Sightseeing tour around London

Автор: Похвальная Татьяна Вячеславовна

Организация: МОБУ СОШ №8 им. А.Г. Ломакина

Населенный пункт: Ростовская область, г. Таганрог


Представлена разработка урока на тему «Sightseeing Tour Around London». Целью данного урока является развитие коммуникативной и информационной компетенций. Сформулированы задачи урока: обучающие, развивающие и воспитательные. На уроке проводится виртуальная экскурсия по достопримечательностям Лондона, «Мозговой штурм», развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи как подготовленной, так и неподготовленной. В конце урока запланирован тест по Лондону.


Ключевые слова:

Financial centre, Great Fire, German bombing, Londinium, severe damage.


Цель урока: развитие коммуникативной и информационной компетенций.

Задачи урока:


  • Развивать умения и навыки монологической и диалогической речи;
  • Закрепить лексику.


  • Совершенствовать речевые навыки по теме «Достопримечательности Лондона»;
  • Формировать прочные навыки в употреблении грамматического материала.


  • создать условия для развития и совершенствования коммуникативной компетенций студентов на основе деятельностного и компетентностного подходов;
  • создать условия для развития памяти, воображения, логического мышления.


  • прививать интерес к культуре, традициям, достопримечательностям страны изучаемого языка;
  • воспитывать толерантное отношение к другим народам, потребности и способности понимать их образ жизни и культуру.

Оборудование: мультимедийная система.

Программное обеспечение: электронная презентация.


Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент:

Teacher: Good afternoon, students.

Students: Good afternoon, teacher.

Teacher: Glad to see you.

Students: Glad to see you, too.

Teacher: What date and day of the week is it today?

Student 1: Today is ...

Teacher: By the way, how are you today?

Student 1, 2, 3....: Very well, thank you/not bad/fine, thanks...

b) Введение обучающихся в сюжет урока.

Teacher: Look at the screen! Try to guess, what the theme of our lesson is?

Student 1:1 think the theme of our lesson is «Sightseeing tour around London».

Teacher: That's right. Today we are going to speak about London and its most famous sights, revise the history of the city & make up some dialogues.


2. Тренировки фонетических навыков.

Teacher: At the beginning of our lesson let's train our phonetic skills.

43 AD 61 AD during the 11th century

Large herds of cattle and sheep Two thousand years


The National Gallery in Trafalgar Square

The Tate Gallery of London

The Victoria and Albert Museum

The Royal Parks of London

Hyde Park

St. James's Park

Kensington Gardens


3. «Мозговой штурм».

На интерактивной доске даны ключевые слова для рассказов об истории Лондона. Один из студентов читает факты из истории столицы, а желающие ответить, рассказывают о строительстве Лондона римлянами, о Лондонском пожаре и т. д.


The Romans

The 11 century

The 16 century

World War II ,



In 1066


economic and

financial centre

Severe damage

43 AD

William the Conqueror

The 19 century

Around 35 000 Londoners

The Thames

In 1666

The Great Exhibition

German bombing

A centre for trade

both by road and


The Great Fire of London.


To redevelop London


4. Развитие навыка монологической речи.

Student 1: London has a history that goes back two thousand years. Many centuries ago it was a rural area with a scattered settlement. The settlement kept large herds of cattle and sheep which formed their chief wealth. They cultivated crops, especially corn. Londinium was established as a town by the Romans in 43 AD.

They built a town on the river Thames. It grew up and became a centre for trade both by road and river.

Student 2: At the beginning of the eleventh century England was already a big country and London was a very important city. In 1066 William the Conqueror went to England from Normandy to France. He became a king of England but he was afraid of the English and built the White Tower. In 1666 there was the Great Fire of London. After it people built a new city.

Student 3: During the sixteenth century London became an important economic and financial centre. The Londoners of that period built the first theatres. Nowadays the Theatre Land is stretched around Piccadilly Circus. During the nineteenth century London was transformed into the largest city and capital of the British Empire. It was a period when London became a global political, financial and trading capital. It hosted the Great Exhibition of 1851, thus attracting many visitors from across the world.

Student 4: During World War II, London as many other British cities, suffered severe damage. By the war's end, around 35 000 Londoners had been killed by German bombing and a great number of buildings destroyed. The bombing during the war, gave the authorities a good chance to redevelop London and to replace older slum housing. It was replaced largely by high-rise blocks of flats, which altered the appearance of London quite radically. So, London has a very long history that goes back for two thousand years and during this time, it has experienced plague, fire and civil war.


5. Тест о Лондоне.

Teacher: Now we'll have a test. It is about London nowadays. Look at the screen and answer the following questions:

  1. What parts is London divided into? (The City, The East End, The West End)
  2. What is its population? (more than 11 mln people)
  1. What river does it stand on? (on the river Thames)
  2. Can you name London's parks? (Hyde Park, Kensington Gardens, Regent’s Park, St. James ‘s Park)
  3. What is the centre of London? (Trafalgar Square)
  4. What is the political centre of London? (Westminster)
  5. What is the business centre of London? (the City)
  6. What are the most famous places in London to do shopping? (Oxford Street, Piccadilly Street).


6. Виртуальная экскурсия по достопримечательностям Лондона.

Teacher: London is the first place on the list for a lot of visitors. Everyone who comes to London wants to see the sights. This sightseeing includes all the most interesting places in the city. Let's go on this tour! (Приложение 1)

  • Музеи (The Victoria and Albert Museum, The British Museum);
  • Галереи (The National Gallery, The Tate Gallery);
  • Собор Святого Павла (St. Paul's Cathedral);
  • Букингемский дворец (Buckingham Palace);
  • Улицы (Oxford Street, Piccadilly Street, Whitehall, Downing
  • Дом парламента (The Houses of Parliament),
  • Часы Биг-Бен (Big Ben);
  • Площадь (Trafalgar Square);
  • Парки (Hyde Park, St. James's Park, Kensington Gardens).


7. Развитие навыка неподготовленной диалогической речи.

One of you has just returned from London. You are impressed greatly with the sights. Discuss it with your friend.


8. Подведение итога.

Teacher: Dear, students! Thank you for your preparation and your activity at the lesson. Your marks are....Your home assignment is to write a composition "My visit to London».

Thank you for being with me. See you on Friday. Have a nice day.


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Опубликовано: 05.04.2023