Лексические сложности структуры It's getting + adjective

Автор: Алабужева Наталья Викторовна

Организация: МБУ ДО «ДЮЦ»

Населенный пункт: Удмуртская Республика, г.Сарапул

December, 11th group 2 and 3



Go, get, fall, bring, catch.

Let’s Remember the Holidays (lets’ –each a sentence-after the holidays.)

Day of mountains world

Day of tango Argentina

Day of sea flag Russia

Let’s talk. (let’s-? )

Do/did/will + verbs-short answers

1st part –conversation:

How are you?

  1. How is the weather today?
  2. Emotions
  3. Apples peaches pears and plums, tell me when your birthday comes

5) Fred, Fred needed to be fed, went to the shop to buy some bread.

The bread was gone, so he brought some…

6) What’s your hobby and why?

7) What do you like to do in summer? Winter, spring, autum


8)er, the..est or more/ the most

Good, bad, much/many, little.

Final revision of adjectives.


It’s getting+ adjectives + adj+er


Становится темно, темнее

Становится холодно, холоднее

Становится трудно, труднее

Становится легко, легче

Становится жарко, жарче

Становится дорого, дороже

Становится опасно, опаснее

Становится лучше

Становится хуже

Становится интереснее

6) Double double fall fell, double double fall fell double fall, double fell, double double fall fell.


9) would you rather? – I would rather.. (with cards)

10 would you like a sandwich, soup, potatoes, salad, coffee, tea. –Than you, With pleasure. Sorry, I am full.


2nd part –grammar

1)Let’s remember grammar- to be –every lesson. To be forms

2) Present simple, present continuous

Past simple, past continuous.

  1. 4)Test y + endings.

Y+ed, Y+ s, Y+ er, y+ est

Y+ ing

Fry, try, cry, marry, play + s, +-ed, + ing.

Funny, happy, angry, busy, crazy, lazy, hungry + er/est

Boy, toy, sky, party, country, city+ s


3 проекторная verbs vs to be

1)Video for adjectives (1)

2)Grammar jazz adjectives-выписываем прилагательные

11) Reading past tense Mozart


13) song to record

Zoom zoom zoom we are going to the moon, zoom zoom zoom we’are going to the Moon. 2 times


1 more time

16) games-cabbage, carrot, squash, crocodile,

Carrot, cabbage.

18) Don’t worry be happy

18) movies


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Опубликовано: 24.12.2022