Festival of British and American holidays

Автор: Василенко Наталья Анатольевна

Организация: ГОУ «Свердловская СШ №11»

Населенный пункт: ЛНР, г. Свердловск

Вед.1 : Hello everybody! How are you? I hope you are fine.

Вед.2 Glad to see you at our English concert!

Вед.1 I hope you will enjoy our songs, poems and dancing.

Вед.2 Today we have got unusual day. We are having a great party “Festival of British and American holidays”.

Вед.1 I hope you’ll have a wonderful time

Вед.2 So, every country and nation has their own traditions and customs. It’s very important to know traditions and customs of different people, especially if we want to know their language.

Вед.1 We can’t say: “We know English ”, if we do not know English traditions.

Вед.2 Besides, they are very important in the life of English people. They are proud of their traditions and keep them up carefully. That's why we are going to know more about British and American holidays today.

Вед.1 As we know there are several holidays in the year. And today we'll talk about only late-autumn, winter and early-spring holidays in Britain and USA.

Вед.2 There are a lot of different holidays : New Year, Christmas, Thanksgiving day, St. Valentine’s Day, Halloween, Christmas, Easter.

Вед.1 Let us learn, play and sing together.

Вед.1 From my point of view you are very talented children. And you can prove it.

Well, we begin. Come on let’s go!


Вед.1 Halloween is celebrated on the 31st of October. It means “holy evening”. The holiday is connected with witches and ghosts. People put on strange costumes.

Вед.2 The most popular costumes are ghosts, witches, and sceletons. They tell thrilling stories. The children walk door to door in the neighborhood and shout “trick or treat!”.

Вед.1 Let’s meet children from the 6th form

Вед.2 Let's applaud to our children


Ведущий: Good afternoon witches, devils, vampires and other devil spirits!

Ведущий 2: Keep quiet and keep your ears open so that everybody can hear a bat flying, a leaf falling down from a tree or a mouse rustling in the dry grass. Welcome to our Halloween party!


‘It’s Halloween‘

It’s Halloween! It’s Halloween!
The moon is full & bright.
And we will see what can’t be seen
on any other night.
Skeletons & ghosts & ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms.
In masks & gowns we haunt the street
And knock on doors for trick or treat.
Tonight we are the king & queen
for all tonight. It’s Halloween!


Ведущий: Halloween is a festival that takes place on October 31. This day was originally called All Hallow’s Eve because it fell on the eve of All Saints’ Day. According to old beliefs Halloween is the time, when the veil between the living & the dead is lifted, & witches, ghosts & other supernatural beings appear.
Ведущий 2: Many Halloween customs are based on beliefs of the ancient Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in what is now Great Britain, Ireland & Northern France. Every year the Celts celebrated the Druid festival of Samhain, Lord of the Dead & the Prince of Darkness. It fell on October 31, the eve of the Druid New year. The Celts believed that on this night Samhain allowed the souls of the dead to return to their homes as witches, goblins, black cats or in other weird form. It was believed that evil spirits played tricks on October 31.
Now children dress up as ghosts & witches, go from house to house and say:
Trick or treat, smell our feet.
We want something good to eat.

Trick or Treat Песня

(to the tune of Jingle Bells)

Dashing through the streets,
Meeting goblins as we go,
Wearing contour sheets,
Wishing it would snow.
Bells in doorways ring,
Making spirits bright,
What fun it is to come and sing
And get some food tonight.

Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Trick or treat we say!
Try to get the treats before
The ghost takes us away!
Trick or treat, trick or treat,
Trick or treat we say!
If you don't have treats for us
We'll never go away!

Ведущий: Once upon a time this strange story happened.


WITCH: Hello! I am a Witch. I am a very good Witch. Look! I have many bottles.

Bottles on the table,
Bottles on the floor,
Bottles on the shelves
One, two, three, four…

And in the bottles there are spells. Magic spells! I can turn you into ants! So I take this bottles with ‘A‘. I can turn you into elephants. So I take the bottle with ‘E‘. I can turn you into
Monkeys, so I take the bottle the bottle with ‘M‘. Oh, this bottle has no label. I wonder what sort of spell this is. (Knock) Go away! I am busy!
MOUSE: Excuse me, please. I want to buy a bottle of spell.
WITCH: What‘s the matter?
MOUSE: I am very tired of being a mouse. Nobody likes me. Cats catch us. It is not a very happy life. I do not want to be a mouse.
WITCH: What do you want to be?
MOUSE: I do not know. But I think I can choose one of them.
WITCH: No, you can’t. I must tidy my shelves and I am very busy, so come back tomorrow… Stop, you can have this one.
MOUSE: Oh, thanks. But there isn’t any label on it. What will it turn me into?
WITCH: That’s what you need.
MOUSE: Thank you. Goodbye!
MOUSE: Now I am going to open this bottle, but let me think! What shall I be? A butterfly, perhaps?
BUTTERFLY: Butterfly, butterfly, where can I fly?
So quick and so high in the blue, blue sky?
MOUSE: Yes, you are very nice, but butterflies don’t live very long. I would not like to be a butterfly. What shall I be? A bat, perhaps?

I am a bat, my wings are black.
I fly across the moon.
Perhaps I‘ll show you how to fly
At night, it‘s coming soon.

MOUSE: You look like a mouse, but you are too black and you sleep upside down. I like to sleep in my pretty bed! No, I don’t want to be a bat! So I can be … a parrot.

I am a parrot, a parrot, a parrot
I can fly and walk, walk, walk
I have a tongue, tongue, tongue
And I can talk, talk, talk.

MOUSE: You are very nice!
PARROT: Very nice, very nice, very nice.
MOUSE: You can talk!
PARROT: Can talk, can talk, can talk …
MOUSE: But you talk too much! I DON’T WANT to be a parrot. So, I want to be a bear!
BEAR: I am a strong bear, I can walk and run.
I like honey and a lot of fun.
MOUSE: You are so strong and so big, but you can’t live in my little house. I don’t want to be a bear. I want to be … an ant, perhaps?
ANT: Hello! I am an ant. And this is a story about ants:

Two little ants jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor, and the doctor said:
“No more little ants jumping on the bed!”

MOUSE: Yes, you are nice, but you usually live in the forest, and I like to live in the house. No, I don’t want to die an ant. Well, may be a panther?

My paws are black and strong,
My tail is very long.
I am fine and quick and I am very big.

MOUSE: You are beautiful and energetic, but you look like a cat, and cats catch mice. I don’t want to be a panther! May be… a snake?
SNAKE: My skin is blue, my skin is bright,
I like to hiss and walk all night!
MOUSE: You are nice, but snakes eat mice. It’s terrible. I don’t want to be a snake! Well, what can I do? Every animal has many problems. Do you have problems?
ALL ANIMALS: Yes, we do.
MOUSE: And to be a mouse is not so bad!
ALL ANIMALS: Not so bad.
MOUSE: Now I know what to do.
MOUSE: Good evening!
WITCH: Evening! Has my spell changed you?
MOUSE: Yes, it has changed me. Yesterday I was a very unhappy mouse. Today I am very happy mouse. I love my friends, I like my house, I like to be a mouse.
WITCH: Great! Now I see that I AM A REAL WITCH! I am happy!
MOUSE: I am happy!
ALL: We are happy!

Песня «Halloween Night»

Ведущий: Or, time this so quickly. Morning has come and it’s time for us to disappear. I see a lot of happy faces and clear eyes in front of me. Let’s leave all the bad things that are in us or in our life.

Thanksgiving Day

Вед.1 Thanksgiving Day is a great holiday! We celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the 26th of November. On that day, family members gather at the house of an older relative, even if they live far away.

Вед.2 All give thanks for everything good they have. Charitable organizations offer traditional meal to the homeless. The traditional thanksgiving meal consists of roast turkey, cranberry jelly, mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.

Вед.1 Dear guests, let’s have a rest and meet the 7th form!

Вед.2 Let's applaud to our children

Thanksgiving Day.

1: Hello, dear guests!

2: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! So, what date is it today? It is the 26th of November.

3: Today, American people celebrate one of their national holidays today. Do you know what it is?

4: Of course, it is Thanksgiving Day. We are glad to see you at our Thanksgiving Party!

1: People have always given thanks at harvest time. They are glad to have food for the winter and celebrate it with prayers of thanksgiving.

2: Thanksgiving started about 350 years ago in America. The Pilgrims sailed there from Plymouth, England, in September, 1620. They were looking for religious freedom.

3: The Pilgrims’ first winter in the New World was difficult. They had arrived too late in the year to grow any crops. Without fresh food many of the pilgrims died.

4: The following spring the Indians taught them how to hunt, fish, plant, and survive in America. The crops did well and in the fall of 1621the Pilgrims had а great harvest. They were thankful and decided to celebrate it.

1: They prepared a three-day fast of turkey, corn, beans, and pumpkins. They invited their Indian friends who brought food to the feast to share with them too.

2: Thanksgiving became a national holiday because a woman named Sarah Hale for 40 years wrote to each President asking for a holiday of Thanksgiving. At last she succeeded

3: In 1863 President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving as a national holiday. It is associated with certain symbols, such as a turkey, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, cranberries or cranberry sauce 4: Nowadays Americans still celebrate Thanksgiving Day in the fall. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November. And turkey is still the main dish and pumpkin pie is the most popular dessert.



Песня Thanksgiving day

Christmas Day.

Вед.1 Christmas is the most important and merry festival of the year. It is the yearly celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. This holiday means the beginning of the new year and the new life.

Вед.2 Most families decorate their houses and put a Christmas-tree. English people celebrate the Christmas Day on the 25th of December. One of the most important Christmas traditions is giving presents.

Вед.1 Аnd now I invite the 5th form

Вед.2 Let's applaud to our children

В.1 Good morning children! I am glad to see you. Today we’ll speak about the main holiday in England and America, which is loved by children and adults. Christmas is celebrated in winter.

В.2 In winter the weather is very cold. The ground is covered with white snow. When winter comes, all rivers and lakes are frozen. The days are short and the nights are long.

В.1 Children like winter very much. Sometimes the weather is frosty and cold, but pupil ski, skate and play snowball.


  1. From the 1 st of December to the 24 th of December children have advent calendars which open every day.Behind the doors are the chocolates or pictures.


  1. Some families have an advent candle. This is the candle with 24 marks on and is also to count down days until X-mas. Every day a bit more of the candle is burnt down.
  2. The children write letters to Father X-mas to ask for presents. Good children get good presents. Naughty children get a bag of coal.
  3. The 24 th of December is X-mas Eve. On X-mas Eve people sing in the street and knock on doos to ask for money for cherity. They are called Carol Singers.
  4. On the night before X-mas some people go to Midnight Mess. This is a special service where people come together to sing X-mas songs. It starts at midnight.
  5. X-mas Eve is the night when Father X-mas comes and brings presents for the children. Children hangs stockings at the end of their beds or on the fireplace and wait for their presents.
  6. Children leave out food for Father X-mas and the Reindeer. Biscuits and milk for Father X-mas, carrots for the Reindeer.
  7. On X-mas Day people open their presents and then they listen to the Queen’s speech. One of the best things for X-mas is big X-mas dinner.
  8. What do they eat for X-mas dinner?
  9. Roast potatoes, vegetables, stuffins,pigs in blankets. X-mas is special because people spend it with those who they love.

M for music, merry and clear;

E for Eve, the crown of the year;

R for Romping of bright girls and boys,

R for Raindeer that bring you toys,

Y for the Jule log softy aglow

C for cold of the sky and the snow;

H for the Hearth where they hang up the hose;

R for the Reel which the old folks propose;

I for Icicles seen through the pane;

S for Sleigh bells, with tinkling refrain;

T for Tree with gifts all abloom,

M for Mistletoe hung in the room;

A for the Anthems we all love to hear;

S for St. Nickolas – joy of the year.

Песня «We wish you a merry Christmas»

Танец “Jingle Bells”

St. Valentine’s Day.

Вед.1 St. Valentine’s Day is a day of love and friendship. English people celebrate this holiday on the 14th of February.

Вед.2 They buy or make Valentines cards in the form of a heart with verses or words of love and send them to people they love. They should not write their names on the cards. Those who get them must guess who sends them.

Вед.1 Now let’s listen the 8th form.

Вед.2 Let's applaud to our children

St Valentine’s Day

St Valentine’sDay, February 14, has been a customary day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love-tokens from time immemorial. The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine’s Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage or it could be a kind of a game. Countless generations of young people have acknowledged St. Valentine as the friend and patron of lovers.

St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.

One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Rome Gog of Love, who is represented as a young boy with a bow and arrows. “Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ”.

All the world’s a stage

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exists and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages.

Весь мир театр: В нем женщины, мужчины – все актеры.

У них свои есть выходы, уходы,

И каждый не одну играет роль.

Семь действий в пьесе той. Сперва младенец,

Ревущий горько на руках у мамки…

Потом плаксивый школьник с книжной сумкой,

С лицом румяным, нехотя, улиткой

Ползущий в школу. А затем любовник,

Вздыхающий, как печь, с балладой грустной

В честь брови милой. А затем солдат,

Чья речь всегда проклятьями полна,

Обросший бородой, как леопард,

Ревнивый к чести, забияка в ссоре,

Готовый славу бренную искать

Хоть в пушечном жерле. Затем судья

С брюшком округлым, где капнул запрятан,

Со строгим взором, стриженой бородкой,

Шаблонных правил и сентенций кладезь, -

Так он играет роль. Шестой же возраст-

Уж это будет тощий Панталоне,

В очках, в туфлях, у пояса – кошель,

В штанах, что с юности берег, широких

Для ног иссохших; мужественный голос

Сменяется опять дискантом детским:

Пищит, как флейта… А последний акт,

Конец всей этой странной, сложный пьесы –

Второе детство, полузабытье:

Без глаз, без чувств, без вкуса, без всего.

Весь мир театр. В нем женщины, мужчины – все актеры.

У них свои есть выходы, уходы,

И каждый не одну играет роль.


Romeo and Juliet

R It’s Juliet! Oh ! It’s my love!… She’s speaking. But she isn’t speaking to me. She is looking up at the stars in heaven, they would be so bright that it was day, and start to sing.

J Oh, Romeo, Romeo, why are you Romeo? Change your name, or , if you can’t, I will no longer be a Capulet. It’s only your name that is my enemy. But what does a name matter? If a rose had any other name, it would smell as sweet.

R Call me “Love”. Let that be my name, and from now I’ll never be called Romeo. I hate my name because it is an enemy to you.

J How did you come here? The walls are high.

R Stone walls can’t keep love out.

J If any of my family sees you here, they’ll kill you.

R If their hatred ended my life, that would be better than for me to go on living without your love.

J Do you love me? I know that you say “Yes”, but even if you swear it, you may still be untrue.

R Lady, I swear by the moon that touches with silver the tops of those fruit trees.

J Oh! Don’t swear by the moon. It changes every month. Your love might be so changeable.

R What shall I swear by?

J Don’t swear at all. I hear a noise… Sweet love, good-bye… Dear Romeo. If you truly wish to marry me, send me a message tomorrow. I’ll send someone who will bring me your message. Tell me where and at what time you will marry me. And I will lay all that I have at your feet, and follow you, my lord, through all the world. Romeo!

R My sweet?

J At what time tomorrow shall I send to you?

R At nine o’clock.

J My messenger will be there. It’s almost morning, I must let you go. Good night! Good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I won’t stop saying “Good night” until tomorrow.

R Sleep rest on your eyes, peace in your breast. I wish that I were Sleep and Peace to rest in so sweet a place.

Наступит время, и мужество, рожденное нашей любовью, порвет оковы, сковывающие нас. Наступит время, когда сбудутся наши мечты и новый мир, мир радужной надежды, откроется перед нами.

“Meine Liebe” 6A

Вначале звучит песня “I will sing with a spirit”.

I will sing with a spirit,
I will sing with a spirit:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.
I will sing with a spirit,
I will sing with a spirit:
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!


Вед.1 Easter is a very popular holiday in Great Britain.

Вед.2 At Easter the British celebrate the idea of the new birth by giving each other chocolate Easter eggs, which are opened and eaten on Easter Sunday. On Good Friday bakers sell hot cross buns. Easter Monday is a holiday. On this day many people go to church.

Вед.1 Let’s meet children from the 7th form

Вед.2 Let's applaud to our children


Pupil 1: Good morning, dear guests! We welcome you at our Easter Party. We’d like you to get more information about this Christian tradition, its symbols and activities. We want to tell and show you how it is celebrated in Great Britain.

Pupil 2: Easter is celebrated every spring. It is one of the most favorite Christian holidays – the winning of the life under the death, the light under the darkness and devoted to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. Churches and cathedrals are full of people, singing voices and candle lights. Numerous church bells start ringing. People say special Easter words – “Christ is risen – he is risen indeed” joyfully greeting each other with a hug and a kiss thrice-repeated.

Pupil 3: In England Easter lasts for a week. The three most important days are Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Maundy Thursday, the king or queen of England gives money to poor people. This tradition is very old. On Good Friday, people eat fish instead of meat. They also eat hot cakes with a cross on the top. They call these cakes hot cross buns. On Easter Sunday, people eat a traditional roast dinner with lamb, potatoes and vegetables. They also give each other chocolate Easter eggs.

Pupil 4: Easter is fun for children. They decorate real eggs in pretty colours or make colourful hats, called Easter bonnets. They can also have an Easter egg hunt outside. Parents hide Easter eggs in their gardens and the children try to find as many as they can and put them in their Easter basket. People tell their children that the Easter Bunny brings the eggs! Bunnies or rabbits are symbols of spring.

Easter Bunny песня
Pupil 5: There are 3 favourite symbols of Easter: Easter Cross, Easter Egg and Easter Bunny. Eggs symbolize new life. The cross symbolizes Jesus’ victory over death.

Стих “This Easter is a magic day”

This Easter is a magic day,

It helps you to believe today

That God has plan for all of us,

With this we can just grab the stars,


And every single human, man,

Just has to follow simple plan –

To help each other when we can,

The world will be amazing than!

Pupil 6: One of the best known Easter customs, which has a long history, is Easter parade or Easter Bonnet parade as they called it in Great Britain. This custom is originated with the tradition of buying new clothes for Easter which people wore to church. After church services everyone went for a walk around the town.

Стих “ Osterhase” 6-A

Стих “What a happy Easter day!”

What a happy Easter day!

Let your fears go away,

Eat and drink, and have some fun

Under yellow Easter sun.

Wish you happiness today,

Let good luck be on your way,

Beauty, love and cheerful smile

Will be here for a while!

Все хором

Happy Easter!

Песня на гитаре 8-А, 11кл.

Вед. 1 Very, very brilliant children! But our concert is over. It is time to say good-bye. Thank you very much! See you!

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Опубликовано: 14.11.2022