Тесты и кроссворды для учеников 6 класса

Автор: Круглова Ольга Васильевна

Организация: МБОУ «Гимназия № 102»

Населенный пункт: Республика Татарстан, г. Казань

Автор: Боровая Светлана Игоревна

Организация: МБОУ «Гимназия № 102»

Населенный пункт: Республика Татарстан, г. Казань

Пояснительная записка

Проект подготовлен учителями МБОУ «Гимназия № 102» г. Казани - Кругловой Ольгой Васильевной - учителем английского языка и Боровой Светланой Игоревной - учителем информатики и ИКТ.

Проект «Тесты и кроссворды для учеников 6 класса» может использоваться как в урочной, так и во внеурочной деятельности учителя английского языка.

Цели и задачи данного проекта:

Электронная версия данного проекта позволяет

- привлечь внимание и интерес учащихся, повысить мотивацию учащихся

- экономить время на проверку знаний

- создать условия для работы в индивидуальном режиме и темпе

- выявить пробелы для их дальнейшего устранения


Структура проекта:

Данный проект содержит кроссворды и тесты:

  • 4 теста с выбором ответа. Каждый учащийся получает 10 вопросов, каждому вопросу дается 4 варианта ответа, из которых только один верный. Вопросы и ответы «перемешиваются» при каждом запуске. На выполнение работы рекомендуется отвести 10-15 минут.
  • 6 кроссвордов различного уровня сложности. На выполнение работы рекомендуется отвести 15-20 минут.


Список литературы:

  1. В.М.Карпов и Л.М.Шагалов «Английский язык на досуге». Издательство «Просвещение», Москва,2004
  2. О.И.Медведева «Творчество учителя на уроках английского языка. Из опыта работы». Издательство «Просвещение», Москва,2000
  3. О.В.Захарьина «Английский язык 4-11 классы. Современные образовательные технологии». Издательство «Учитель», Волгоград, 2000


Инструкция по работе


  1. Создайте на жестком диске С:\ каталог engproekt_34, скопируйте в нее архив и распакуйте его. Проект запускается файлом Start_engproekt_34.exe
  2. При выполнении заданий типа А (выбор ответа) нужно выбирать один из вариантов ответов.
  3. При работе с кроссвордами

Внимание! Если появится сообщение: «В целях безопасности браузер не разрешает этому веб-узлу выполнение скриптов или элементов управления ActiveX, которые могут получать доступ к компьютеру…». Нужно выполнить команду «Разрешить».


Test 1

Choose the right variant.

  1. He is going to have his bad tooth ____.
    a) be take out c) be taken out
    b) take out d) taken out
  2. If Mary ____ with us, we wouldn’t have had a good time.
    a) would come c) would have come
    b) had come d) came
  3. Mrs. Smith was in her office ten minutes ago, but she ____ now.
    a) went c) have gone
    b) has gone d) had gone
  4. If it ____ so late, we could stay a little longer.
    a) won’t c) isn’t
    b) weren’t d) not be
  5. I wish they ____ know it.
    a) won’t c) didn’t
    b) don’t d) haven’t
  6. My plane to New York ____ off early next Monday.
    a) will take c) is going to take
    b) takes d) took
  7. Look! Our cat ____ the mouse!
    a) will catch c) catches
    b) would catch d) is going to catch
  8. I wish the weather ____ not so wet today.
    a) will c) were
    b) would be d) is
  9. Have you ever been ____ Italy?
    a) in c) to
    b) at d) into
  10. ____ lunch on the plane was awful!
    a) a c) the
    b) an d) –
  11. It is the last warning ____ you.
    a) on c) to
    b) for d) at
  12. Have you ever warned me ____ doing it?
    a) on c) from
    b) at d) against
  13. They were messing ____ the bedroom when their mother came in.
    a) about to c) in
    b) at d) –
  14. It was ____ good idea to take an umbrella! It is going to rain.
    a) the c) a
    b) such d) an
  15. The trains run here ____ twenty minutes.
    a) each c) all
    b) every d) at
  16. There wasn’t ____ sense in her words.
    a) many c) few
    b) much d) a few
  17. ____ visitors come here at Christmas.
    a) only few c) only a few
    b) only little d) only a little
  18. My little brother could open the lock ____.
    a) easily c) most easy
    b) easy d) easiest
  19. Mary’s granny works on the computer so ____!
    a) bad c) better
    b) well d) good


Answers: 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.c 6.b 7.d 8.c 9.c 10.c 11.c 12.d 13.a 14.c 15.b 16.b 17.a 18.a 19.b


Test 2

Choose the right item.

  1. I think my new jeans ____ terrific!
    a) look c) looks
    b) are looking d) is looking
  2. If I ____ that you were busy, I wouldn’t have interrupted you.
    a) knew c) had known
    b) would know d) would have known
  3. You had no choice, ____ you?
    a) did c) hadn’t
    b) had d) didn’t
  4. I ____ this story while I was reading Spotlight the other day.
    a) had found c) would find
    b) was finding d) found
  5. She ____ to live near the sea.
    a) wanted always c) always wants
    b) always want d) has always wanted
  6. If I lost my job, I ____ to the sea for a week.
    a) would have gone c) will go
    b) would go d) can go
  7. I have been driving ____. I have got a lot of experience.
    a) since nineteen c) after nineteen years
    b) nineteen years ago d) nineteen years old
  8. Don’t go out! It ____ hard.
    a) rain c) had rained
    b) is raining d) rains
  9. We ____ the third game of chess when they finally came.
    a) had been finishing c) had finished
    b) finished d) would have finished
  10. They forecast ____ good weather but I don’t believe it.
    a) a c) an
    b) – d) the
  11. I liked ____ music but the words were silly.
    a) some c) –
    b) a d) the
  12. They became quite attached ____ the little boy.
    a) with c) at
    b) to d) by
  13. The curtains were flapping ____ the wind.
    a) in c) at
    b) on d) with
  14. Would you like ____ sandwich?
    a) other c) others
    b) another d) the others
  15. This information is useless and I am not interested in ____.
    a) they c) them
    b) it d) their
  16. I don’t visit art galleries. – ____.
    a) So I do c) So do I
    b) Neither do I d) Neither I do
  17. Don’t talk to her! She is ____ rude!
    a) so a c) so
    b) such a d) such
  18. This drink smells a little ____.
    a) stranger c) strange
    b) strangely d) more strange
  19. I asked for another pair of jeans, because the first ones did not fit me ____.
    a) more proper c) proper
    b) most properly d) properly
  20. You live even ____ from the city center than me.
    a) farther c) furthest
    b) far d) more far


Answers: 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.d 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.c 10.b 11.d 12.b 13.a 14.b 15.b 16.b 17.c 18.c 19.d 20.a


Test 3

Complete the sentences using the given words.

detached, tied, starched, attached, dignified, outfit, uniform, dignity, funeral, tie


  1. She made a ____ departure.
  2. The table was covered with a ____ white tablecloth.
  3. Try to take a more ____ view.
  4. It is easy to become ____ to the the children you work with.
  5. The label was ____ onto my suitcase.
  6. She bought an elegant two-piece ____ in shades of apricot for the wedding.
  7. That day my father was wearing a black jacket and a black ____.
  8. The children refused to put on their school ____.
  9. The ____ will be held at St. Martin’s church.
  10. Even in prison they tried to retain some human ____.



1. dignified

2. starchered

3. de tached

4. attached

5. tied

6. outfit

7. tie

8. uniform

9. funeral

10. dignity


Test 4

Task: choose the right variant of the conditional sentence.

  1. We (go) to the river if the weather (be) fine.
  1. We shall go to the river if the weather is fine.
  2. We go to the river if the weather will be fine.
  1. If it (not/ rain) I (go) shopping.
  1. If it will not rain I go shopping.
  2. If it doesn`t rain I shall go shopping.
  1. If you (work) hard you (get) good results in English.
  1. If you will work hard you get good results in English.
  2. If you work hard you will get good results in English.
  1. When Henry (leave) for London I (ring) you up.
  1. When Henry leaves for London I shall ring you up.
  2. When Henry will leave for London I ring you up.
  1. As soon as we (get) home we something to eat.
  1. As soon as we shall get home we have something to eat.
  2. As soon as we get home we shall have something to eat.
  1. Before she (come) I (have) a bath.
  1. Before she comes I shall have a bath.
  2. Before she will come I have a bath.
  1. I (help) you if you (ask) me.
  1. I shall help you if you ask me.
  2. I help you if you will ask me.
  1. If I (have) wings I (fly) as a bird.
  1. If I shall have wings I fly as a bird.
  2. If I have wings I shall fly as a bird.
  1. If we (not/ come) on time we (not/ have) good seats.
  1. If we shall not come on time we don`t have good seats.
  2. If we don`t come on time we shall not have good seats.
  1. I (meet) you if you will (tell) me the number of your flight.
  1. I shall meet you if you tell me the number of your flight.
  2. I meet you if you will tell the number of your flight.


Answers: 1.a 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.a 10.b






1. Persons who sing or play a musical instrument.

6. You can drink that at breakfast.

7. A feudal ruler; one who rules over other.

9. A large number of people all together.

11. Another word for “story” children like to listen to.

12. It rotates round the sun.

13. You … a cat at home.

15. Short for “Mister”.

16. A piece of music performed by one person.


1. Musicians

6. Tea

7. Lord

9. Crowd

11. Tale

12. Earth

13. Keep

15. Mr.

16. Solo


1. You must have it to buy things.

2. A round, flat figure.

3. Short for “north–east”.

4. The Past Indefinite of the verb “to say”.

5. You get them from your pen–friends.

8. Something seen during sleep.

10. H2O.

13. You open the door of your flat with this instrument.

14. The negative prefix with the help of which you form antonyms from such words as “legal, literate, legible”, etc.


1. Money

2. Circle

3. At

4. NE

5. Said

7. Letters

8. Dream

10. Water

13. Key

14. Un



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Опубликовано: 05.12.2022