Сценарий урока английского языка «Литература. Марк Твен. Том Сойер» (11 класс, УМК Spotlight)

Автор: Агеева Екатерина Анатольевна

Организация: МБОУ «Шахтёрская СШ №22»

Населенный пункт: ДНР, М.О.Шахтёрский, г.Шахтерск

Teacher Katherine Ageeva

English lesson, 11th form

Theme: «Mark Twain. “Tom Sawyer»


Educational: to form skills of reading for specific information (scanning), skills of literary translation, to expand students’ general and philological outlook.

Developing: to develop students’ skills of making dialogues, their skills of analysis, comparison, making conclusions, to support their independent cognitive activity formation.

Bringing-up: to support development of relationship culture while working in pairs and groups, forming of tolerance towards students’ native culture and other people’ culture, development of their aesthetic sense and speech culture.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson

The form of the lesson: «flipped lesson»

Didactical, methodical and technical accompaniment of the lesson: card-set, video recording, slides, audio recording, video recording of the lecture.

Inter – subject connection: IT, Literature, History, Geography, Art.

Methods of teaching: work in small groups, explanation, individual work, involving of the students into analysis, solving of problem tasks, method of staging, work with electronic media.

Distance education. Self – study of the theoretical material at home with the help of the video lecture and the recording of the text on the topic “Mark Twain. “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

The forming of universal educational actions: Communicative actions (competence to hear and to engage in dialogue, to take part in collective discussion of some problems); regulatory actions (targeting, planning, forecasting, correction, rating)




Procedure of the lesson

  1. Organization moment. Greeting

Good afternoon! We have an unusual lesson today. It is based on mixed education technology. It is so - called “flipped lesson”. It means that you were to study all the theoretical material at home. You were to watch my video lecture and to listen to the recording of the text. At first, before we start, let’s wish each other some pleasant words.

  1. Introduction to foreign – language atmosphere. Motivation

It seems you have already guessed what our lesson will be devoted to. Please, refresh in your memory the names of your favorite writers. What writers do you know? SLIDE 3

(Suggested answers: Lermontov. Salinger. O’Henry.)

Please, look at the blackboard. Perhaps you have already mentioned their names. What are their names?

Suggested answers: Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Hugo, London, Hemingway.) SLIDE 4,SLIDE 5

  1. The main part of the lesson

Today we are going to speak about Mark Twain. SLIDE 6

  1. (Quiz)

I offer to answer some questions. The questions of this quiz are connected with Mark Twain’s biography and his main work “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. SLIDE 7. All the necessary material to succeed in this quiz was presented in the video lecture. To give correct answers you should remember some information connected not just with English but also with Literature, Geography and History. SLIDE 8

So, let’s speak about Mark Twain. SLIDE 9 Here is the first question (SLIDE10). What is Mark Twain’s real name? (Tom Jackson, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, Daniel O’Connell)

The next question, please. Slide11 What country is Mark Twain from? SLIDE12 (USA, UK, Canada)

The next one is the third question. Slide13 The most famous Mark Twain’s hero is… SLIDE14 (Mickey Mouse, Peter Pan, Tom Sawyer)

Here is the fourth question. SLIDE15 What river was M.Twain’s life connected with? SLIDE16 (Colorado, Mississippi, Thames)

And the last question SLIDE17 Where did Tom Sawyer live? SLIDE18 (Saint Petersburg, London, New York).

Your answers were excellent. We have answered five questions and have collected five parts of the puzzle. SLIDE19. These five parts mean five words from the title of the story “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

  1. The kaleidoscope of UEA

You have three types of the task. Everybody can choose the task you want to work at. I’d like you to make three groups according to your tasks. Each group has one task. Besides your main task you are to ask each group one question and be ready to answer their questions. SLIDE 20

2.1 Post-Reading Activity (The test of multiple choice).

GROUP (RESEARCHERS) 1 SLIDE 21 Your task is to do Exercise 2, pege 70 from your Student’s Book. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C, D) for the questions 1-6.

  1. How did Tom find his way out of the cave? - D He saw a light at the end of a tunnel.
  2. At first, tom couldn’t convince Becky to follow him out of the cave because she - В had lost all hope.
  3. The first people that Tom and Becky saw when they emerged were surprised that - В they had travelled so far from the mouth of the cave.
  4. Which of the following is NOT true about Tom and Becky during the week after the escape? – D They had both made a full recovery by Sunday.
  5. Tom didn’t tell Huckleberry Finn about his adventure at first because – B hi wasn’t allowed to visit him.
  6. Judge Thatcher threw water in Tom’s face to - D help him to recover from shock.

2.2 Word Study, Reading-Translation. GROUP (TRANSLATORS) 2 SLIDE 23 Your task is to do Exercise 3, page 71 in your Student’s Books. Match the words in bold to their meaning and explain their meaning (you can use your dictionaries). Read and translate the sentences with these words.

Stretch-extent 3

Glimpsed- caught sight of 10

Laboured- struggled 9

Hailed- called 6

Rowed- took by boat 5

Tracked out- found 1

Admitted- let in 2

Drowned- pushed under water and died 8

Fetch- bring 4

Strung – hang 7

1.Tom lay upon a sofa with an eager audience about him and told the story of the wonderful adventure, putting in many striking additions; and closed with a description of how he left Becky and went on an exploring expedition; how he followed a third to the fullest stretch of the kite-line, and was about to turn back when he glimpsed a far-off speck that looked like daylight.

Том лежал на диване, окруженный внимательными слушателями, и рассказывал им о своих удивительных приключениях, безбожно приукрашая их самыми невероятными выдумками. Наконец он рассказал, как оставил Бекки и ушел отыскивать выход; как он прошел две галереи, насколько у него хватило бечевки; как он свернул в третью, натягивая бечевку до отказа, и хотел уже повернуть обратно, как далеко впереди блеснуло что-то похожее на дневной свет.

2.He described how he laboured with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them the situation.

Он рассказал, как уговаривал и убеждал ее и как она чуть не умерла от радости, добравшись до того места, откуда было видно голубое пятнышко света; как он выбрался из дыры и помог выбраться Бекки; как они сидели на берегу и плакали от радости; как мимо проезжали какие-то люди в челноке и Том окликнул их и сказал, что они только что из пещеры и умирают с голоду.

3.They said, “you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in”-then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark, and then brought them home.

Ему сначала не поверили, сказали, что «пещера находится пятью милями выше по реке», а потом взяли их в лодку, причалили к какому-то дому, накормили их ужином, уложили отдыхать часа на два — на три, а после наступления темноты отвезли домой.

4.Before sunrise, Judge Thatcher and the handful of searchers with him were tracked out, in the cave, by the twine clews they had strung behind them, and informed of the great news.

Перед рассветом судью Тэтчера с горсточкой его помощников разыскали в пещере по бечевке, которая тянулась за ними, и сообщили им радостную новость.

5.Tom learned of Huck’s sickness and went to see him on Friday, but could not be admitted to the bedroom; neither could he on Saturday or Sunday.

Том, узнав о болезни Гека, зашел навестить его в пятницу, но в спальню его не пустили; в субботу и в воскресенье он тоже не мог к нему попасть.

6.At home Tom learned of the Cardiff Hill event; also that the man’s body had eventually been found in the river near the ferry-landing; he had drowned while trying to escape, perhaps.

Fetch a glass of water!


Дома он узнал о событии на Кардифской горе, а также о том, что тело «оборванца» в конце концов выловили из реки около перевоза; должно быть, он утонул, спасаясь бегством.

Принесите стакан воды!


Relaxation. Video recording with physical jerks. It’s high time to have a rest. Repeat what you see on in this video extract. SLIDE 25

2.3 Theatrical performance

GROUP (ACTORS) 3 SLIDE 26, SLIDE 27, SLIDE 28 This task is a creative one. You are to make a dialogue between the members of the actions described in the text. The following questions may be useful for you.

Becky. I cannot stand it any more! I have lost my hope! It seems I’ll never see my house!

Tom Sawyer. I have found the way! Becky, be calm! Everything will be OK.

Red Indian Joe (the murderer). Where are they? Now I’ll find you! Come to me and I’ll not kill you.

The man in a boat (1). The cave is so far from here! What happened to you? How did you find the way?

The man in a boat (2). Are you hungry? Where do you live? How can we help you?


2.4 Skimming of the extract of the film (in English) . Commenting.

I offer you to watch the part of the movie “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”. It shows how the creators see these events. What would you like the best? Why?

Questions for the discussion SLIDE 30, SLIDE 31

  • What was the dialogue about?
  • Were the film and the dialogue the same?
  • What characters could you see in the dialogue?
  • What characters could you see in the film?
  • What forms of presentation of the story do you know?
  • What emotions did Tom feel?
  • What emotions did Becky feel?
  • Who is the smartest hero in this extract?
  • What did you like (film, dialogue, story)?
  • Think of another end of the story.


  1. The final part of the lesson

Reflection. After looking at the slide, how could you answer the following questions and rate your work during the lesson? SLIDE 33 (2 questions)

What subjects was our lesson connected with?

What new information did you discover?

How can we use this information?


Home task. Write a plan to the text “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” on pages 70, 71. Make a story according to your plan. Write a composition “Tom Sawyer as I See Him”. You can choose between these tasks . SLIDE 34

Commenting and rating.




  1. Английский язык. 11 класс: учеб.для общеобразоват.учреждений/[О.В.Афанасьева, Дж.Дули, И.В.Михеева и др.].2-е изд., доп.и перераб. - М.: Eхpress Publishing: Просвещение, 2022.-244с.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oXwHLmgmjQ
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeBsYfA-E44





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Опубликовано: 15.10.2023