Открытый урок по ФГОС по теме ''You are what you eat''

Автор: Даллари Карина Карени

Организация: МОБУ лицей №33

Населенный пункт: Ростовская область, г.Таганрог




- повторить исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные;

- практиковать обучающихся в употреблении much/many, (a) little/(a) few;

- расширить знания о влиянии различных продуктов питания на организм;

- обогатить словарный запас;

- совершенствовать навыки аудирования, говорения, чтения и перевода по теме «Еда»;


- анализировать продукты питания с точки зрения их пользы для здоровья;

- развивать память, внимание, языковую догадку;

- развивать мотивацию в изучении языка посредством связи процесса изучения с реальной жизненной ситуацией;


- воспитывать позитивное отношение к здоровому образу жизни и правильному питанию;

- создать предпосылки для формирования активной позиции по вопросам здоровьесбережения;

- воспитывать чувство уважения к культуре страны изучаемого языка.


Тип урока: комбинированный


Методы проведения урока: интерактивный, игровой, словесный, наглядный, практический.


Методическое оснащение: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, презентация «Food and Your Health», видеоролики «An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away», «Junk food vs Healthy Food».


Ход урока


I. Организационный момент:

- приветствие;

- проверка наличия обучающихся;

- проверка готовности обучающихся к уроку


II. Мотивация учебной деятельности:

- вступительное слово учителя.

Today we are having an unusual lesson We will start the lesson with a song “An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away”. And you will try to guess the theme of our lesson. - Yes, it’s food.


Слайд 1. Today we are going to speak about food and your health. Food plays an important role in our life. All our life is connected with food. We eat 3-4 times a day. Food gives us health and strength. But not all food is useful for us. And we are going to discuss this problem. In the end of the lesson you will be able to differ healthy and unhealthy food.


Слайд 2. But before we start this discussion we should revise some words and grammar. On the blackboard you can see the crossword.


III. Актуализация опорных знаний и умений учащихся


1) Разгадывание кроссворда .

Let’s solve the crossword and get the key-word.


  1. We usually have it for dinner (Soup).
  2. Orange vegetable (Carrot).
  3. It is white and sweet. We usually put it into tea (Sugar).
  4. It is fruit. Its name is its colour (Orange).
  5. Small children like to drink it (Milk).
  6. It is the theme of our lesson (Food).
  7. It is white outside and yellow inside (Egg).
  8. Vegetarians don't eat it (Meat).

And the key-word is “porridge”.

2) Повторение грамматики

Слайд 3.

a) Сountable or uncountable nouns . Показываются картинки, на которых изображены фрукты, овощи, еда. Обучающиеся переводят их и говорят, исчисляемое существительное или неисчисляемое: Cheese, salt, oil, egg, apple, water, bread, orange, lemon, butter, tomato, potato, tea, coffee, juice, roll.

Слайд 4.

  1. much or мany? Обучающиеся должны выбрать необходимое наречие с нижеперечисленными словами и объяснить употребление:
    Coffee, sandwiches, sweets, cream, cakes, bananas, bread, nuts.


Слайд 5.

c) (a) little or (a) few? Обучающиеся должны выбрать необходимое наречие с нижеперечисленными словами и объяснить употребление:
ice-cream, sausages, rice, chocolate , jam, vegetables, fish.

Слайд 6.

3) Проверка домашнего задания.

Обучающиеся зачитывают найденные дома рецепты любимых блюд.

For today your task was to prepare your favorite recipes...


IV. Изучение нового материала


4.1. «Микрофон»

Слайд 7.

Now we have heard your some recipes. Let’s talk about your eating habits.


T: How do you think is this food healthy or unhealthy?

P: Fruit salad is healthy and pizza, fried potatoes, olivier salad and baked chicken are unhealthy.

T: What food is good for people’s health (in your opinion)?

P: Fruit, vegetables, eggs, cereals, fish, juice etc.

T: What fruit and vegetables do you prefer?

Oranges, bananas, apples, tomatoes and cabbage.

T: Do you sometimes eat at night?

P: Yes, I do. Sometimes.

T: Do you like sweets and desserts?

P: Yes, I do. I like sweets, biscuits, ice-cream.

P: Do you like fast food?

T: Yes, I do. It is very tasty.

T: How many times a day do you eat?

P: I eat 3 times a day: it is breakfast, dinner and supper.

T: What do you usually eat for breakfast?

P: Porridge, oatmeal or buckwheat, a glass of tea or coffee bread with butter and cheese, an apple or an orange.

T: Do you like dairy products?

P: Yes, I do.

T: What dairy products do you know?

P: Milk, butter, cheese, cream, cottage cheese etc.

T: What products do you usually buy – healthy or unhealthy?

P: I buy sausages, crisps, chocolate, sweets. I think that these products are not always healthy.





4.2. Объяснение нового материала


Слайд 8. Now look at the screen. These are English proverbs about healthy eating. Let’s read and translate them.

- An apple a day keeps the doctor away - кто яблоко в день съедает, у того врач не бывает.

- Eat to live but don't live to eat - не жить, чтобы есть, а есть, чтобы жить.

- Eat at pleasure, drink with measure - ешь в волю, а пей в меру.

- After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile - После обеда посиди (поспи) немного, после ужина с милю пройдись.

- Breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen and dine like a pauper - завтрак съешь сам, обед раздели с другом, ужин отдай врагу.


- You are what you eat - скажи мне, что ты ешь, и я скажу, кто ты.


4.3. Шуточный тест

Слайд 9.

Now I suggest you a test «Are you a healthy child?». It’s just for fun. You must choose variant a, b or c.


1.How often do you eat fast food?
a) never
b) seldom
c) often


2) What would you eat for breakfast?

a) cereals

b) a hamburger with a cup of tea/coffee

c) pizza with coke (Coca-Cola)


3) What would you eat for dinner?

a) some meat with vegetables

b) some roast beef

c) I would like fast food


4) What would you eat for supper?

a) some salad with a glass of orange juice

b) some cheese

c) a hamburger


5) Do you do morning exercises?

a) every morning

b) seldom

c) never


Who has most A-variants? Raise your hands.

  • most A-s: You are a healthy child
  • most B-s : You have some problems with your health
  • most C-s : Only doctor can help you!


  • 10. Now I suggest you to watch information about food. Did you know that foods can be broken into groups? We call these groups the food groups. Follow me and discover what foods belong to each group.


Слайд 11. 1) Bread, Cereals, Rice and Pasta (translate)

When you eat food from this group, it gives your body energy to work and play.

Слайд 12. 2) Vegetables

  1. group has a lot of vitamins and minerals. Your body needs plenty of these to stay healthy. Vitamins and minerals help your body fight sickness.

Слайд 13. 3) Fruit and Berries

This group has a lot of vitamins and minerals too.

Слайд 14. 4) Milk Products

This group gives your body an important mineral called calcium. Your bones and teeth need calcium to stay healthy.

Слайд 15. 5) Meat, Beans and Eggs

These foods have protein. Protein helps your body grow. Protein keeps your body working well.


V. Систематизация и обобщение нового материала


5.1. Выполнение тестового задания после прослушивания текста.

Слайд 16. Let’s have a test. You must choose the right variant – a, b, c or d.


  1. Let’s start with the Bread, Cereal, Rice and Pasta Group. Which food does not belong to this group?

a) Whole wheat (пшеничный) bread

b) Brown rice

c) Spaghetti

d) Broccoli

2) Now you can try the Vegetables. Which food does not belong to this group?

a) Mashed potatoes

b) Cabbage

c) Chocolate cake

d) Corn

3) Try the Fruit and Berries. Which food does not belong ?

a) Banana

b) Strawberries

c) Turkey

d) Pineapple

  1. Next, try the Milk Products. Which food does not belong ?

a) Mozzarella cheese

b) Fried potatoes

c) Chocolate milk

d) Frozen yogurt

5) Now for our last group! Meat and Beans Group. Which food does not belong ?

a) Fried chicken

b) Pork

c) Potato chips

d) Sausages

6) Which food group contains the most calcium?

a) Fruit

b) Milk

c) Cereal

7) Which food groups have the most vitamins?

a) Milk and Cereal

b) Meat

c) Fruit and Vegetables

8) The dairy products include:

a) cheese, yoghurt, milk

b) cabbage, peppers, tomatoes

c) bread, pasta, cereal


Слайд 17. Let’s check the results… Change your copy-books with your neighbor’s one.

1) d 2) c 3) c 4) b 5) c 6) b 7) c 8) a

So if you have …. you get…:

0 – 1 wrong answers = «5»

2 – 3 wrong answers = «4»

4 – 5 wrong answers = «3»

6 – 8 wrong answers = «2»


5.2. Просмотр видео «Junk Food Vs Healthy Food» и заполнение таблицы.

Слайд 18. Now we are going to watch a small video about junk (unhealthy) food and healthy food. But before it let’s do such a table.






Healthy Food


Junk (unhealthy) food

fish, eggs, nuts, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, cheese, broccoli, rice, beans, ice water, green salad, mushrooms

chocolate bars, apple pie, chips, cookies, salty fries, pizza, soda, fudge, churros, candy, hot dogs, fast food.


So what do you have? Read the left column. Read the right column.


5.3. Выполнение задания на нахождение перевода.

Слайд 19. Match the words and the translations.



2. Mashed potatoes

3. Berries

4. pork

5. eggs

6. diary products

7. fat and sugar

8. cereals

9. rice

10. soda

11. chocolate bar

12. junk food



a) ягоды

b) яйца

c) шоколадная плитка

d) молочные продукты

e) нездоровая пища

f) жиры и сахар

g) зерновые

h) фасоль, бобы

i) рис

j) пюре

k) свинина

l) газированные напитки


5.4. Выполнение задания на согласие или несогласие.

Слайд 20

Listen some sentences and say whether you agree with the statement or disagree.


1. Everybody must take multivitamins every day (+)

2. You can eat as many fruit and vegetables as you want (+)

3. Coca-Cola is good for you (-)

4. Healthy food includes fresh fruit and vegetables (+)
5. Eating too much sweet is good for your health (-)
6. Drinking too much alcohol is a healthy habit (-)
7. Eating low-fat food is a bad habit (-)
8. Morning exercises is good for health (+)
9. Our health doesn’t depend on our way of life (-)

10. Healthy food is not very important (-)

11. A little exercise every day will keep you fit (+)

12. We should have our meals at regular hours (+)

13. You will find protein in butter, bread, fruit and vegetables (-)



VI. Подведение итогов урока


To sum up I must say that health is very important for everybody. Now listen to a rhyme:

Robin, Robin, what a man!
He ate as much as no one can.
He ate fish, he ate meat.
He ate ice-cream and a sweet.
He drank juice, he ate a cake,
Then said: “I have a stomachache”.


You must remember if you want to be strong and healthy, you must eat healthy food and don't eat too much.


VII. Рефлексия.

Обучающиеся оценивают свою работу на уроке.


a) Did you like the lesson?
b) What task was the most interesting for you?

The most interesting was to watch the video
c) What task was the most difficult for you?

To write a test was the most difficult thing.
d) Who was the brilliant pupil today?

  1. было интересно… It was interesting to…
  2. было трудно… It was difficult to…
  3. я понял(а)… I understood…
  4. теперь я могу… Now I can…
  5. я научил(-ся, -ась)… I learnt to…
  6. я попробую… I will try…
  7. меня удивило… I was surprised…
  8. материал был… The material was…
  9. урок показался мне… The lesson seemed to me…
  10. во время урока я… During the lesson I…

VIII. Подведение итогов урока. Выставление оценок, их комментарий.


Thank you for your wonderful work. Your marks are....

Our lesson is over. Good-bye!


Комментарии от учеников.

It was interesting to solve the crossword and watch the video.

It was difficult to write the test.

I understood that we must eat healthy food if we want to be healthy.

Now I can differ healthy and unhealthy food.

I learnt many new words, expressions and proverbs.

I will try to eat only healthy food.

I was surprised by the fact that almost all food around us are unhealthy.

The material was very useful and informative.

The lesson seemed to me very interesting and rich in content.

During the lesson I listened very attentively.

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Опубликовано: 27.02.2023