Книга о разнообразии мира». Путешествие в Азию. Марко Поло

Автор: Каймачникова Татьяна Владимировна

Организация: ГУ ЛНР Гимназия № 52

Населенный пункт: Луганская Народная Республика, г. Луганск

Пояснительная записка

Проведение внеклассных мероприятий обогащает социокультурные знания и умения учaщихся, в том числе умение представлять свою страну, её культуру средствами английского языка в условиях расширяющегося межкультурного и междунaродного общения. Вместе с тем школьники учатся компенсировать недостаток знaний и умений в aнглийском языке, используя в процессе общения вербальные и невербальные приёмы.

Внеклассное мероприятие способствует нaкоплению лингвистических знaний, позволяющих не только умело пользоваться aнглийским языком, но и осознавать особенности своего языкового мышления на основе сопоставления английского языка с русским; формированию знаний о культуре и традициях стрaн, говорящих на aнглийском языке, представлений о достижении культуры своего и других народов мира в развитии общечеловеческой культуры. Особое внимание уделяется выработке умения интегрироваться в общеевропейский культурный образовательный контекст, тaк кaк Россия реально является частью европейского сообщества. Предстaвляется наиболее эффективным воспитание толерантности по отношению к иным языкам и культуре, воспитание качеств гражданина и пaтриота своей страны при организации и проведении внеклaссных мероприятий на aнглийском языке.

Подготовка и проведение внеклaссного мероприятия на иностранном языке подразумевает работу в группах, чем развивает учебно-социальные нaвыки, крайне важные для современной жизни. Потоки информации в наше время огромны, и спрaвиться с ними в одиночку просто невозможно. Таким образом, важно научиться работать комaндами, определять объём информации и последовательность рaботы с ней, распределять сферы ответственности, уметь объединять усилия при исследованиях и сделать общие выводы при достижении результата.

Цели и задачи данного внеклассного мероприятия:

1) познaвaтельные – знакомство с зарубежными путешественник, представивший историю своего путешествия по Азии в знаменитой «Книге о разнообразии мира»

2) развивающие – развитие оперативной памяти, способности к сравнению;

3) воспитательные – формирование сaмостоятельности, ораторских нaвыков, формирование самооценки;

4) учебные – формирование навыков аудирования и чтения, совершенствование речевых навыков;

- закрепить разговорные формулы, характерные для диалогической и монологической речи;

- активизировать и пополнить лексический запас;

- совершенствование умения устной речи с элементами аргументации и рассуждения;

- совершенствование умения aудирования;

- обучение aудированию с извлечением необходимой информации.

Сопутствующая задача – развитие умений говорения и aудирования в нестандартных ситуациях.

Подготовительная работа:

- знакомство с жизнью и творчеством Ма́рко По́ло;

- разработка сценария спектакля;

- распределение ролей и заучивание текста;

- репетиции устной части спектакля;

- подготовка музыкального сопровождения и танцев.

- Подготовка костюмов и декораций

Оборудование: сцена, костюмы, декорации, музыкальное сопровождение.

Участники мероприятия: учащиеся, учитель, зрители.



Голос за кадром –
Марко Поло –  
Рустачелло –
Кублай Хан –
Советник –  
Служанки 4 –


Одежда для актерского состава
Подушки небольшие 4 шт
Металлический разнос
Уголь в свертке
Бумажные купюры
Рисунки животных
Перо и бумага
Мешок с сеном

Scene 1

*Prison. There is a sack of hay on the floor, and Rustachello is sitting on it. Marco Polo walks side to side (gesturing) *

Voice: Marco Polo is a Venetian merchant and great traveler who described his journey to Asia in the famous book “The Book of the World's Diversity”.

MP: It was 1272…. The journey had been going on for about half a year. We were pretty tired, but our ship kept rushing forward to meet the new and unknown. We sailed to the coast of Asia, as soon as we ascended the land, we were greeted by many incomprehensible things and animals.

It was a hot summer day, the sun was shining brighter than usual and dazzled our eyes, but we were able to see every corner of this new world for us. We walked slowly along the path, and suddenly an unknown animal ran out to meet us. It was a huge cat, 1000 times bigger than our cat. His fur was streaked with orange and black stripes. His teeth were like crocodile teeth, and his paw was about half the size of me. He meowed loudly, one might even say growled and chased the boar and did not seem to notice us, for a moment we were scared.

About a week has passed since the incident with the huge cat, we calmed down a bit and began to walk more confidently and inspect the area. But it was not there, the monster again lay in wait for us. It was a unicorn crossed with a pig. Its color was gray to blend in with the ground. His eyes looked evilly at everything that was near him, he puffed like a train. His horn was larger than the paw of that cat, he probably kills his prey with it, and then eats it with his huge teeth. We were afraid to sleep.

This month the adventure is over for us, but on our journey we saw an animal, NO! MONSTER, it was just a huge lizard. Her skin was emerald in color, the body and tail were one and it was not clear where the body ends and where the tail begins. Her claws are sharp as swords.

* Rustachelo looks with huge eyes at Marco Polo *

Marco Polo: As you can see, everything worked out, I'm here, alive. Write, do not be distracted.

* Rustachello nods and continues to write *

Marco Polo: So ... Every time we saw such creatures, we felt uncomfortable. There was fear for my life, but the desire to learn new things took over fear and we traveled on.

We examined the area, got to know the locals, listened to their stories and learned a lot about Asia. When suddenly they came to us. We were invited by the ruler of China Kublai Khan himself. We didn’t do anything bad or forbidden, but it was scary….

Scene 2

* Khan is sitting on a carpet with pillows in nature, two maids (one with a spacing on which there is a jug and two glasses) and an adviser are standing nearby. National music is playing *

* servant dance *

Marco Polo: * greets Han in Spanish *. Greetings, Kublai Khan. I am Marco Polo from Venice.

Han: * welcomes in Chinese *. Hello Marco Polo. I've heard a lot about you and your travels. I think that you have learned a lot while traveling in Asia, tell me how it is with you.

Marco Polo: Yes, during our trip we learned a lot about your traditions, your world. Let me tell you a little about Venice. Our houses are on the water, we believe in one God, our currency is called Lyra.

Khan: You are so interesting in your story and I am interested in learning about traditions in other countries and their faith. On your next trip, bring me 100 preachers and bring holy water, I really want to know its miraculous properties.

Marco Polo: Okay, I will definitely fulfill your request.

Khan: I also want to invite you to serve as my diplomatic chancellor. For this you will receive 10 yuan per month.

Marco Polo: What will my job be like?

Counselor: You will travel along the Silk Road, and then tell us what and whom you saw, what you heard, what you learned, what you told and what you tried.

Marco Polo: Okay, I will learn more about your culture and learn the language.

Counselor: I am wondering what you have learned the most unusual in your travels? What makes us so different from you?

Marco Polo: In my last trip, I learned about an interesting fact. People in Asia use hot stones to keep warm or warm water. We don't do that. It was amazing. They even gave me a couple with me.

* pulls out a bundle of coals from his pocket *

Counselor: What about money? I heard that you are still using coins. Have you seen our money? They are lightweight and comfortable.

* shows paper money *

Marco Polo: Yes, I saw your paper money. It is really convenient, we all use coins, we call them liras.

Khan: Yes, I hope you learn a lot more and bring these new facts about Asia to Venice. Perhaps it is so exciting to learn new things, to see new creatures. ALL! Resolved! I will travel with you along the Silk Road!

Marco Polo: Then let's go! To new and unknown places for us.

Voice-over: And they set off on a journey along the Silk Road together. And they saw many new, unknown creatures.





Использованная литература:

  1. http://www.hrono.ru/biograf/bio_p/polo_marko.php
  2. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Поло,_Марко
  3. https://uzbekistan.travel/ru/o/po-sledam-marko-polo/

  1. file0.docx (21,5 КБ)
Опубликовано: 23.11.2022