Конспект урока английского языка в 8 классе на тему «Вильям Шекспир — известный английский писатель и драматург»

Автор: Голикова Татьяна Валентиновна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ № 9»

Населенный пункт: Вологодская область, г. Великий Устюг

УМК: О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева и др. Английский язык “Rainbow English” в двух частях (8 класс). Москва: Дрофа, 2020


Предмет: английский язык


Тип урока: урок актуализации знаний


Класс: 8


Возраст обучающихся: 13-14 лет


Тема: William Shakespeare, the famous English writer and playwright.


Цель: обобщение знаний и расширение кругозора учащихся по теме «Вильям Шекспир – известный английский писатель и драматург»




- обобщение изученного материала по теме «Вильям Шекспир»;

- расширение знаний учащихся об английском писателе;

- совершенствование навыков аудирования, чтения и говорения;

- совершенствование лексических навыков.


- повышение уровня мотивации к изучению английского языка;

- развитие воображения и логического мышления.


- воспитание чувства сопричастности к мировой культуре;

- привитие любви к чтению;

- формирование умения работать в коллективе.


Форма: викторина



1. ТСО: компьютер, проектор

2. Раздаточный материал: карточки c заданиями, листы для проектов


Формы организации познавательной деятельности учащихся:

фронтальная, индивидуальная, работа в парах, групповая


Методы обучения:

словесные, наглядные, репродуктивные и проблемно поисковые методы обучения, методы стимулирования учебной деятельности, методы контроля и самоконтроля в обучении


Технологии работы с информацией:

Здоровьесберегающая технология

Технология коммуникативного обучения

Технология групповой деятельности

Проектная методика



Ход урока


Целеполагание, тема



(Портрет Шекспира)

Good afternoon, boys and girls. Glad to see you/ Sit down, please.

What is the date today?

What day of the week is it today?

What is the topic of our lesson?


(дополнительно: Put the letters in the right order)


William Shakespeare (millawi ekashepares)


What is the aim of the lesson?







Do you like to read books?

Have you read any of Shakespeare’s books?

What works did he write?

Find the words connected with Shakespeare’s activity in the fillword.








Актуализация знаний











Well-done! Today we have a competition about William Shakespeare. We’ll start with general information about the dramatist. Choose any question in turn and get the scores for your team. Be careful to be the first to raise your hand if the other team doesn’t know the answer.


1. What is the first name of Shakespeare? William

2. When was Shakespeare born? 23 April, 1564

3. What is the hometown of the writer? Stratford-upon-Avon

4. What are the names of Shakespeare’s parents? John and Mary

5. What was Shakespeare’s father family business? glove making

6. What age did Shakespeare have to leave school? about 14

7. How old was Shakespeare when he got married? 18

8. How many children did Shakespeare have? three

9. What was the name of Shakespeare’s wife? Anne

10. What university did Shakespeare go? He didn’t get university education

11. When did Shakespeare die? 23 April, 1616

12. What holiday do people all over the world celebrate

on April 23? the International Day of English




Let’s have a rest and watch a part of the opera. Try to guess what Shakespeare’s play is it from. (Romeo and Juliet by Sergey Prokofiev)

Актуализация знаний: Reading

True or False

Read the sentences and define whether they are true or false.

1. William Shakespeare is a world famous playwright. True

2. The sonnet is a fourteen lines love poem. True

3. Queen Victoria visited the Theatre and saw Shakespeare himself on the stage. False

4. The New Globe Theatre was opened by Elizabeth I. False

5. “A horse! A horse. My kingdom for a horse”, said Julius Caesar. False

  1. The New Globe Theatre is a replica of Shakespeare’s theatre the Globe. True


Актуализация знаний





















Карточки с буквами


Choose the correct variants to the questions. Put the card with the right answer up.

1. William Shakespeare started to perform on the stage in

A) Manchester

B) Stratford

C) London

D) Liverpool

2. William Shakespeare began his acting career in

A) Stratford theatre

B) The Theatre

C) The Globe

D) the New Globe Theatre

3. Theatre in the 16th century was a form of

A) circus

B) playhouse

C) expensive entertainment

D) not expensive entertainment

4. During his life William Shakespeare wrote

A) 154 sonnets

B) 37 sonnets

C) 54 sonnets

D) 254 sonnets

Актуализация знаний:



5. Listen to Shakespeare’s 130 sonnet read by Stephen Fry, the British playwright. Fill in the missing words.


My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun;

Coral is far more red than her lips' red;

If snow be white, why then her breasts are dun;

If hairs be wires, black wires grow on her head.

I have seen roses damasked, red and white,

But no such roses see I in her cheeks,

And in some perfumes is there more delight

Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks.

I love to hear her speak, yet well I know

That music hath a far more pleasing sound;

I grant I never saw a goddess go –

My mistress when she walks treads on the ground.

And yet, by heaven, I think my love as rare

As any she belied with false compare.

Read the translation of the poem made by Samuel Marshak.

Актуализация знаний


Карточки с буквами

6. William Shakespeare built the Globe theatre in

A) 1588

B) 1598

C) 1608

D) 1600

7. It took Shakespeare ____ to build the Globe theatre.

A) 10 days

B) 2 weeks

C) 3 months

D) 28 days

8. The Globe was destroyed by the fire in

A) 1610

B) 1611

C) 1612

D) 1613

9. The American actor came to London to visit the Globe in 1949. What was his name?

A) Sam Wanamaker

B) John Wanamaker

C) James Wannamaker

D) Sam Wannamaker

10. The longest Shakespeare’s play is

A) Romeo and Juliet

B) Hamlet

C) King Lear

D) Othello

11. Match the phrases and the plays

1. All the world’s is a stage, and all the men and women merely (только) players.

2. But love is blind, and lovers cannot see.

3. To be or not to be – that’s the question.

4. Brevity (краткость) is the soul of wit (остроумие).

A) The merchant of Venice (Венецианский купец)

B) Hamlet

C) As you like it

1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B

12. Match the places and the pictures

A) The Monument to Shakespeare in Moscow

B) The Globe Theatre

C) Shakespeare’s House in Stratford

D) The New Globe Theatre


Актуализация знаний: Project work


Do the project work. Imagine you visiting the theatre. Fill in the gaps with the right words.

Text 1:

Last summer we went to London. We visited the (1) famous Globe Theatre. It was very (2) fascinating to go there. Sadly, there was no (3) scenery and practically no (4) equipment in the theatre. The decorations were (5) primitive.

(6) At first I thought it would be very (7) boring. But it was really funny.

We watched (8) Romeo and Juliet, the famous (9) play by William Shakespeare. The (10) audience enjoyed the (11) performance and applauded with great delight. I liked the acting very much.

Text 2:

Yesterday my mother and I went to Moscow drama (1) theatre. We had tickets for “Othello”, the famous (2) play by William Shakespeare. (3) At first I didn’t want to see the (4) performance, but (5) in the end I agreed to join my mother.

We came to the theatre and left our coats at the (6) cloakroom. Our seats were in the (7) stalls but I asked for the (8) pair of opera glasses because I wanted to see everything very well. The scenery was (9) fantastic and the (10) actors were great. At the end of the show the (11) audience applauded a lot. I really enjoyed my visit to the theatre. I think I’ll go there again.


Present your work to the class.

Подведение итогов игры


You were very active today and revised the main facts of William Shakespeare and learnt something new. The winner of the game receives ___ scores.



Did you like our game today? Assess your work at the lesson.



You have the homework - to speak about the New Globe Theatre.


Приложение 1. Листы для проектов.




Приложение 2. Подсчет баллов для каждой команды.

Members of the team




1) crossword



2) quiz: questions



3) True or False



4) quiz: choose the correct variant



5) sonnet (listening)



6) project work



Total score


  1. file0.docx (699,1 КБ)
Опубликовано: 13.07.2023