ABC party

На данном мероприятии учащиеся показывают знание английского алфавита, числительных, цветов и английских песен, физминуток. Совершенствуются навыки работы в группах.

Цель: Подведение итогов работы на начальном этапе изучения английского языка.


1). Образовательные:

-активизировать употребление букв английского алфавита, активизировать употребление ранее изученной лексики в речи учащихся, закрепить изученный грамматический и лексический материал.

2). Обучающие и развивающие:

- развивать коммуникативную активность и положительную мотивацию;

- развивать навык фонематического слуха;

- развивать внимание, мышление и память.

- развивать навыки самостоятельной работы.

- развивать умение систематизировать свои знания.

3). Воспитательные:

- воспитать желание общаться на английском языке, получая при этом удовольствие и радость.

- воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу;

- воспитывать у учащихся умение работать в коллективе.

- создать условия для активного и творческого развития личности.

Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний


Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Welcome to our ABC party! There are a lot of us. Является буква А.

The letter A: Hello, I am letter A. A is for alphabet and for ABC. Проговаривают алфавит.

The letter A: Do you know how many letters there are in the English Alphabet?

Children: There are twenty-six letters.

Teacher: And now our children will recite the poems about the letter A and her friends.

Pupil 1 (держит яблоко): A is for apples and for apple-tree. You can see apples on apple-tree.

Pupil 2: B is for Books and for Bookcase. I have many books in my bookcase.

Teacher: The letter B will sing you a little Scottish song. It is about a girl’s friend called bonnie.

My Bonnie

My Bonnie is over the ocean,

My Bonnie is over the sea,

My Bonnie is over the ocean,

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me.


Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me,

Bring back, bring back,

Oh, bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.

Pupil 3: C is for Cat. My cat is grey,

And with me it likes to play.


Pupil 4: D is for Dog and for Doggy.

I have a dog, not a doggy.


Pupil 5: E is for Eight and for Eleven.

How much is eight and eleven?


Teacher: Can you count? How much is eleven plus eight?

Children: Eleven plus eight is nineteen.

Входит буква F.


The letter F: Flowers here, flowers there,

Flowers growing everywhere.

Teacher: Who are you?


The letter F: I am the letter F.

F is for Flowers; red and blue,

White and yellow and rosy, too.


Teacher: But I think, F is for Family.



My family

My name is Emily

I have got a Family

I have got a father

I have got a mother

I have got a sister

I have got a brother

I have got a grandfather

I have got a grandmother.

My name is Emily.

I love my family.

The letter G: Look at me! I am the letter G.

G is for Girl and also for a Garden and for Gingerbread man.


The letter H: I am the letter H.

H is for Hand. I have two hands.

This is the way I clap my hands.


The letter H: How many hands has a boy, say?

How many hands for work and play?

How many hands has a girl,say?

How many hands for work and play?

Children: Two!

Входят буквыI, J, K, L, M.

The Letter I: Ice-cream starts with letter I,

But I think, I is for I.

I am a boy, and I am ten.

I like to play with my brother Ben.


The letter J (держит банку с джемом):

J is for Jam. This is an apple jam.

Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.


The letter K (демонстрирует воздушного змея):

K is for Kite. Kate has a kite.

It is little and it is white.

My kite is white, my kite is light,

My kite is in the sky.

Now left, now right

We fly the kite,

We fly it, you and I.


The letter L: I see a big yellow loin, a big yellow lion!

What a big yellow lion!

What a big yellow lion!

L is for Lions!


The letter M: I am the letter M.

M is for a Mouse.


Надевает маску мыши.

Инсценировка стихотворения:

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat, I have no flat.

I am a poor mouse, I have no house.

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

I do not do that.

You want to eat me!


Кошка и мышка уходят. На смену им выходят буквы N и O.


The letter N: N is for Numbers

N is for Nine, Ninety and Ninety-nine

Children, how much is ninety and nine?


Children: Ninety-nine.


The letter O: O is for One. One and two is three.

Three little cats are in a tree.

Let’s count all together!


Children: One,one,one little dogs run.

Two,two,two cats see you.

Three, three, three bitds in a tree.

Four, four, four toys on the floor.


Входят буквы P и Q.

The letter P: I am the letter P.

P is for puppy.

Puppy, puppy come to me,

Let us play under the tree.


The letter Q (держит большой знак вопроса):

I am the letter Q.

Q is for question: How are you?

How old are you? And how do you do?


The letter R: I am the letter R

R is for Brown

Grey and Green, too

But not white

Yellow or Blue


Pupil 1: “What is brown?”

Asks little Ann.

“My hat is brown”

Says little Dan.

Teacher: What things can be brown, grey,green?

Children: Brown – a bear, a skirt, a hat, a monkey.

Grey – a mouse, a cat, a wolf, a pencil.

Green – a frog, a crocodile, a tree, a leaf.


The letter S: Street begins with letter S.

S is for street. This is my street!


Мальчик полицейский:

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street.

Use your eyes, use your feet.


Появляются буквы T, U, V, W, X, Y.

The letter T: T is for Tick and for Tock

“Tick-Tock”, says the clock.

What is it?

It can tell you all day:

Time to sleep and time to play.


Children: The clock.

The letter U: U is for under, but not for at.

“I am under the tree” says Pat.

Little children, come to me.

Let us play under the tree.


The letter V(держит корзинку с овощами):

V is for Vegetables! This is the season

When vegetables grow.

I come to the garden

And make water flow.


The letter W: W is for where? When? Who? And What?

Who is in the garden and who is not?


Pupil 2: Oh, where, oh, where

Can our John be?

He is not here,

He is not there. Oh, where, oh, where

Can our John be?


The letter X: X is in six. Let’s count up to six!

Children: (считают)


The letter Y: Y is for Yard where children play.

They play in the yard every day.

Our yard is your yard,

Welcome to our yard.


Teacher: And Y is for Yankee Doodle. Let’s sing the song about Yankee Doodle.

Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle came to town

Riding on a pony.

Stuck a feather

In his cap and

Called it macaroni

Yankee Doodle doo

Yankee Doodle dandy

All the lassies think

He’s sweet,

As sweet as sugar candy.


The letter Z: I’m the last letter, the letter Z.

Z is for the Zoo. Let’s go to the Zoo.


Tomorrow on Sunday we go to the Zoo.

Tomorrow, tomorrow we go to the zoo.

There is a giraffe there and Zebra too,

A bear and a monkey and a kangaroo.


Teacher: Now we know the alphabet!


Все буквы: We can read, we can write,

We can speak English too.

We love learning English!

And what about you?


Teacher: let’s sing the alphabet song!


Все зрители и участники праздника поют песенку про алфавит.

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Опубликовано: 30.12.2022