and the importance of machine-building is growing. Such big plants as Machine-building plant, the plant of Plastic, the plant Polystrom, Kopeisk Brick works play a great role in the town’s economy. Six thousand owners of a business work in our town.

Kopeisk machine-building plant was founded in 1941. First it made military production, then began to produce equipment for mining industry. In 1976 it was awarded the order of Red Banner. The plant is the largest enterprise producing mining machinery and equipment for underground exploitation of coalfields and rock-salt mines. The plant produces tunneling machines, drilling machines, caterpillar drilling machines, machines for repair and restoration work in mines and other mining equipment. The design and engineering solutions used in many of the plant’s products are unique and most of them have been patented.

Kopeisk is not a large town, but it grows bigger and bigger. During the last years many new houses were built. The mayor of the town is planning the building of three kindergartens, new hospital for children; enlargement of schools, the increasing of the house building. Our town has 48 kindergartens, 30 public secondary schools, a social orphanage, children’s home. Children have opportunities to attend music schools, sport schools, different clubs, sections, parks, cinemas, Palaces of Culture. The Local lore Museum attracts attention of many guests of our town and is attended by hundreds of its inhabitants. Kopeisk has many historical monuments and beautiful places. It’s worth visiting.

Тема: «Mой город – лучшее место на земле».

My native town is situated in the Chelyabinsk region. It is 30 minutes ride from Chelyabinsk. The town was founded in 1907. In 1925 Kopeisk was awarded the order of the Red Banner, There are no theatres, broad avenues in my town, but still I do like it because I was born here, my parents live here and I’ve spent here almost all of my life. The life in provincial town is not dull, but interesting. My town becomes especially beautiful in spring, when everything is in blossom. This time I like to tramp down the streets lined with limes and poplars. If you want to have some entertainment you can go to the Recreation Park, which is famous for its carrousels and all sorts of side-shows. Those who prefer dancing may go to a disco. It’s very popular with young people, especially teenagers. It’s a pity we have no concert-halls or theatres, but you can go to the cinema and watch a good film there.

If you are interested in the history of our town you can visit our museum or different monuments. A very interesting monument is on the border between Kopeisk and Chelyabinsk. Here you can see the date of foundation of our town (1907) and the date when it was awarded by the Order of Red Banner (1925). One of our town’s most famous memorials is the Victory Memorial. It was built in honor of our citizens, who were killed and who fought against fascism during the Second World War. In the centre of our town you’ll see the monument to Lenin and behind it the monument to revolutionists of the South Ural. One of the main monuments built in Kopeisk is the memorial to Ivan Redikorzev – an engineer who discovered the coal near the town. This monument is situated near school №6. There are many historical places which you can visit.

We have a lot of opportunities to go in for sports because there are big stadiums, a swimming pool, sport schools in the town. There are some good cafes and you can call at any of them. There are schools, technical secondary schools, libraries, post offices, squares, markets, shops in the town. Our town is an industrial one. We have several plants.

We are proud of our Local lore Museum. There are several halls in the museum. You’ll see many exhibits in every hall. They teach us about the history of our town. It includes the time of foundation up to these years. The history of Kopeisk covers more than 100 years. One of the halls is devoted to the Second World War, another - has a collection of wild animals, where we can learn how to protect the environment. To tell the truth our museum is worth visiting. It seems to me everybody can learn something interesting in it. Welcome to our town!

Questions: Which monuments do you know?

What do you like most of all in our museum?

Why do you like your town?

4. Игра – викторина (на краеведческом материале)

And now - a short quiz. Give or choose the correct answer.

1) Chelyabinsk is… centre.

a) industrial

b) scientific

c) cultural

2) Chelyabinsk is located along the banks of …

a) the Ural river

b) the Miass river

c) the Techa river

3) What lakes surround the city?

a) Pervoye

b) Smolino

c) Sineglazovo

4) When did it appear as a military fortress?

a) in 1750

b) in 1736

c) in 1794

5) When did it become the capital of the Ch. region?

a) in 1853

b) in 1901

c) in 1934

6) Which universities and institutes do you know?

7) Which plant is a well-known one in our country and abroad?

8) When was Ch. Tractor Plant founded?

a) in 1912

b) in 1924

c) in 1933

9) When was our town founded?

10) How many people live in our town?

a) 140.000

b) 150.000

c) 160.000

11) Which branches of the Kopeisk economy are the main ones?

a) coal mining

b) machine-building

c) output of stainless steel

12) What does Machine-building Plant produce?

a) mining machinery

b) equipment for underground exploitation

c) household appliances

Keys: 1) a,b,c 2) b 3) a,b,c 4) b 5) c 7) Ch.Tractor Plant 8) c 10) a 11) b 12) a,b

5.Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок. Использование карты рейтингового оценивания проекта.


Оценка работы

Оценка защиты



тивная насыщен-



владения материалом




















































Члены жюри называют оценки и комментируют их.

6. Заключительный этап

Д/з: перевести гимн города на английский язык.

Заключительное слово учителя: Thanks a lot to everybody for taking an active part in our work. I’m happy with your answers. You really demonstrated your perfect knowledge of the topic “My Motherland. My native town”. I hope you’ve had a nice time together and learnt something new. Thank you and good bye!

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Опубликовано: 08.11.2022