Праздники в России и Великобритании

Автор: Беклемищева Лилия Евгеньевна

Организация: МБОУ «СОШ №18»

Населенный пункт: Тульская область, г.Новомосковск

Возраст участников: учащиеся 6-7 классов

Цель: стимулировать познавательный интерес к изучению английского языка и знакомству с традициями и культурой Великобритании.


  • развитие познавательных процессов: внимания, воображения, памяти, логики, критического мышления, умения анализировать информацию;
  • активизация страноведческого языкового материала по теме “English Year”;
  • формирование смыслового чтения и читательской грамотности.


  • воспитание уважения к традициям родной страны и к традициям и обычаям других народов.


- расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся.

Оборудование: проектор, 2 ложки и 2 деревянных яйца для конкурса, карточки с раздаточным материалов для конкурсов

Ход мероприятия

Ведущий 1: Праздники — это часть культуры любой страны. Для того, чтобы лучше понять другой народ, недостаточно знать только язык этого народа, очень важно познакомиться с его историей и культурой.

Ведущий 2: Безусловно, существуют общие черты, характеризующие ту или иную нацию.

Ведущий 1: They say ‘so many countries, so many customs.’ It’s natural, that different countries have different cultures, different customs and traditions. Each nationality has its own features. For example, the English are said to be very conservative, while the Russian are said to be generous and plain. But, both Russian and British people have much in common.

Ведущий 2: Today we are going to speak about some of the most popular holidays and customs in our country and in the UK.

Ведущий 1: We will not only compare the ways people celebrate them but we are going to take part in some competitions, sing favourite songs and have a lot of fun.

Ведущий 2: So, Both Russia and the United Kingdom are Christian countries, so the main Christian holidays in our countries are the same: Christmas and Easter.

Ведущий 1: The word “Easter” comes from Anglo-Saxon “Eostre”, which is the name of the Goddess of Spring and Dawn. Easter is the major holiday in the Christian world because on this day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

Ведущий 2: The Russian word “Пасха” comes from the Greek “pascha” which comes from the Hebrew “pesakh” meaning Passover. This is a Jewish spring holiday which dates back to the days of the Old Testament.

Ведущий 1: Western Christians celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon .It means that Easter can fall between March 22nd and April 25th. This rule was fixed in the 8th century. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, however, a slightly different calculation is followed. As a result, the Orthodox Easier can fall one, four, or five weeks later.

Ведущий 2: People in Russia and Great Britain colour eggs. Eggs have always been a traditional symbol of resurrection and re-birth.

Ведущий 1: Nowadays Easter eggs in the UK are usually made of chocolate, marzipan, and other types of confectionery. Many households still dye, colour, or decorate genuine hard-boiled eggs. The most traditional colour for dyeing eggs is red.

Ведущий 2: Another popular Easter symbol in Britain is the Easter hare (Easter Bunny). It was believed in Celtic times that the hare chased away the spirit of winter.

Ведущий 1: People in Russia and Great Britain go to church.

Ведущий 2: One of the best known of Easter customs, which has a long history, is Easter parades. They originated with the tradition of buying new clothes for Easter which people wore to church. Egg-rolling is a traditional Easter pastime which still flourishes in Northern England, Scotland. It takes place on Easter Sunday, or Monday, and consists of rolling coloured, hard-boiled eggs down a slope until they are cracked and broken after which they are eaten by their owners. At the beginning of the 20th century we had the same tradition in Russia, but it was lost after the Revolution.

Ведущий 1: Now you will take part in another interesting game. You are to carry an egg in a spoon as quickly as possible.

Команды участвуют в соревновании с яйцом и ложкой, кто быстрее, не уронив яйцо, добежит до назначенного места и вернется обратно.


Ведущий 3: The next holiday which is celebrated in our countries is Mother’s Day. But there are some differences.

Ведущий 4: Your task is to read the information about the holiday and fill in the table noting some common sides and some differences.

Mother's Day in the UK

Mother's Day in Russia

Mother's Day in the UK is one of the oldest holidays in Europe. Mothers Day came to be celebrated in the UK in 17th century as Mothering Sunday

Mothers Day in the UK is celebrated with great excitement but it does not fall on the same date. In the UK, Mother's Day celebrations take place on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent. Since the Lent days are not fixed, the date for Mothers Day changes every year. On this day children give flowers to their mothers to express their love for them. Mothers Day is celebrated in a big way in England. Children pay tribute to their mothers and thank them for all their love and support. Family usually get together, have a holiday party. In UK, there is also a tradition of making a rich almond cake for mothers called 'Mothering Cake' or 'Simnel Cake' on Mothers Day

In Russia, the celebration of Mother’s Day is a new tradition, it was established by the president of the Russian Federation, Boris Eltsin, in 1998.

Unlike other countries, that celebrate mother’s day on the second Sunday of May, in Russia it takes place on the last Sunday of November

You can come visit your mother and also give gifts and flowers for her. On Mother's Day in Russia, all children congratulate their beloved mothers on their holiday, thank for care, love, devotion and patience. Absolutely for every person, mom is the most precious thing in life.

Командам предлагается задание найти сходства и различия в праздновании этих праздников в России и Великобритании (работают с карточками):

common sides in celebrating Mother’s Day

differences in celebrating

Mother’s Day










Ведущий 1: St. Valentine’s Day comes on February 14. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages. Valentine’s Day is a time when people in love express their feelings to those whom they love or adore. Some people give greeting cards, flowers, chocolates, perfumes or jewelry to their admirers or partners while others take their loved ones for a romantic dinner at a restaurant or even propose to get married.

Ведущий 2: Valentine’s Day cards are the most popular gifts. They can be ready-made or hand-made. Also Valentine’s cards can be pink or red-coloured and some of them can be heart-shaped.

Some Russian people celebrate this holiday which is so popular in Great Britain.

We have a task for you: find the couples.

Командам предлагается задание: найти пары


  1. Одиссей и Пенелопа
  2. Тристан и Изольда
  3. Ромео и Джульетта
  4. Адам и Ева
  5. Андрей Болконский и Наташа Ростова
  6. Отелло и Дездемона
  7. Руслан и Людмила
  8. Татьяна Ларина и Евгений Онегин



  1. Цезарь и Клеопатра
  2. Дартаньян и Констанция
  3. Кай и Герда
  4. Ассоль и Грэй
  5. Орфей и Эвридика
  6. Бони и Клайд
  7. Мастер и Маргарита
  8. Дон Кихот и Дульсинея


Ведущий 3: The most favourite holiday in our country and in the UK is Christmas. But there are some differences in the way of celebrating. Let’s revise how British people celebrate Christmas.

Ведущий 4: Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It’s a big Christmas tree and it stands in the Trafalgar Square

Ведущий 3: Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money for charities and sing carols, traditional Christmas songs. Many churches hold a service on the Sunday.

Ведущий 4: The fun starts the night before, on the 24th of December. Traditionally this is the day when people decorate their trees. Children hang stockings at their beds, hoping that Father Christmas will come down the chimney during the night and fill them with toys and sweets.

Ведущий 3: Christmas is a family holiday. All the family usually meet for the big Christmas dinner of turkey and Christmas pudding. And everyone gives and receives presents. The 26th of December, Boxing Day, is an extra holiday after Christmas. Its the time to visit friends and relatives.

Ведущий 4: New Years Day is not such favourable in Britain than Christmas. But in Scotland Hogmanay, New Years Eve is the biggest festival of the year.

Let’s sing the famous song « Jingle Bells»

- исполнение песни « Jingle Bells»

Ведущий 3: Now let’s see who is the best at guessing Christmas riddles

Команды по очереди отгадывают загадки:

  • It falls from the sky. It is white. (snow)
  • This is the coldest season of the year. (winter)
  • He comes at night before Christmas. (Santa Claus)
  • It is lit at Christmas night, It is nice and very bright (a candle)
  • Children usually make me in winter. (a snowman)
  • You can put a toy, an angel, a sweet it. And it will look nice.(Christmas tree)

Ведущий 4: Now , let’s see what words are connected with these holidays. Match the words and the names of the holidays we were talking about

Команды сопоставляют слова с праздниками, к которым они относятся тематически.


snow, candle, stockings

St. Valentine’s Day

greeting cards, a romantic dinner, love

Mother’s Day

love and support, flowers, devotion


egg, colour, rabbit


Ведущий 3: So, you realise that people in Russia and in the UK like to celebrate the same holidays. They like to keep traditions, be close with their families and spend time with their nearest and dearest. Thank you.

Опубликовано: 11.10.2023